Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 282 The fate of the white-eyed wolf

Chapter 282 The fate of the white-eyed wolf (1)
Feng Qianyun looked at her hand held by Long Yutian speechlessly, "Son, are you okay?"

Feng Qianyun's eyes were fixed on Long Yutian's hand, when will this wolf claw be released?Fortunately, she is not so delicate, otherwise she would have been screaming.

This is how he welcomes her by being violent to her as soon as he comes up?

Long Yutian suddenly realized his gaffe, and acted very calmly. He took his hand back calmly, but with an arrogant attitude, "Oh, as a brother, I will care about you, so that you will feel flattered." gone?"

"If you stood in front of me naked, and then danced a striptease that overwhelmed the country and the city, shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods, I might feel favored by a few milligrams heavier than Xiaoyu." Feng Qianyun thought Long Yutian was a little annoyed by his actions just now, but his face was still extremely calm, "I haven't seen you for a few days, and the pervert coefficient of Xiaoduhua has risen again?"

"Do you have the capital to make me flirt?" Feng Qianyun said with a look of disgust, "In terms of beauty, can you compare with my Han Meiren? In terms of figure, Yan Sihang, who was molested by me last time, has eight-pack abs. There is 'Love Handle' and 'Mermaid Line', can you compare?"

Long Yutian was a handsome guy anyway, but he was devalued by Feng Qianyun as worthless.

Long Yutian looked at Feng Qianyun with dangerous eyes, okay, not only did he compare with others, but he lost in the end, and also the handle of mermaid line and love, this stinky girl, which time did she not hurt him?

Long Yutian thinks that Feng Qianyun is an abominable girl, and she has the nerve to talk about her indecent behavior all day long!
"Yunyun, what is the handle of love, and what is the mermaid line?" Shang Xiaoye asked curiously.

"Sister Xiaoye, when you look for a man in the future, you must first check whether the man has a mermaid line. A man must be strong and strong before he will have a manline. Choosing a stronger man is related to a woman's future happiness. Don't be careless. of."

Feng Qianyun is spreading unhealthy thoughts to good babies.

"Oh... how do you think about it?" Shang Xiaoye obeyed Feng Qianyun's words, and didn't question her words at all.

"Take off the man's thong. If you are lucky, you can see it. If not, hurry up and urge him to exercise. If not, you will be eliminated."

"Isn't that going to be naked?" How embarrassing!

"Of course it has to be inspected, and if there is a defect, you have to return it!" Before it's too late, I have to return the product quickly!
Feng Qianyun is still in the classroom of Class [-] and [-] of high school. Hearing her a little girl say such words, all the classmates in the class looked at her strangely. Is she still a girl... No, How old is she, why does she pick a man one after another, as if she is very experienced and has gone through hundreds of battles.

Wu Xiaohan felt uncomfortable seeing Feng Qianyun and Long Yutian seem to be very familiar with each other. She took Long Yutian's arm and took this opportunity to show everyone her ownership of Long Yutian, "Brother Yutian , don't be angry with Yunyun, she may have too many things to do after she came back, so she didn't notify you in time."

Wu Xiaohan firmly grasped Long Yutian's arm, not letting his hand be removed from her arm.

Everyone's eyeballs are about to drop, especially those boys who just made Wu Xiaohan their goddess. Their poor and beautiful first love has withered before it can sprout. It's so pitiful!

Long Yutian has never had any contact with girls, and he has always responded very coldly to girls' advances, which made the girl who had a crush on him no longer have the courage to confess.

But now, Wu Xiaohan is holding Long Yutian's arm so intimately, but Long Yutian has not pushed away!

From this point, it can be seen that Wu Xiaohan is special to Long Yutian!

"Xiaohan, this is the school." Long Yutian reminded Wu Xiaohan with a cold face.

"What does it matter, you are my fiancé, do others still gossip about us?" Wu Xiaohan replied with a pouted mouth, she just wanted the whole class to know that Brother Yutian belonged to her!

When brother Yutian came in just now, she noticed that two or three girls showed ambiguous expressions towards brother Yutian!
Long Yutian was already unable to explain the relationship between the two of them to Wu Xiaohan, no matter how many times he said it, Wu Xiaohan would still insist that the two of them were a fiancé couple.

"Master, are you right?" Wu Xiaohan deliberately asked Feng Qianyun, hoping to get a positive answer from Feng Qianyun.

How could Feng Qianyun fail to see Wu Xiaohan's careful thinking, "The latter sentence is beyond doubt, you are Long Yutian's only fiancee, and will also be his future wife. As for the previous sentence 'Master' I don't admit it, I only have two apprentices, and they are both men."

Feng Qianyun's two apprentices are enough for her to worry about, but she doesn't want to have another problematic apprentice to give her a headache.

Hearing the first half of Feng Qianyun's sentence, Wu Xiaohan immediately smiled, "Well, master is the best!" As for the second half of Feng Qianyun's sentence, Wu Xiaohan automatically blocked it.

"Yunyun," Shang Xiaoye tugged Feng Qianyun's hand, and whispered in her ear, "Yunyun, are they really a fiancée?"

"What's the matter, doesn't it?"

"Of course not." The temperament is too different, "and you look at Long Yutian's expression, it seems very reluctant, but I am also curious about who this Wu Xiaohan is, why Long Yutian seems to take her a little way Doesn't it look like you don't have any?"

In Shang Xiaoye's impression, Long Yutian seemed to be very strong, he was always the one who manipulated others, and it was the first time he saw him helpless to someone.

"One thing is one thing, I think a certain man surnamed Ouyang has become too civilized recently whether he talks or eats. He didn't even fail the second mock exam. I don't know who influenced him. "Feng Qianyun deliberately teased Shang Xiaoye.

Shang Xiaoye's face was embarrassed. In fact, it's not that she didn't feel Ouyang Zhimin's repeated overtures, but... it's important for them to study now, and they can't fall in love casually... If you want to fall in love, you should talk about it after you get to university...

"Dinglingling——" the bell rang for class, and Long Yutian, who did not belong to Class Three and Five, had to leave the classroom. Before leaving, he gave Feng Qianyun a meaningful look.

"Master, don't you have any books? Let's read them together, shall we?"

"Master, I'm going to buy a drink, what do you like to drink?"

"Master, I don't know the subject that the teacher just said, can you teach me?"


But in one morning, Wu Xiaohan called Feng Qianyun countless times as master.

(End of this chapter)

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