Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 275 This chapter is really stimulated

Chapter 275 I Was Really Stimulated This Time (1)
The Yi clan looked at Feng Qianyun eagerly, and their desire for her to be their patriarch was as strong as a raging fire, which could not be stopped.

I've heard of being forced to go to work or to be taken in a car. Since when did "being the patriarch" add another item to the generation of quilts?

"Little daughter-in-law, just admit it. I think if you don't agree to them today, they won't let you go." Han Mojue persuaded Feng Qianyun to agree to it, since she became a member of the Yi clan anyway. The patriarch will not be harmful to her, and there may be benefits.

"That's right, Miss Feng, you just agree!" The members of the Yi clan said in unison.

"Yunyun, I also think it's better if you agree. The old people have said so, and for them, you are the only person who knows the magic needle of plum blossoms, and you are the most suitable candidate at present." Even Xue Yunran also persuaded Feng Qian Yun agreed to be the patriarch of the Yi clan.

The hospitality is hard to come by, Feng Qianyun also considered Yi Che and Yi Lan's brothers and sisters, "Okay, I promise to be your patriarch, and let you pass on the Plum Blossom Needle."

The people of the Wenyan clan were very happy, and they kowtowed to Feng Qianyun, the newly appointed patriarch, "Meet the patriarch!"

This is the first time in the history of the Yi clan that a foreigner has become the patriarch.

"As the patriarch, do you have the right to decide the punishment for the clansman?" Feng Qianyun asked.

"Not bad." Yi Xin replied.

"As for brother Yi Che and sister Yi Lan, let's leave it at that. The person who lost the Plum Blossom Needle is their grandfather and has nothing to do with them." Feng Qianyun's first order after she became the patriarch of the Yi clan was It was because Yi Che and Yi Lan were exempted from the punishment, and the matter had nothing to do with the two of them.

"This..." Yi Xin hesitated for a moment. In fact, he didn't want to punish Yi Che and Yi Lan. Now that Feng Qianyun, the new patriarch, spoke up, let's revoke the punishment for the two of them." Since it was the patriarch who spoke up, let's revoke the punishment for them!"

Feng Qianyun also intends to teach Yi Che the Plum Blossom Magic Needle, and then let him return to the position of patriarch in a legitimate way. Feng Qianyun has no interest in being the patriarch of the Yi clan.

Yi Che and Yi Lan were sent to a room in the village after the meeting of the Yi clan, and they were both locked up, but not long after, the door was opened again, and Feng Qianyun and Yi Xin left Come in.

Yi Xin announced to the two, "Yi Che, Yi Lan, you don't need to be punished anymore, the patriarch said that you will be exempted from punishment."

The patriarch Yi Xin refers to is of course Feng Qianyun who is beside him, and the patriarch Yi Che has become a thing of the past.

"Thank you." Yi Che sincerely thanked Feng Qianyun.

However, Yi Lan was not in such a good mood anymore, she felt aggrieved, "My brother and I are so kind to you, how could you come to grab my brother's position as patriarch?"

There were tears in Yi Lan's eyes, she felt so wronged, isn't she a good friend of Han Mojue, Mr. Han is such a good person, why did she come to grab her brother's position as patriarch?so despicable...

"Xiao Lan, this matter is not Yunyun's fault, you..." Yi Che originally wanted to persuade Yi Lan, but Yi Lan didn't even finish her sentence, so she ran out crying.

Yi Che had no choice but to apologize to Feng Qianyun on behalf of Yi Lan, "I'm sorry Yunyun, a lot happened these two days, she's not in a good mood, give her some time and she will figure it out."

Feng Qianyun smiled indifferently, "It's okay, I don't ask everyone to look at me pleasingly."

Feng Qianyun can't say that she can take a boat in her stomach, but at least she doesn't have such a chicken belly.

"Yi Che, I'm leaving here in the next two days. You can go with me when the time comes. I want to pass on the Plum Blossom Magic Needle to you. After all, it's more appropriate for the patriarch to be a member of your clan." Feng Qian Yun said with a smile.

Yi Che was flattered when he heard Feng Qianyun's words, "Yunyun, are you serious, are you really willing to pass on the Plum Blossom Needle to me?" Yi Che had great regrets in his heart, and it must be a lie to say that he didn't want to retrieve the Plum Blossom Magic Needle again.

Feng Qianyun nodded, and gave Yi Che a reassurance, "That's right, but because I can't stay here for long, I'm going to trouble you to leave here with me. After you finish your training, you will be the patriarch again when you come back here." .”

Yi Che didn't know how to say thank you to Feng Qianyun. Not only did she agree to pass on the Plum Blossom Needle to him, but she also planned to hand over the position of patriarch to him again... With such a great kindness, he was afraid that he would There is no way to repay her in my life.

Feng Qianyun asked Mr. Yi Xin again, "Mr. Yi, if I want to take Yi Che out of here, can I?"

The clansmen can't leave here casually, but she, the patriarch, can, so as the patriarch, it should be okay for her to take the clansmen out together, right?

Yi Xin nodded, "Of course it is possible. I have thanked the patriarch on behalf of the Yi clan here!" Yi Xin was also very surprised when she heard Feng Qianyun's words just now, and she was willing to teach the Yi clan to learn the Plum Blossom Magic Needle , that is of course the best!
It was Gao Yaoxiang's first time to work and was beaten up. It can be said that he did not expect the other party to be such a violent and brutal villager. What about the second time?They already knew that the other party was a violent household, and they had already made preparations. What happened?It was still carried back.

When Wang Xiaogang left the hospital yesterday, at least Gao Yaoxiang was still awake, but he is fine now, he is half dead, and he still hasn’t woken up yet. What bad luck he pays!

Wang Xiaogang was completely disappointed with Gao Yaoxiang this time, he talked better than anyone else, but in the end he didn't achieve any results!

Wang Xiaogang was furious looking at the unconscious Gao Yaoxiang, if firing him now would not have a good impact on the company, he would have fired Gao Yaoxiang right away!

"Above your heart, fly free..."

The familiar bell rang, and Wang Xiaogang saw that it was his female secretary calling, "What's the matter, didn't I tell you when I came out, don't call me if there is nothing important today, I have enough headaches here gone."

"Boss, someone came to see you. I told them that you are not in the company today because of something, but they refused to leave anyway." Mo Jue.

She is threatening people now!
Han Mojue raised his two paws, as if if you dare not do what they say, I will show you the XX Dragon Claw's hand, forcing the female secretary to call her boss Wang Xiaogang.

"If you can't leave, call the security guards to drive them away. What do you want them to do?" Wang Xiaogang said impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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