Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 277 A low-key chapter return, high-profile work

Chapter 277 Low-key return, high-key work (1)
Feng Qianyun is back!

When they went there, Han Mojue and Xue Yunran sent Feng Qianyun there. When they came back, Feng Qianyun recovered and brought another man—Yi Che back, but Xue Yunran did not come back.

Before leaving, Feng Qianyun knew that Xue Yunran had missed the time to go abroad, because she was worried about her, so she kept procrastinating. Now that she is completely recovered, he will hurry to report to his foreign school, so there is no He came back with Feng Qianyun and the others, and went abroad directly from there. As for the salute, he asked his father Xue Yisen to mail it abroad for him.

Seeing Feng Qianyun coming back, Shang Xiaoye jumped up and hugged Feng Qianyun excitedly, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, you're fine!" Shang Xiaoye cried again .

Ouyang Zhimin said disgustedly, "You know how to cry all day long, do you have anything else to do?" In fact, Ouyang Zhimin himself was also excited and wanted to cry, and he insisted on it.

Feng Qianyun patted Shang Xiaoye's back, "Sister Xiaoye, throwing yourself into a man's arms and crying is called being coquettish, throwing yourself into my arms and crying... This height and gender are inappropriate..."

"Whoever wants to cry in a man's arms, I want Yunyun!" The more Shang Xiaoye said, the more she cried, Feng Qianyun continued to pat her on the back helplessly, why does she feel like a sister, Shang Xiaoye Does Xiaoye look like a younger sister?

Ouyang Zhimin suddenly noticed Yi Che who came back with Feng Qianyun, he ran up to Yi Che, looked at him carefully, "President Xue, didn't you accompany Boss Yunyun to get medical treatment? After coming back for a while, you also followed the plastic surgery, didn't you?"

"I'm sorry you made a mistake, I'm not Mr. Xue, my name is Yi Che, and I'm Yunyun's new apprentice." Yi Che explained.

"Boss Yunyun's apprentice?" Ouyang Zhimin exclaimed, "Wow, then you must be very talented. My boss Yunyun's standard for accepting apprentices is very high!" Ouyang Zhimin observed Yi carefully while pinching his chin. Check it out.

Well, not too bad!Barely enough to get by!
Feng Qianyun finally finished appeasing the crying Shang Xiaoye, "Han Meiren, please get me a list of the underworld rankings in M ​​City."

"Why?" Han Mojue didn't understand why Feng Qianyun suddenly asked him for the list of underworld rankings.

"Challenge." Feng Qianyun replied.

"Little daughter-in-law, don't you want to break into the underworld rankings?" Han Mojue asked. If the young daughter-in-law's previous strength is used, it should be no problem to break into the top five of the underworld rankings. But within the top five it is not so easy.But now, after returning from the place of the Yi clan, the strength of the little daughter-in-law has improved a lot. Although Han Mojue still doesn't know what Feng Qianyun's actual strength is now, he probably guesses in her heart based on her current strength. His strength should be comparable to that of Long Yutian.

"Actually, as far as I know, the top five in the underworld rankings are not necessarily behind Long Yutian. The reason why Long Yutian can be ranked No. 2 has a lot to do with his status as the leader of the Black Dragon Gang. , Originally, this ranking is not only based on personal martial arts cultivation, but also comprehensive strength, so those who rank after Long Yutian may not be easier to deal with than Long Yutian." Han Mojue reminded Feng Qianyun.

"Well, I know, I will be careful." Feng Qianyun smiled, she will not let the last time happen again.

"If you want to talk about the understanding of the characters on the underworld rankings, I think you should find Tang Ze. Regardless of his previous identity or his current identity, he should have a relatively deep understanding of this aspect." Han Mojue After thinking about it, he said.

Because Tang Ze was a killer before and was in the dark world, now under Feng Qianyun's arrangement, he temporarily stayed in the Black Dragon Gang as Feng Qianyun's bodyguard in the Black Dragon Gang.

"Alright then, I'll call Tang Ze over and ask him about this." It would also be good to learn more about the enemy she was about to face.

So Feng Qianyun called Tang Ze.

On Tang Ze's side, there were only him and Wang Yubai in the hotel room, the atmosphere was a bit strange, and neither of them looked very good.

"Ah Ze, let me say it again for the last time, we can't live without Feng Qianyun, why do you have to follow her?" Wang Yubai shouted at Tang Ze in a commanding tone.

Tang Ze's eyes were full of pain, how could he just leave like this?
He felt that he owed Feng Qianyun a lot, and having the opportunity to stay with her and help her do something would make him feel at ease, and Feng Qianyun also helped Yubai find Lu Dafeng as a master, he didn't understand why Yubai insisted on him leaving A thousand rhymes.

"Yubai, what happened? Why did you insist that I leave Feng Qianyun? Have you forgotten that it was her help that allowed the two of us to be together in an open and honest manner! Now her life or death is uncertain, but I want to stay here It's time to leave, I really can't do such a thing!"

Wang Yubai was so angry that she wanted to die, she really didn't know what kind of soup Feng Qianyun had poured into Tang Ze, Wang Yubai bit her lip, her heart turned, her eye sockets became more rosy, and tears flowed out. He looked very aggrieved.

Seeing her like this, Tang Ze hurriedly hugged her into his arms and patted her on the back lovingly. He once vowed not to let his beloved woman shed another tear, "Yu Bai, did something happen? Tell me what wronged you."

"But will you believe me if I tell you..." Wang Yubai raised his eyes, looking at Tang Ze with tears in his eyes.

Tang Ze nodded, "Fool, you are my girlfriend and future wife. I don't believe you have anyone else to trust. Don't cry. Your tears flow on my heart."

"But...but..." Wang Yubai hesitated to speak.

"Tell me, let's take on something together." Seeing Wang Yubai like this, Tang Ze believed more and more that Wang Yubai had suffered some kind of grievance.

"I don't want to study medicine with Mr. Lu anymore, his son always bullies me..." Wang Yubai couldn't stop crying when he said this.

She accused Lu Guoxing of bullying her, which was completely groundless. Although Lu Guoxing looked fierce, he was very kind to others, especially according to what Lu Dafeng said, his son seemed to treat Feng Yilin She likes her very much. Feng Yilin is now helping out at the village pharmacy, and she swears to ask how can a man bully other girls in front of the woman he loves?
Wang Yubai complained to Tang Ze while crying, "I told Mr. Lu about this matter, but he said that I should be lucky that his son can like me... Lu's father and son are in the same group as Feng Qianyun No matter whether Feng Qianyun has a part in this matter, how can we outplay them? If we don’t leave, they might come back and make us have nowhere to go. So Aze, let’s leave now, shall we? it is good?"

(End of this chapter)

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