Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 285 The fate of the white-eyed wolf

Chapter 285 The fate of the white-eyed wolf (4)
"Ah!" When did Wang Yubai suffer like this?The heart-piercing pain made Wang Yubai scream out.

"Pa——" Feng Qianyun slapped Wang Yubai again, "Shut up, what's your name, it's too late to know the pain, and I'll give you your remaining arm and two legs It's broken!"

Wang Yubai was quite frightened by Feng Qianyun's cold gaze, this was the first time she saw Feng Qianyun showing such a terrifying gaze.

Before Feng Qianyun had let her go, Wang Yubai regarded Feng Qianyun as a kind person, because Feng Qianyun gave her a chance!
Feng Qianyun took out her mobile phone and sent a text message to Tang Ze, telling him to go to Shengrong Private High School immediately.

Wang Yubai bit her lip, staring at Feng Qianyun angrily, her own lip was bitten by her.

"Master, who is this crazy woman? If you don't mind, can I let her be my experimental product? I will definitely let her know what it means to live or die! Let's see if she dares to throw bombs in public Hurt innocent people!" Wu Xiaohan pouted angrily, thinking about this woman who appeared out of nowhere, how can anyone be like her?
Even if someone snatched her boyfriend, she can't hurt innocent people!

"Wait, I won't stop you from playing however you want later." Feng Qianyun said.

After a while, Tang Ze came. Tang Ze rushed over non-stop after receiving Feng Qianyun's text message. He saw Wang Yubai from a distance, wondering why she was here.

"Yubai, why are you here?" Tang Ze saw Wang Yubai, and felt that the surrounding atmosphere was a bit strange.

what's going on.

"Aze save me, Aze save me..." Wang Yubai cried when he saw Tang Ze, tears falling down patter.

"Feather, what's wrong?"

Tang Ze was even more confused, and wanted to go forward again but was stopped by Feng Qianyun.

"I called you here today just to let you know that this woman died at my hands today, and it has nothing to do with anyone else. Whether you can understand it or not, if you want to avenge this woman in the future, you can find me, no It's about other people's business."

Feng Qianyun told Tang Ze directly.

Tang Ze was startled.

"Yunyun, what happened?"

Tang Ze finished asking, but before Feng Qianyun answered, Wang Yubai cried out to Tang Ze for help, "Ah Ze, she's crazy and she's going to kill me, Ah Ze, save me!"

Tang Ze's mind was in a mess, he didn't know how to digest what his eyes saw, what his ears heard.

Long Yutian walked up to Tang Ze and told Tang Ze solemnly, "Tang Ze, your girlfriend threw a bomb on the playground just now, and the bomb Yun Yun is holding is the second bomb she prepared. , she wanted to kill Feng Qianyun, but was stopped by Feng Qianyun."

"How could it be?" Tang Ze turned to look at Wang Yubai after hearing Long Yutian's words, his heart ached, "Why? Why did you do this?"

Tang Ze knew that Wang Yubai had always been dissatisfied with Feng Qianyun, but that was only dissatisfaction. When did it get to the point where he wanted to kill Feng Qianyun?
"Ah Ze, don't listen to their nonsense, it's Feng Qianyun who lied to you, she's deliberately trying to kill me!" Wang Yubai refused to admit it, she was betting, betting on Tang Ze's trust in her.

"Hey, you woman is too good at lying!" Wu Xiaohan couldn't listen anymore, "You said my master wanted to kill you, but why did you say she wanted to kill you!"

"She has always wanted to separate me and Aze!" Wang Yubai insisted that he was not wrong, it was Feng Qianyun who wanted to separate her and Tang Ze, Wang Yubai looked at Tang Ze with tears in his eyes, "Aze, save me...Aze ..."

Tang Ze's mind was in a mess. He had heard so much at this moment that he didn't know who to trust for a while.

"Aze..." Wang Yubai's crying voice hurt Tang Ze's heart.

"Pa—" Feng Qianyun slapped Wang Yubai for the third time, "Are you deaf? Do you think he can save you?" Feng Qianyun sneered, "You didn't hear what I just said clearly, did you? No matter what the result is, you will die today, and your Aze will not be able to stop you."

"Ah Ze, you saw it, it's this woman, this woman wants to kill me!" Wang Yubai continued to shout without changing his mind.

Tang Ze was a little shaken, but he still didn't believe that Feng Qianyun would do such a thing for no reason.

Seeing Tang Ze shaken, Wang Yubai was proud in his heart, Tang Ze belonged to her, they have experienced together for seven years, their emotion is unmatched by anyone!
Seeing that Tang Ze was moved, Wu Xiaohan stepped forward suddenly, holding her DVD in her hand.

Wu Xiaohan pressed a few buttons, and then heard a sound coming from that DVD.

"What's wrong with your brain? Last time you were the one who colluded with Xia Wufeng, and this time you threw the bomb again, just because you thought I would snatch Tang Ze away?"

"It's your luck that I didn't kill you last time! You bastard, you introduced me to Mr. Lu to study medicine with him so nicely. In fact, you didn't intend to let me grow up at all, did you? Every day except Asking me to identify the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials is to catch the medicine, you are deliberately playing me! You are afraid that I will surpass you in the future!"

Wu Xiaohan recorded everything that happened just now!
Wu Xiaohan was holding the DVD to film the whole process of Feng Qianyun's competition, Wang Yubai's bomb was thrown over before the competition was over.

So Wu Xiaohan took the DVD and recorded the whole process.The DV in Wu Xiaohan's hands is still a high-end product, with high resolution, clear picture quality, and even the sound is very clear.

Wu Xiaohan brought the DVD in front of Tang Ze, allowing him to see clearly the true face of his girlfriend.

Wu Xiaohan made a grimace at Wang Yubai whose face turned pale in an instant, asking you to make up a lie, hmph, don't you know what high technology is?Let's see how you deny it!

Wang Yubai counted thousands and thousands of times and missed it, and someone will record their entire conversation during the whole process!

Now Tang Ze saw her true face!

Wang Yubai, who had been clamoring just now, suddenly fell silent, and there was only fear, because she had already lost her last bargaining chip!

The place was silent.

It took a long time before Tang Ze uttered a sound, the voice seemed to come back to him through decades of time, "Yun Yun, can you not hurt her..."

Tang Ze asked Feng Qianyun, "I will be punished on her behalf for what she did."

"Hey, are you alright? You have seen her true face, she is such an ugly woman, you still want to protect her?" Wu Xiaohan yelled after hearing this, he really couldn't understand Tang Ze!

(End of this chapter)

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