Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 284 The fate of the white-eyed wolf

Chapter 284 The fate of the white-eyed wolf (3)
"That teacher, I am not Feng Qianyun, she is Feng Qianyun." Wu Xiaohan pointed to Feng Qianyun who was a few steps behind her and said.

"That's Feng Qianyun? Is there such a skipper in our school?" The teacher in charge looked at the students around him suspiciously.

"Teacher, she is really Feng Qianyun, she is really a student of our school!" The students replied one after another. They don't know Feng Qianyun, but the name is already familiar to them, the king of absenteeism, the number one female villain in the school , How could they have never heard of it!

"Oh, so that's how it is." The teacher didn't think much, just urged Feng Qianyun to hurry up, "Student Feng Qianyun, please hurry up, the other students are still waiting."

"Oh..." Feng Qianyun took the javelin from the teacher and threw it out casually.

The javelin flew out with a "whoosh--".

Next to the women's javelin is the men's javelin, and after receiving Feng Qianyun's throw, he directly gave the farthest man's javelin to the side.

The boys over there all looked over here, what are they doing?Which girl is so violent, killing the boy's best score in seconds?This is more than six or seven meters!

On the girl's side, the other girls were stunned, looking at Feng Qianyun and screaming in their hearts, what's more, is this girl human?Is she from Mars?

Feng Qianyun felt that it was over after the vote was over, "Teacher, can I go?"

The teacher was still in a daze, but he came back to his senses when he heard Feng Qianyun call him, "Oh, yes, you can go, the results of the preliminary round will be kept until the you don't have to come again."

Can anyone surpass this result?Absolutely impossible!
Just when Feng Qianyun felt that she had finally completed the task and could finally put oil on the soles of her feet, an object flew straight towards Feng Qianyun. superior.

Feng Qianyun suddenly spun around, kicked the thing with her feet, and kicked it towards the sky.

This scene happened very quickly, and everyone was dazzled. Everyone was wondering what Feng Qianyun kicked into the sky, and the black thing exploded suddenly.




The crowd suddenly fell into panic and panic!

If Feng Qianyun hadn't kicked the bomb away just now, with the power of the bomb, not only Feng Qianyun but also her classmates and teachers would be injured!

Wang Yubai clenched his fist angrily when he saw that the bomb hadn't blown up to Feng Qianyun, damn it, he didn't make fun of her!
Seeing that he had failed, Wang Yubai was about to turn around and leave when someone patted his shoulder suddenly.

"Want to leave after throwing the bomb?" Feng Qianyun was really disappointed with Wang Yubai, she had already given her a chance, but in the end, not only did she not know how to repent, she dared to do such a thing, did she know that she did this How many innocent people will be killed?
How could Wang Yubai escape after doing such a thing under Feng Qianyun's nose.

"You...what do you want." Wang Yubai raised his head, not thinking that he had done anything wrong.

"Don't worry, you will know what I want in a while." Feng Qianyun will not tolerate Wang Yubai anymore, she only gives her one chance.

Seeing Feng Qianyun's sinister sneer, Wang Yubai's heart skipped a beat, no, she can't be afraid of her!Wang Yubai told himself that she was the one who was just, "You little bitch, what on earth do you want to do? You don't want to destroy the relationship between me and Aze. Let me tell you, I have been with Aze for more than seven years. We have been together for more than seven years. You, an outsider, can't destroy your feelings!"

Wang Yubai shouted at Feng Qianyun full of resentment.

At this time, Wang Yubai was completely exposed in front of everyone because of Feng Qianyun's obstruction.

But no one dared to get close, including the teachers and leaders of the school, who all retreated far away.There is a bomb!The situation is serious!
However, Wang Yubai's words made everyone feel speechless. Although they didn't know the situation, how old is Feng Qianyun?Feng Qianyun destroying her relationship with her boyfriend?What a mess, this woman's imagination is too rich, right?

"What's wrong with your brain? You were the one who colluded with Xia Wufeng last time, and this time you threw the bomb again, just because you thought I would snatch Tang Ze away?" Feng Qianyun thought it was too funny, what's the reason?

Where did she and Tang Ze make her feel that there was any abnormal relationship?
"It's your luck that I didn't kill you last time! You bastard, you introduced me to Mr. Lu to study medicine with him so nicely. In fact, you didn't intend to let me grow up at all, did you? Every day except Asking me to identify the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials is to catch the medicine, you are deliberately playing me! You are afraid that I will surpass you in the future!"

Damn it, from what angle does this woman see that she is capable of surpassing Feng Qianyun?
She doesn't even look at it, just what kind of gap is there between herself and Feng Qianyun?
It sounds so good, it's to defend her love with Tang Ze, but in fact, it's not because of my own jealousy?
"Pa——" Feng Qianyun slapped Wang Yubai directly, "Shut up the fuck, did I let you speak now?"

Shut up if I didn't tell you to talk!
Wang Yubai was slapped by Feng Qianyun, and his eyes were about to bleed.

Her right hand stretched out from her bosom, and there was a bomb in her hand!
"You bastard, don't be so arrogant, there is still a bomb here! The one just now didn't kill you, this one will definitely leave you dead!"

When Wang Yubai took out another bomb, the classmates and teachers who were watching just now hurriedly retreated, running as far as they could.

"Run, that woman is crazy!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

At this time, the headmaster's voice came from the radio.

"Students, please leave the track and field quickly! Please leave the track and field quickly!"

Everyone evacuated one after another, and all the people on the track and field ran towards the teaching building.

After a while, only Shang Xiaoye and Wu Xiaohan were left on the playground, and Long Yutian and Ouyang Zhimin also came over from the boys' side.

Feng Qianyun gave Wang Yubai a white look, "Although I don't know where you found this low-quality bomb, I can tell you very clearly that even if you are blown to nothing, I will It will still stand in front of you! But the premise that you can verify this fact is... your hand still has a chance to pull the ring of the bomb in your hand."

Wang Yubai is standing in front of Feng Qianyun now, wanting to activate the bomb?Then we have to see who she is facing!

As soon as Feng Qianyun finished speaking, her hand had already clasped Wang Yubai's right hand holding the bomb, and only heard a "click", Feng Qianyun directly broke the bone in Wang Yubai's arm.At the same time, he reached out to catch Wang Yubai's second bomb.

(End of this chapter)

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