Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 283 The fate of the white-eyed wolf

Chapter 283 The fate of the white-eyed wolf (2)
Shouting so loudly that Feng Qianyun wanted to call her master instead.

"Wu Xiaohan, I'm really not your master!" Feng Qianyun emphasized this issue for the nth time.

"Master, don't be like this. As the old saying goes, a teacher for one day will be a father for life! You are already my teacher, and you will be my teacher for the rest of your life!"

Feng Qianyun was finally able to feel Long Yutian's pain a little bit, and it was totally unreasonable to talk about this problem with Wu Xiaohan!

Finally, when the three classes in the morning were over, Feng Qianyun saw that the students started to move the stools one after another.

"Sister Xiaoye, what happened?" Feng Qianyun asked in wonder.

"Yunyun, you have been absent from class for too long, have you forgotten about the sports meeting?" Shang Xiaoye said with a smile, "This afternoon is the school's two-and-a-half-day sports meeting. This afternoon is the opening ceremony. The students move the stools." It is because stools and tables are used in some places, such as providing water to our athletes, and the students of the medical team need to help the teachers in the infirmary to apply medicine to the injured students."

It is true that Feng Qianyun has been absent from class for too long. It turned out that it was a sports meeting. No wonder everyone looked eager to move during the last class just now. It turned out that they could no longer hold back their excitement.

The opening ceremony meant listening to the leader's speech again, which was the most annoying thing for Feng Qianyun when she was studying.

Feng Qianyun was thinking of finding a reason to run away, but Wu Xiaohan took the first step. She grabbed Feng Qianyun's hand, "Master, it's a sports meeting, let's go and see it!"

Wu Xiaohan jumped up and down, happily like a little swallow.

Feng Qianyun looked at her hand which was grasped by Wu Xiaohan's right hand, that hand was extremely poisonous, fortunately it was wearing a special glove, otherwise she would suffer again.

Because she wanted to get away, Feng Qianyun said to Wu Xiaohan, "But I heard that Long Yutian also signed up this year, don't you plan to go and have a look?"

Feng Qianyun remembered that Long Yutian had signed up, and seemed to have signed up for two long-distance running events.

"Really?" Hearing this, Wu Xiaohan was so excited that his eyes were about to burst into stars.

Feng Qianyun nodded emphatically, "Of course it's true, so hurry up and watch it on the playground, it won't be good if you miss it!"

"Of course, of course I won't miss Brother Yutian's game. If not, I have to take my DVD and record the whole process!" Wu Xiaohan said, looking for her DVD in her schoolbag .

Damn, is she really here for class?Why do you have this thing?
"Yunyun, speaking of it, it seems that you also have a project, and it's just this afternoon, but Long Yutian's two projects are tomorrow and the day after tomorrow." The honest Shang Xiaoye said truthfully.

Now Feng Qianyun's idea of ​​running away was disillusioned.

Sister Xiaoye, in fact, you don't need to tell me such a sad fact!
Wang Yubai went out secretly today. She lied to Tang Ze. She told Tang Ze that she was going home to visit her mother. Tang Ze trusted her all the time and didn't suspect anything. He even suggested that she go to see her together. She excused that her mother had something personal to say to her today, and it was inconvenient for him to go.

She was dressed a little strangely today, wearing a black peaked cap, a medical mask, and tight long sleeves.

The weather in M ​​City at this time is already relatively hot, everyone is wearing broken sleeves, and many beautiful girls have already changed into black stockings and miniskirts, causing a black silk storm to blow up.

Wang Yubai hid one hand in his bosom, not knowing what was being held in her uncovered hand.

She registered at the registration office at the school gate. Shengrong Private High School has very strict controls. Anyone who is not a student needs to register when they come in and out. Wang Yubai wrote down her name and ID number on the paper, but it was not her own name. That ID number was also made up by her.

Wang Yubai knew that today was the day for the sports meeting, and everyone gathered on the playground.

There are many people and noisy during the sports meeting, which is a good opportunity for her to do it!Wang Yubai was a student of Shengrong Private High School before, and he is very familiar with Shengrong Private High School, and he is definitely no stranger to Shengrong's sports meeting.

The greening of Shengrong Private High School is very good. It is one of the best high schools in the province with good greening. There is a small forest near the school track and field. When she was studying, the small forest had just been planted, and it was sparse. Now it has grown. Very dense.

Wang Yubai chose a path with fewer people, and directly took the forest path to the track and field.

For her and Aze's happiness, she is willing to turn into a demon, all of this is for her and Aze's future, Wang Yubai said to himself in his heart.

At the opening ceremony, Feng Qianyun dozed off resolutely, and Shang Xiaoye thoughtfully dedicated her thigh to Feng Qianyun as a pillow so that she could sleep comfortably.

The worst thing was Wu Xiaohan, it was only the opening ceremony, she could actually listen so happily when the leaders were going through the process, she really convinced her, Shang Xiaoye felt ashamed!
"Master, master, the next step is the javelin, wake up soon!" Wu Xiaohan hurriedly woke up Feng Qianyun when he heard the announcement on the radio that the javelin was coming, "Master, my DVD is ready for you. Be sure to record your wonderful whole process!"

You obviously brought it for another purpose, okay?

Feng Qianyun dimly opened her sleepy eyes, saw Wu Xiaohan's face at a close distance, sighed helplessly, then got up in a trance, walked down the stands and walked towards the section of the track and field field ...

Wu Xiaohan hurriedly followed up, chasing behind Feng Qianyun, "Master, you haven't got your number plate yet..."

The loud and high-pitched voice resounded through the stands, almost comparable to the sound of the radio.

A little girl was walking in front, and a big beautiful woman was chasing and calling "Master" at the back. How weird this scene was, it attracted students from other classes in the stands to look at it.

Oh my god, Feng Qianyun hides her face, what a shame...

Feng Qianyun thought, hurry up and leave!
"No. 5520, Feng Qianyun."

"No. 5520, Feng Qianyun, is there such a person, is this classmate here?"

On the other side of the javelin, the teacher in charge kept calling Feng Qianyun's name, but no one responded after calling several times, thinking that she had abstained, and was about to cross Feng Qianyun's name off the list.

"Teacher, wait!" Wu Xiaohan rushed over, "Teacher, wait, Feng Qianyun is here!"

"Oh, why didn't you come here until now? The other students have voted in the first round, so hurry up and vote."

(End of this chapter)

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