Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 274 Please Be Our Patriarch

Chapter 274 Please Be Our Patriarch (3)
He checked Mengmeng after the treatment, and he was sure that the Plum Blossom Needle saved Mengmeng.

Mr. Yi Xin's words once again aroused Yi Che's suspicion. When he saw Feng Qianyun treating Mengmeng, Yi Che suspected that Feng Qianyun used the lost plum blossom needle of their family, but at that time it was Feng Qianyun denied it, and now that Mr. Yi Xin is here, I am afraid that this matter will have to be re-examined!
Not only Mr. Yi Xin and Yi Che, but other clansmen also stared at Feng Qianyun after hearing the words.

Plum Blossom Acupuncture is an acupuncture method that their Yi clan will never pass on to the public except for the patriarch. Why would Feng Qianyun, an outsider, know about it?

"Miss Feng, tell me honestly, why are you proficient in the Plum Blossom Needle?" Yi Xin asked Feng Qianyun a little nervously, if the "Plum Blossom Needle" has been lost as Yi Che said, then there are two possibilities, First, Feng Qianyun was the one who stole the Plum Blossom Needle, or the lost book of Plum Blossom Needle was found in Feng Qianyun's hands after several twists and turns; Needle” still has the second Plum Blossom Needle.

"Could it be you who stole it?" Yi Lan asked suspiciously.

"Xiao Lan, don't talk nonsense. It's been more than ten years since I lost the "Plum Blossom Needle". Yun Yun is only in her teens this year. She wasn't even born at that time. Don't talk nonsense." Yi Che patted his sister Yi Lan's face. Hand, tell her not to say such things, Feng Qianyun is not such a person, she just helped their family solve the big crisis, so she shouldn't question her benefactor casually.

Yi Lan shut up.

"Miss Feng, the "Plum Blossom Needle" is very important to our Yi family, and I hope you can answer us truthfully." Mr. Yi Xin's tone was pleading, which shows that "Plum Blossom Needle" is very important to them. is really important.

"I've read the book "The Plum Blossom Needle". As for where I read it, I'm sorry that I can't tell you because I respect other people's privacy." Feng Qianyun couldn't casually mention the strange old man.

"If it's not a guilty conscience, there is nothing to hide, Yunyun, you also know that this is related to the important matters of our Yi clan, and I hope you can confess." Yi Lan seriously asked Feng Qianyun to tell everything All come out of the tray.

Because Xue Yunran was injured yesterday, she has been standing silently in the crowd today. Hearing Yi Lan's words, she couldn't help arguing for Feng Qianyun, "Miss Yi is wrong, the person who lost the "Plum Blossom Needle" is You and Yi Che's grandfather, the responsibility lies on your grandfather and not on Yunyun, she has no obligation to help you hunt down the whereabouts and loss process of the "Plum Blossom Needle".

Xue Yunran's words blocked Yi Lan so much that she had no room to retaliate.

After hearing the words, the clan members also knew that this matter was their own affair, Feng Qianyun was an outsider, no matter how she learned the Plum Blossom Needle, as long as she didn't steal the Plum Blossom Needle, they have no right to pursue her.

But...according to the rules of the clan, the patriarch needs to know the Plum Blossom Needle, but until now, the Plum Blossom Needle has been lost...

The people of their clan mainly study herbal medicine, and they are not able to treat diseases well if they are only proficient in herbal medicine. Therefore, the Plum Blossom Needle is an indispensable skill that their clan needs to master.

Once the Plum Blossom Needle is lost, it is tantamount to breaking the backbone of their clan. It’s not just that they can’t stand up, it will be fatal. For example, the practice of some new medicines requires the help of the patriarch and the Plum Blossom Needle to accurately test. results.

Without the Plum Blossom Magic Needle, their Yi clan wouldn't be considered the Yi clan.

A few elders in the clan were worried, you looked at me, I looked at you, but they didn't think of a good solution. The bad news came so suddenly that they were a little caught off guard, although they had suspected Yi Che before. There is no "Plum Blossom Needle" at all, but the Mengmeng incident has reassured them, and now they are told that the person who used the Plum Blossom Needle is not from their Yi clan, which is tantamount to a bolt from the blue .

"Patriarch, regarding the loss of the "Plum Blossom Needle", I think our clan will hold a meeting." Mr. Yi Xin is the oldest person in the clan and has the most right to speak at this time.

Yi Che nodded, no matter what kind of punishment he was about to face, he would gladly accept it.

"Miss Feng, can I implore you not to leave yet, we want to hold a meeting, and you know our current situation, because the Plum Blossom God is really important to us, and you are currently the only one who has mastered the Plum Blossom God." Needle, and may be the only one in the world." Yi Xin said to Feng Qianyun in a pleading tone.

Feng Qianyun nodded, and also understood the difficulty of the Yi clan.

Feng Qianyun nodded in agreement, and Yi Xin and other clansmen went to the largest room in their village to discuss the matter at hand.

Seeing the members of the Yi clan leave, only Feng Qianyun, Han Mojue and Xue Yunran were left behind.

"Little daughter-in-law, I think they are very miserable. Now you are the only one who knows the magic plum blossom needle. They must want you to give them the magic plum blossom needle, but they can't use force on you, because you They have all seen their abilities." Han Mojue said with some sympathy, "Although I don't like Yi Che, the king of destruction, I think he is pretty good, at least his dedication to medical skills is worthy of recognition. If his grandfather is punished for his mistakes, I feel a little bit for him."

"Don't forget that he has a younger sister, aren't you worried that she will be punished as well?" Feng Qianyun deliberately teased Han Mojue, she thought that Han Mojue's incomprehensible appearance was showing favor to other girls Turning a blind eye and wasting the other party's infatuation in vain.

"Little daughter-in-law, I will be angry if you bring me together with other women again!" Han Mojue scowled.

"Then what about your girlfriends?" He said this himself, and it has nothing to do with her!Feng Qianyun smiled playfully.

"There are too many friends, I don't remember." Han Mojue replied with a guilty conscience, he never had any friends.Feng Qianyun knew this, Yu Chixiu knew it, even Ouyang Zhimin and Shang Xiaoye knew it.

In contrast, Xue Yunran was concerned about another issue, "Yunyun, what kind of result do you think they will discuss? I think according to their attitude just now, it is inevitable to win the Plum Blossom Magic Needle."

This is indeed a problem. If someone else in the clan has mastered the Plum Blossom Needle, it will be easy to deal with. Yi Che's status as the patriarch will be removed, and that person will be replaced. However, Feng Qianyun is an outsider, with the Yi clan If it wasn't for Han Mojue sending Feng Qianyun over this time, the Yi family might not even know that there is another person in this world who is not surnamed Yi who has mastered this acupuncture technique.

"It's useless for us to guess, just wait, there should be a result soon." Feng Qianyun said with a light smile, people from the Yi clan should not let them wait for too long.

"En." Xue Yunran nodded in agreement with Feng Qianyun's statement. Indeed, even if they quarreled about such an imminent matter, they had to come to a conclusion immediately, otherwise they would have nothing to do when Yunyun left.

Sure enough, after Feng Qianyun and the others waited for about half an hour, all members of the Yi clan came back.

"Miss Feng, I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Yi Xin respectfully apologized to Feng Qianyun.

"It's okay, I don't know how Mr. Yi discussed with everyone?" Feng Qianyun looked at the people who came, and found that Yi Che and Yi Lan were missing, and she might be punished...

Suddenly, the old Mr. Yi Xin knelt down in front of Feng Qianyun, "I implore Miss Feng to be the patriarch of our Yi clan, and save our Yi clan from danger!"

Yi Xin knelt down, and the rest of the Yi clan also knelt down one after another.

"Please ask Miss Feng to be our patriarch!"

This is the result of discussions among the members of the Yi clan, and they made Feng Qianyun their patriarch.

Although Feng Qianyun is an outsider, it is a fact that she has mastered the Plum Blossom Needle. Although Feng Qianyun is not a person with the surname Yi, she just saved them and helped them protect their homeland.

After comprehensive consideration, letting Feng Qianyun be their patriarch is the best result for their Yi clan.

Facing the one kneeling on the ground, men, women and children, most of them were above Feng Qianyun.

"Mr. Yi, please don't do this, you are an elder, don't let me down."

"Please Miss Feng agree to our request, otherwise we will kneel here and cannot get up." Yi Xin's attitude was very firm, and Feng Qianyun would only give up if she nodded in agreement.

Feng Qianyun was a little helpless, she could understand the decision they made for the Plum Blossom Needle, but... let her be the patriarch of their clan, that would be exempt, she didn't want to stay here, she still has a lot Other important things to do.

I heard that all members of the Yi clan will stay here for the rest of their lives and cannot leave.

"I'm sorry Mr. Yi, I can't agree to your request, because I have other things that must be done." Feng Qianyun politely declined.

"Miss Feng, if you have other things to do, we will not stop you, because our Yi clan only stipulates that members of the clan are not allowed to go out casually, but the patriarch does not have such a rule. Our patriarch can leave here regularly. The outside world treats diseases and saves lives and obtains information." Yi Xin said again.

In other words, if Feng Qianyun agrees to be their patriarch, there will be no restrictions on leaving this place at will.

(End of this chapter)

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