Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 281 A low-key chapter return, high-profile work

Chapter 281 Low-key return, high-key work (5)
At this time, the homeroom teacher entered the classroom stepping on her shiny high heels, and behind her was a person... Wu Xiaohan!

How could she be here?

The head teacher announced to everyone: "Everyone, this is a new student in our class. Her name is Wu Xiaohan."

Wu Xiaohan smiled sweetly, and then greeted everyone, "Hi everyone, my name is Wu Xiaohan, and I'm a classmate with everyone from today, please take care of me."

Speaking of which, Wu Xiaohan began to take things from her schoolbag and send them to every classmate in the class.

It is a limited edition keychain.

Wu Xiaohan gave this to everyone as a meeting gift. The gift is not very expensive, but it is very decent.

Several boys in the class looked at Wu Xiaohan with red hearts in their eyes.

A big beauty, sweet and lovely, and very polite, this kind of pure little crush is the most attractive.

Wu Xiaohan.Her person is as beautiful as her name!
The homeroom teacher is also very satisfied with Wu Xiaohan, "Student Wu Xiaohan is two years younger than all of us. She is a grade skipper, so please don't bully her. If she needs help when she just arrived, try to help her and show her to the new students well. Take a look at the good class style of our third and fifth classes, do you hear me?"


This "yes" came very loudly, and even the few male students who usually find the teacher in charge very displeased also shouted very cooperatively.

So the power of beauty is great.

What Feng Qianyun wanted to know was why Wu Xiaohan was here?

"En." The class teacher was very satisfied with the cooperation of the students, "Then Wu Xiaohan, you can sit in Yuchixiu's original seat." The class teacher pointed to the seat next to Feng Qianyun and said to Wu Xiaohan, looking at the whole classroom, there is only Feng Qian The seat next to Yun is empty, "It just so happens that Feng Qianyun is also a grade skipping student, she is younger than you, you two should help each other well in the future."

Help each other a ghost!
Feng Qianyun complained in her heart, it was okay to be pestered by Wu Xiaohan in Long's house, but now it's fine, being pestered in the school, if she uses her classmates as her experimental products, then wouldn't she be busy ?
Wu Xiaohan saw Feng Qianyun as soon as she entered the classroom. Now that she heard what the teacher said, she went straight to Feng Qianyun.


Wu Xiaohan called Feng Qianyun "Master" loudly in front of his teachers and classmates.

Who is your master, that's just your wishful thinking, okay?
Feng Qianyun lowered her head and pretended not to see Wu Xiaohan.

"Master, I'm Wu Xiaohan. Master, what are you doing with your head down?" Wu Xiaohan called Feng Qianyun "Master" rather undaunted, as if no one would hear that Feng Qianyun was her master.

Wu Xiaohan's "Master" made the teachers and classmates stunned, what's wrong, why did this new student call Feng Qianyun "Master"?

Master... such an ancient title, what era did it come from...

"Master, from now on we will go to and from school together every day!" Wu Xiaohan's thinking has always been very simple, as long as Feng Qianyun doesn't rob her of her brother Yutian, Feng Qianyun will be her Dear master.

Master, you big-headed ghost!

"Master, can't you go back to Brother Yutian's house?" Wu Xiaohan is very concerned about this issue. Although she likes Feng Qianyun very much, she still doesn't want Feng Qianyun to return to Long's house. For the first consideration!

This is a bit too much information!

The students couldn't digest it for a while!

Brother Yutian?

Do you mean Long Yutian?

Then what does it mean to live together?

Could this still be a love triangle?

Everyone was dreaming, and at the same time they were shocked by what Wu Xiaohan said!
Feng Qianyun thought, her evening festival will be lost... This Wu Xiaohan has already dropped so many bombs in the class as soon as she appeared, so it's okay to let her stay any longer?
"Wu Xiaohan, sit down for me now, shut up, and open the book to read!" Feng Qianyun was so pissed off by Wu Xiaohan, if she kept talking like this, she might become a famous person in the school tomorrow .

"Oh, good!" Wu Xiaohan didn't notice what bad thing he did just now, and sat down on her seat like a good baby.

But it was too late, the "scandal" about Feng Qianyun, Long Yutian, and Wu Xiaohan had already planted seeds in everyone's hearts.

Immediately afterwards, after the first class, the rumored male lead appeared!

Long Yutian hasn't come to school for a while. One of the main reasons for coming today is Wu Xiaohan. Their parents are not in M ​​City. He has the responsibility to take care of Wu Xiaohan. In order to prevent Wu Xiaohan from messing around in the school, he came here to take a look , but unexpectedly saw Feng Qianyun.

He was still worried about Feng Qianyun's situation, she just appeared in front of him alive and kicking without warning.

She came back from recovery and didn't tell him!

This knowledge made Long Yutian angry for no reason, and made him forget that his original intention of coming to Class Three and Five was for Wu Xiaohan. Walk to the location where Feng Qianyun is.

Seeing Long Yutian appearing, Wu Xiaohan showed joy, "Brother Yutian..." Before he finished calling "Brother Yutian", Wu Xiaohan saw Long Yutian grab Feng Qianyun's arm and questioned her: "Why didn't you let me know when you came back?"

It looks like a husband asking his wife who came out.

Wu Xiaohan's eyes dimmed in an instant. Brother Yutian seemed to really care about Master. What should I do? She didn't want to give up Brother Yutian. She loved Brother Yutian for a long time, but she didn't seem to be in a deadlock with Master... She likes both of them very much, of course she loves brother Yutian much more...

(End of this chapter)

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