Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 278 A low-key chapter return, high-profile work

Chapter 278 Low-key return, high-key work (2)
An important reason why Wang Yubai was anxious to leave with Tang Ze was Feng Qianyun. Although she knew that Feng Qianyun was unlikely to be saved with her medical knowledge, she was always guilty, especially Feng Qianyun. Yun was also surrounded by the man named Han Mojue, and the scary man she saw in the basement that day. That man knew the real situation. She was afraid of being retaliated, so she wanted to leave M City as soon as possible.

It is impossible for any man to calm down when he hears his girlfriend crying and telling him that she was bullied by another man.

Tang Ze is also a normal man, and he still loves his girlfriend very much. For Wang Yubai, he can abandon his own future, the university he has been recommended to, and his glamorous life to be a killer. It is impossible to bear the fact.

However, he is still rational, he did not attribute this fault to Feng Qianyun, he rationally felt that he would go to Mr. Lu's son to settle the score, but he could not blame Feng Qianyun for their kindness because of this. It was wiped out, after all, Feng Qianyun would definitely not want to see such a thing happen.

At this moment, Tang Ze's phone rang, and the caller ID turned out to be Feng Qianyun.

Tang Ze was a little surprised. He knew that Feng Qianyun had been sent to another place for treatment, and he still hadn't received news that she was out of danger, but even if she could be out of danger, she shouldn't recover so quickly.

Tang Ze answered the phone with some doubts.

"Brother Aze, it's me. I have something to ask you. Are you free now?"

Feng Qianyun's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Yunyun, is it really you? Are you okay?" Tang Ze asked in surprise.

"Well, I'm fine, don't worry. Do you have time now?"

"Yes, where do I want to meet you?" Tang Ze was really overjoyed. He had been worried about Feng Qianyun before, and didn't want her to have an accident.

"I'm in my Han Meiren's WAITINGBAR, if you're free, come over now, I'll wait for you here."

"Well, good!" Tang Ze agreed, Feng Qianyun had something to do with him, so he was naturally very happy.

Wang Yubai's face turned pale when he heard the word "Yunyun" from Tang Ze's mouth, and he heard Tang Ze talking to Feng Qianyun on the other end of the phone in such a happy tone. Not listening to what she just said to him, Wang Yubai was so angry that he grabbed Tang Ze's cell phone and threw it towards the wall.

"Yunyun Yunyun, you know Yunyun, so the grievances I suffered don't count?" Wang Yubai was anxious.

"Yubai, don't be angry." Tang Ze thought that Wang Yubai was so angry because he was wronged, so he went to comfort her, worrying that she would accidentally hurt herself, "Yubai, don't be angry, angry I will feel distressed when I get sick. How could I not take what you just told me as a serious matter? I was very angry, so angry that I wanted to go to that surnamed Lu immediately to settle the score, but the person who was wrong in this matter was that surnamed Lu Yes, it has nothing to do with Yunyun. I don't think Yunyun wants to see such a situation. Now Yunyun has something to look for me. After I confirm that she really has nothing to do, then I will accompany you to find that surname Let’s ask for justice.”

Wang Yubai's face became paler again, her eyes rolled, she never thought that Tang Ze still chose to believe in Feng Qianyun!

Why did Feng Qianyun call Aze over now?Are you going to tell Aze about her matter?
No, she can't let such a thing happen, if even A Ze doesn't believe her, she is really doomed!
She doesn't want to lose Aze!
"Aze, you are right, this matter has nothing to do with Yunyun," Wang Yubai suddenly changed his tone, "Is Yunyun's injury healed now, I am also very concerned about her injury, let me tell you Let's go together."

Tang Ze was very happy that Wang Yubai had communicated with him. He fondled Wang Yubai's hair, "Of course it's good. Let's go. I'll pick up the car. Let's go see Yunyun together."

Tang Ze didn't know that the reason why Wang Yubai wanted to go with him to meet Feng Qianyun was to prevent Feng Qianyun from complaining to Tang Ze when she was not there. As long as she was there, no matter what Feng Qianyun said, she would There is a chance to refute!

Tang Ze and Wang Yubai came to Han Mojue's waiting bar.

The bar was not open yet, and the bar was closed when Han Mojue accompanied Feng Qianyun for treatment.

So there were only a few of them in the bar.

Seeing Feng Qianyun, Wang Yubai felt an inexplicable sense of nervousness, which is probably the so-called guilty conscience.

Tang Ze was more surprised when he saw Feng Qianyun, because Feng Qianyun in front of him seemed to have never been injured, not only the burns were completely healed, but also the whole person looked more radiant than before, which is really impressive Surprised.

"Yunyun, I am more and more curious about what you have experienced in the past few days. Before this, I never believed that there would be a chance to recover after being injured like that." Tang Ze said with emotion.

Feng Qianyun smiled lightly, "Have you only started worshiping me now, isn't it too late?"

"Hehe, I just admire you more." Seeing that Feng Qianyun was joking, Tang Ze answered the words in a relaxed tone.

Wang Yubai's expression was very stiff, and it was not easy for a person to make an expression that was completely different from his inner thoughts.

"Brother Aze, do you know the top five people on the M city gang list?" Feng Qianyun cut directly to the topic and asked Tang Ze for the information she wanted to know.

As for Wang Yubai, she looked at Feng Qianyun with such strange eyes, it was impossible for Feng Qianyun not to notice it, how dull it would be to not notice Wang Yubai's hostility.

Feng Qianyun didn't expose her, but just wanted to give her a chance. Giving her a chance was not for her, but for Tang Ze. The person who exposed Wang Yubai's worst injury would be Tang Ze. Feng Qianyun did this because she wanted to To protect Tang Ze, I only hope that Wang Yubai can change his past and stop doing such meaningless things.

It's a pity that Wang Yubai can't feel Feng Qianyun's painstaking efforts, and she is still thinking about how to put Feng Qianyun to death.

"Well, I do have some understanding, but it's also very limited. Yunyun, why are you asking this question?" Tang Ze did have a certain understanding of those people as Han Mojue guessed. Played against him.

"You tell me the information you know about them first, and why I will explain to you later when I have a chance." Feng Qianyun deliberately did not say, although she was going to give Wang Yubai a chance, but after she was sure Wang Yubai It is impossible for Wang Yubai to know too much information about her before she corrects herself.

(End of this chapter)

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