Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 276 This chapter is really stimulated

Chapter 276 I Was Really Stimulated This Time (2)
"Boss, I'm afraid it won't work, and the security guards won't be able to drive them away..." The female secretary glanced at the security guards who were trapped in the corner of the room. Their hands and feet were bound and their mouths were also gagged. These people were obviously robbers. !

Especially the little girl who took the lead!
The female secretary glanced at Feng Qianyun who was sitting at Wang Xiaogang's desk licking strawberry ice cream with some fear. Seeing her lively and cute appearance, she looked like a little angel. How could she be so scary when she did things?

Feng Qianyun prefers the straightforward method, she will not leave today unless she sees Wang Xiaogang.

"What? Can't even the security guards chase him away?" Wang Xiaogang's voice rose an octave.

"Yes, boss, they said they came to talk to you about the resort..." The female secretary thought, no wonder Manager Gao was beaten up like this by them, they turned out to be a group of terrifying savages!
Hearing about the resort, Wang Xiaogang felt a headache. What happened? Did they come to the door?If I had known this, I might as well start working in another place!

"I see, you let them listen to the phone." After all, Wang Xiaogang is the boss of a company, and he still has this calmness when encountering things.

The female secretary handed the phone to Han Mojue with some fear, and Han Mojue answered, "Boss Wang, right? I hope we can talk face to face about the resort."

"Who are you?" Wang Xiaogang's first reaction was that he wanted to know what kind of person he was going to negotiate with. After all, his employees were seriously injured and lying on the bed. He always wanted to ask for an explanation for them. It doesn't matter whether he is satisfied with Gao Yaoxiang or not.

"You don't care who I am, you just have to come here obediently, otherwise I'll enjoy your beautiful secretary for you." Han Mojue said lustfully.

Wang Xiaogang's face changed again when he heard the words, his female secretary is also his mistress, now that others are so clearly saying that they want to play with his woman, this really makes him play, where should he put his face?
"I'll be there in 10 minutes." After Wang Xiaogang finished speaking, he hung up the phone and stopped caring about Gao Yaoxiang who was lying on the hospital bed. He hurriedly went to the parking lot to pick up his car and rushed back to the company.

After Wang Xiaogang arrived at the company, the places of other employees downstairs were safe and sound, as if nothing had happened. Wang Xiaogang was wondering if he should not be fooled. When he arrived at his office floor on the fourth floor, he did not see him when he got out of the elevator. The original security guard knew that something happened on his side.

As soon as Wang Xiaogang walked to the door of his own office, the door of the office was opened.

Han Mojue greeted Wang Xiaogang's return with a smile inside the door, "Are you the boss of this company?"

"That's right, who are you?" Seeing Han Mojue, Wang Xiaogang was surprised. He thought that since the other party was from that village, he should be a very savage and rude person, but when he saw Han Mojue, he was gentle and gentle. With a suit and tie, he looks like a social elite rather than a rough man.

"I'm the one who talked to you just now, come in, the person who wants to talk to you is inside." Han Mojue stepped aside to let Wang Xiaogang in.

Hearing what Han Mojue said, Wang Xiaogang immediately knew that Wang Xiaogang was not the leader of the trouble, and the leader was still waiting for him inside.

When Wang Xiaogang came in, he saw his company's security was tied up, and his female secretary was looking at him for help in fear.

Apart from his female secretary and security guard, there was only one person left in the office - Feng Qianyun sitting on his office chair and licking ice cream!
what's the situation?
Wang Xiaogang was a little confused.

"Don't look, I'm the one looking for you." Feng Qianyun finally finished eating the ice cream in her hand, threw the outer package into the trash can, and said while sitting leisurely on the comfortable office chair, "About the plans for the resort, I hope you can change the place, where the villagers will not move, and you will not be able to provide them with other places to live that will satisfy them."

Feng Qianyun did not use a tone of discussion, but a tone of order.

Such a tough attitude made Wang Xiaogang very depressed. When will it be a little girl's turn to order him to come?

"Who are you? I probably know your methods, but don't forget, we follow the law. I haven't settled with you for injuring my company's employees. You broke into our company again today, kidnapping and threatening , I can sue you for every crime in it."

"Prosecute?" Feng Qianyun smiled gracefully, without being intimidated by Wang Xiaogang at all, "Okay, then you go to sue and see if it's your company boss's extramarital affairs that attract people's attention, or your company's forced demolition method Is it more eye-catching? Oh, I forgot to remind you. Your good employee who entered the hospital led people to smash and demolish the village. The village has not recovered yet. Do you want someone to be firm? I don’t know how to count such acts of violence?”

As soon as Wang Xiao heard the words, he knew that bastard Gao Yaoxiang had lied to him, how many times he had told him, he still made such a mistake, even if he was going to do something shameful, he had to remember to wipe his butt clean!
This time Wang Xiaogang was considered dumb and couldn't tell if he was suffering from Coptis chinensis.

"Listen, I'm not discussing with you now, but you have to do this, or you will be responsible for the consequences. As for the specific consequences, look over there, that's the best sign." , she raised her eyes coldly, her words and eyes actually made Wang Xiaogang, who has seen a lot of great things in the world, shudder, and he couldn't help but believe what she said, and believe that she would do what she said.

Wang Xiaogang's complexion became more and more ugly. Who can maintain a good complexion when facing threats from others?
"Since you're a businessman, I'll settle an account for you. You can move to another place to carry out your project safely. Although this choice will be a little worse, the project will go smoothly. If you stick to the current In this way, you have come up with a bunch of tricks, find someone to sabotage and put pressure everywhere, and you may win in the end, but your loss will be even greater." Feng Qianyun told Wang Xiaogang very clearly, taking a step back, even if he can Even if she managed to drive the Yi clan out of there, she would not let their project go on peacefully.

Wang Xiaogang is here to make money, not to cause trouble, forget it, let's put up with this matter, it's not good for anyone to make trouble!
When encountering someone like Feng Qianyun who doesn't follow the rules, Wang Xiaogang really has no choice.

"Okay, I can agree to your request, but you must promise not to make trouble again." If they come to his company every day to make trouble, it will not be good, and it will affect the morale of the company.

Wang Xiaogang's character is not very fond of causing trouble, and he will compromise if he can.

Feng Qianyun smiled satisfied, "Since you agree, then your secretary and security will be returned to you." Feng Qianyun is not interested in participating in other people's extramarital affairs. Such a beautiful female secretary is kept by her side. This Wang Xiaogang really knows how to enjoy himself.

Feng Qianyun had completed her purpose of coming and was about to leave when she bumped into an acquaintance at the door of the office.

The person who came was Hong Meifang. As a director and important person of Yuchi Group, he came to Dadonghai Real Estate Company today to find Wang Xiaogang. Who would have thought that he would meet Feng Qianyun here.

"Miss Feng, why is it you?" Hong Meifang was surprised and delighted.

"Mr. Hong, I didn't expect to meet you by such a coincidence." Feng Qianyun knew Hong Meifang's identity, so she wasn't too surprised that Hong Meifang appeared here.

"Yeah, what a coincidence, I haven't had a chance to see you since the last time." Hong Meifang said with some emotion, if there was no Feng Qianyun that time, he would have become nothing now, "This The world is really small, and I have met you, Miss Feng again, in a different place."

Wang Xiaogang was dumbfounded again when he saw Hong Meifang and Feng Qianyun's familiar appearance.

"Mr. Hong, do you know her?" Wang Xiaogang didn't understand how the major shareholder of the group could have anything to do with this female "bandit".

"Yes, I know her. Speaking of which, she is also a major shareholder of our Yuchi Group. She has more shares in Yuchi Group than I do!" Hong Meifang gave Feng Qianyun half of his own shares, and later heard Yuchixiong mentioned that [-]% of the shares were transferred to Feng Qianyun's name, so Hong Meifang was one of the few people who knew that Feng Qianyun was the major shareholder of Yuchi Group.

She is the major shareholder of Yuchi Group?And the shares are more than Hong Meifang's?

Wang Xiaogang was really stimulated this time. Was the person who threatened him for a long time or his behind-the-scenes boss?

Oh shit!

Then why didn't she say it earlier? Did he dare to say no if she said it earlier?What are you doing with so many detours?
Wang Xiaogang was crying in his heart, how could he have thought that a little girl like her would be the major shareholder of Yuchi Group if she didn't say anything?

Hong Meifang looked at Wang Xiaogang's surprised look, and laughed, "Don't be surprised, don't think that Miss Feng is quite young, she has great abilities, and she really shouldn't be underestimated!"

Whether she is very capable or not, don't you know by looking at his current situation?Wang Xiaogang thought bitterly.

Wang Xiaogang had bitter tears in his eyes, and really wanted to cry.

Hong Meifang was full of joy at seeing Feng Qianyun just now, and only then did he notice the abnormal situation in the office. What's going on? Why are all these people dressed as security guards tied up?

Hong Meifang looked at Wang Xiaogang and Feng Qianyun suspiciously, trying to find out the answer.

Feng Qianyun smiled, "I think Boss Wang will give you a satisfactory answer to this matter. I still have things to do first."

Wang Xiaogang smiled wryly. She is too bad. He knew that he would not be able to sue her again after knowing her identity. Seeing Hong Meifang's appearance, he even admired her. Even if he wanted to discredit her, he would No way?
He couldn't tell the truth, so he had to make up a plausible story for Hong Meifang to listen to!

Wang Xiaogang's brows were almost knotted, and he hated Gao Yaoxiang to death in his heart. He was all to blame for causing him such a troublesome person. If he met this little girl in front of him again in the future, he would run away when he saw the end of the street!
(End of this chapter)

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