Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 273 Please Be Our Patriarch

Chapter 273 Please Be Our Patriarch (2)
The villagers stepped back a little bit, and looked at Feng Qianyun worriedly. After all, Feng Qianyun was now fighting against Gao Yaoxiang and his group for them. After all, Feng Qianyun's safety was related to their survival. If you can't stop this group of people, there is really no hope for their village...

However, the opponent is a master who can smash a huge boulder with one punch, can this little girl Feng Qianyun really do it?Will it be dangerous?

Gao Yaoxiang already had someone carry him far away to avoid being affected, not to mention Feng Qianyun, Gao Yaoxiang knows Fei Yongkang well, once he gets mad, it's not a joke, he doesn't want to suffer from this Unjustly injured.

"Pick me up a little further. If Fei Yongkang uses all his strength, he will be dangerous within ten meters!" Gao Yaoxiang still felt that he was not carried far enough, so he was carried back four or five meters.

"Manager Gao, is that an exaggeration? We are all so far away from them, and neither of them has any weapons." A member of the construction team who came with Gao Yaoxiang asked Gao Yaoxiang.

"What do you know? Didn't you see the rock that Fei Yongkang smashed just now? If he went crazy, the lethality would be comparable to a shot from a rifle. Just wait and see, and see how that strange girl was killed." He is crazy about K." Gao Yaoxiang is very confident in Fei Yongkang he invited.

Everyone retreated, and the duel between Feng Qianyun and Fei Yongkang began.

Fei Yongkang's face was full of confidence. He had just set up his posture and planned to show his strength. Suddenly, Feng Qianyun, who was three meters in front of him, suddenly disappeared. The next second, he suffered a severe blow to his abdomen!
His whole body flew out, and the direction of flying out was exactly where Gao Yaoxiang was.

"Quickly move back, quickly move away!" Seeing an object flying towards him, Gao Yaoxiang yelled hastily, the people who were carrying him didn't care about him, they had already abandoned him and ran away!

Fei Yongkang smashed at Gao Yaoxiang, who was already seriously injured, and the two of them were smashed like two balls of meatloaf, as miserable as they were, and as embarrassing as they were.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Fei Yongkang coughed up blood, and the punch in the abdomen hurt him badly.

He was a majestic middle-level master of the Xuan class, but he was instantly killed by someone!And he didn't even see how the opponent made a move!There is no strength to fight back at all!

What an international joke!
What happened to this world!
Han Mojue shook his head regretfully, is the opponent really too weak?Let him not even have the chance to see what kind of strength the little daughter-in-law has reached!
The jaws of the villagers all fell to the ground... The man who smashed a boulder into pieces with one fist was blown away by Feng Qianyun!

Everyone looked at Feng Qianyun with strange eyes, this little she a little too strong?

Yi Che looked at Feng Qianyun with deep eyes, this girl... who the hell is she?

The much-anticipated Feng Qianyun stretched her waist, and she walked in front of Fei Yongkang, "Your [-]th place on the ranking list is now mine. As for your life, I don't care about it. You can keep it for yourself." .”

Fei Yongkang now looked at Feng Qianyun with something called panic in his eyes, "Who the hell are you? How can it be possible that you haven't appeared on the ranking list until now!"

"This question..." Feng Qianyun bit her finger and thought about it seriously, "Sorry, I just started practicing recently..."

"Pfft..." A mouthful of blood that was still in Fei Yongkang's chest was spurted out.

Just started practicing recently?

What a freak!So violent!

Feng Qianyun shrugged, she was telling the truth.

"You guys, don't look, I'm talking about you." Feng Qianyun's gaze pointed to the construction team members in orange clothes. "Do you want to learn from them?"

"No, I don't want to, I don't want to!" They still want to live a good life, at worst they won't do this job, if they become disabled, it will be a lifetime thing!
"Then take the two of them back! By the way, go back and tell the boss of your company. If you think about it again, just wait for the company to close down or he himself to resign. If what I said has any meaning, I welcome him at any time." Come talk to me."

Feng Qianyun said lazily.

"Yes, yes, we will definitely bring your words to you!" How dare they say no, anyway, they are just people who get paid to work, and if the project is abolished, they have other jobs, so there is no need to annoy this freak in front of them!

"Then what are you doing in a daze, take it away, it's quite an eyesore."

"Yes, yes..." He hurriedly lifted the man and fled in a hurry.

As soon as Gao Yaoxiang and his group left, the villagers all came forward in panic.

"Miss Feng, thank you so much, we don't even know how to express our gratitude to you in words!" The old man Yi Xin of the clan expressed his deep gratitude to Feng Qianyun on behalf of the clan Feelings.

"Yes, Miss Feng, we are so grateful to you!"

"Miss Feng, you are too powerful!"

"Miss Feng's great kindness and virtue, our Yi clan will remember it in our hearts!"

"..." Everyone expressed their gratitude and admiration to Feng Qianyun.

Yi Che is the same, he has indescribable gratitude to Feng Qianyun, "Yes, Yunyun, I didn't expect you to be young, but your strength is astonishing, not only your medical skills are superb, but also your cultivation base is extraordinary."

It was the first time in Yi Che's life that he convinced someone.

Hearing that Feng Qianyun has excellent medical skills, the old man Yi Xin asked in surprise, "Why, does Miss Feng also have medical skills?" Herbalists and doctors have many things in common. Without an understanding of medicine, one cannot be a good doctor. One cannot be a good herbalist without a good understanding of medical principles.

"Grandpa Xin, there is one thing I don't think I can hide from everyone." Yi Che intends to tell the truth. There is no point in deceiving him like this. After Feng Qianyun leaves, he will still be exposed sooner or later. The one who healed was Yunyun, not me. Regarding the Plum Blossom Needle, I am sorry that I have never seen the book "Plum Blossom Needle". This book has been lost in my grandfather's hands. I am willing to accept Punishment, no matter if it means removing me as patriarch, punishing me to face the wall, or any other punishment, I will accept it."

"What did you say?" Mr. Yi Xin was extremely surprised. He was even more surprised than when he saw Feng Qianyun beat Fei Yongkang away just now, "This is impossible! The one who saved Mengmeng must be the Plum Blossom Needle , can't be wrong!"

Yi Xin is currently the oldest and the most senior member of the Yi clan. He is two years older than Yi Che's deceased grandfather. Although he has never studied the Plum Blossom Needle, he has a little understanding of it.

(End of this chapter)

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