Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 280 A low-key chapter return, high-profile work

Chapter 280 Low-key return, high-key work (4)
"Brother Yutian, you seem to be quite absent-minded recently, are you thinking about Yunyun?" Wu Xiaohan is very dissatisfied with Long Yutian's current performance, "I tell you, I forbid you to think about her, she is my master now , you are my fiancé, if the two of you are together, it will be a mess of generations!"

Wu Xiaohan found an extremely reluctant reason to persuade Long Yutian to give up her "fantasy" about Feng Qianyun. Anyway, she didn't care, brother Yutian was hers, and she would not give it to anyone else, even her master. She won't let it go!
"Xiaohan, you have been here for a while, shouldn't you go back, your parents will be very worried about you, besides, you also have studies at your own side, if this continues, your studies will be wasted. "Long Yutian said with some helplessness, and felt that Wu Xiaohan's statement was very funny, and there was a bit of bitterness.

"I don't want to go back, I want to stay here and watch you!" Wu Xiaohan said firmly, now that her brother Yutian has grown up, he has become more handsome and charming, if she doesn't stay by his side, take a good look Listening to his words, when there are other women by his side, it will be too late for her to cry, the matter of Feng Qianyun is a good warning.

In fact, Wu Xiaohan didn't hate Feng Qianyun that much, he just didn't want her to snatch Long Yutian away. In fact, Wu Xiaohan was completely overwhelmed. Feng Qianyun didn't have any interest in Long Yutian, a monster!
"Xiaohan, if you don't want to go back by yourself, I'll call your parents and ask them to pick you up." After Long Yutian finished speaking, he thought that if Wu Xiaohan still refused to leave, he would only have to call To her parents, let his mother come to pick her up, she can't be allowed to stay here and mess around, right?

"No, I don't want it. It's useless even if you call them. I told them early in the morning that I want to transfer to this place. Didn't you say that I want to go to school? I can stay here to go to school. Right?" Wu Xiaohan was very stubborn, she said she would never go back, and she had the support of her parents and Brother Yutian's mother, they all agreed that she would stay by Brother Yutian's side, so she had nothing to do I'm so worried!
Long Yutian had nothing to do with Wu Xiaohan's waywardness, because Wu Xiaohan was supported by the parents of the two families behind him, so he could only shake his head helplessly, "Okay, but you have to promise me that when you stay here to go to school, you are not allowed to mess around. Take off your right hand glove casually."

If Wu Xiaohan uses his own hands to poison teachers and classmates every three days, the school will probably be closed in a few days. Others are no better than Feng Qianyun. I can't stand her playing like this.

"Well, I promise not to take off my gloves." Wu Xiaohan hastily swore to promise Long Yutian that he would not mess around!

As long as those people don't covet her brother Yutian, she will definitely not do anything bad to them, Wu Xiaohan thought in her heart.

Long Yutian has never believed in Wu Xiaohan's guarantee, it seems that from tomorrow onwards, more people should be sent to watch her.

Wu Xiaohan stuck to Long Yutian's body again, "Brother Yutian, my mother told me yesterday that she does not object to premarital sex, anyway, we will get married in the future, why don't I move over and sleep with you?"

How else can we say that Wu Xiaohan is Long Yutian's natural enemy? If it is another woman, facing this situation, Long Yutian can throw her out without hesitation, or make fun of her, even if he really did something, Long Yutian can still ruthlessly sweep the opponent out.

But Wu Xiaohan is serious!And it can actually be done!If something really happened, his mother and Wu Xiaohan's parents would definitely pressure him to register with Wu Xiaohan!
"Xiaohan, you are still young. When you grow up, you will find that there are many good men in this world. Your feelings for me may not be the love you imagined, but you have been instilled this kind of love since you were a child. Thoughts, as time goes by, even you yourself don't know what kind of emotion you are." Long Yutian said to Wu Xiaohan very seriously.

"Brother Yutian, I'm serious, I'm really serious..." Wu Xiaohan emphasized with his mouth flattened.

Why does Brother Yutian just not believe that she really likes him... It's such a disgusting feeling...

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter. If you really plan to come to school here, you can go to bed early tonight. I will help you arrange it. From tomorrow onwards, you will go to Shengrong Private High School to attend classes." Long Yu Tian thought that it would be better to arrange Wu Xiaohan to attend classes at school than to let her stay at home and pester him all day.

"Oh——" Wu Xiaohan responded unwillingly, and helplessly looked at Long Yutian who was unwilling to say another word to her, Wu Xiaohan, come on, you can't just give up like this, you must abduct Brother Yutian Got it!

The second day after Feng Qianyun returned to M City, she went back to school and went to class. When she stepped into the gate of Class Three and Five again, Feng Qianyun was surrounded by a strong book atmosphere.

The appearance of Feng Qianyun attracted the attention of everyone in the class. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up at Feng Qianyun, because the news that Feng Qianyun was sent to the hospital because of her injury had been spread all over the school. , everyone was saying that Feng Qianyun might be about to pass away, but Feng Qianyun not only survived, but also appeared alive and kicking in front of everyone.

Zhao Xinran was very disappointed to see that Feng Qianyun was still alive, she didn't die like this, what kind of shit luck is she?
Zhao Xinran didn't dare to trouble Feng Qianyun anymore since what happened last time, but it doesn't mean she doesn't hate Feng Qianyun anymore. I heard that Feng Qianyun was sent to the hospital and might not survive. At that time, Zhao Xinran was the one who applauded and wished that Feng Qianyun would die soon, so Zhao Xinran was very disappointed that Feng Qianyun was still alive.

"Yunyun, how are you?" Yang Anqi spoke first, unable to believe that Feng Qianyun was standing in front of everyone intact. Yang Anqi asked everyone's doubts. Several students in the class even saw Feng Qianyun. The appearance of Qian Yun after being burnt, those classmates couldn't eat that day, and they still had nightmares for several nights.

"Well, I'm fine." Feng Qianyun nodded, and then didn't explain much. It seemed that there was no way to explain it to her classmates. Then Feng Qianyun returned to her seat, and now she is the only one sitting in her seat , Yu Chixiu's place was already empty.

Shang Xiaoye was the happiest person in the class for Feng Qianyun to come back to class, "Yunyun, you're finally back, you miss me so much!"

This girl is planning to activate her invincible tears magic skill again.

"Sister Xiaoye, the students are all watching. It's early self-study now. If you cry, it will affect everyone's study." Feng Qianyun said helplessly.

"Oh..." Shang Xiaoye held back her tears.

(End of this chapter)

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