Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 286 He Will Be Reluctant

Chapter 286 He Will Be Reluctant (1)
Tang Ze's gaze was painful, like a pool of stagnant water, "I know, but... loving someone doesn't mean you can take it least when she made these mistakes, she was still my girlfriend. For her man, I should bear all the mistakes for her..."

Now Wu Xiaohan has nothing to say, feel sorry for this infatuated man, Wang Yubai is a real woman, such a good man doesn't know how to cherish, she really wants to use a thousand kinds of ten thousand kinds of poison to kill this dead woman!

Feng Qianyun let go of the restraint on Wang Yubai, "Okay."

Feng Qianyun agreed to Tang Ze's request.

Wang Yubai didn't think that she still had a chance of being saved, she thought that Tang Ze didn't want her anymore!

After Wang Yubai regained his freedom, he threw himself on Tang Ze's body, "Ah Ze, I knew you wouldn't want me..."

Tang Ze stretched out his hand and gently pushed Wang Yubai who was hugging him away, "Yubai, don't do such stupid things again from now on."

Then Tang Ze walked up to Feng Qianyun, "My life was originally yours."

"Live well, a corpse or a disabled person is of no use to me." Feng Qianyun said with a smile, her smile was so bright and dazzling.

Wang Yubai looked at her empty embrace, startled, frightened, panicked, confused, she rushed to grab Tang Ze's arm, "Aze, what do you mean, what do you mean?"

Tang Ze closed his eyes, even so, there was still obvious pain on his face, "Yubai, I have always loved you, but I am tired, I can't love you anymore, let's stop here."

Tang Ze is really tired. After what happened today, he is exhausted and has no energy to love Wang Yubai anymore. If you ask him if he still has Wang Yubai psychologically at this moment, the answer is yes, seven years of love , Tang Ze is not a grass and trees. It doesn't mean that he can forget it if he forgets it, but he no longer has the strength to love.

Seeing this, Wu Xiaohan, Shang Xiaoye, and Ouyang Zhimin looked at each other tacitly, and then stepped forward, one supporting Wang Yubai, one covering her mouth, and the other lifting her feet, covering their ears with lightning speed Wang Yubai was carried away from Tang Ze's presence, and this woman was not allowed to babble in front of Tang Ze!

Long Yutian came up and patted Tang Ze on the shoulder as a silent encouragement between men.

Long Yutian saw Feng Qianyun's actions just now, he could see that Feng Qianyun really planned to kill Wang Yubai directly, and did not intend to argue with Wang Yubai about right and wrong.

She probably didn't want Tang Ze to bear such pain.

One must know that if she killed Wang Yubai just like that, Tang Ze would hate her.

Long Yutian thought in his heart, he couldn't see that a stinky girl would be so worried about others that she would not hesitate to bear the crime...

That night, the apartment where Song Yuanshan and Song Li lived.

Song Yuanshan looked at this confidential document in his hands and felt very heavy. The things in it were related to hundreds of lives...

And this document is something that will never be released to the public...

This is the highest instruction approved directly from above, an order to kill the two major gangs of the Black Dragon Gang and the Princeling Party in M ​​City.


Although Song Yuanshan really wanted to catch Long Yutian and destroy the Black Dragon Gang, as well as the newly emerging princelings, it didn't mean he wanted everyone in there to die.

Obliteration means that no one will be left alive. This is not the justice he has pursued since he was a policeman, but the justice of darkness.

Facing this confidential document, Song Yuanshan felt extremely heavy. If possible, he really didn't want what was written in this document to become a reality, but obviously his expectation would not happen.

Because Song Yuanshan's mood was too heavy, he wanted to take a cold shower to calm down his mood. He was so distracted that he, who was always rigorous in his work, casually put the document on the table.

Song Yuanshan went to take a bath in the bathroom, and Song Li went into Song Yuanshan's room.

Huh?Brother, why did you take a shower so late today?
Song Li felt that Song Yuanshan seemed to be preoccupied when Song Yuanshan first came home, thinking that it should be because he has been too busy with work recently.

Song Li saw that Song Yuanshan's room was a little messy, so she came in to help him tidy up the room. After arranging things, Song Li's eyes were attracted by a document on the table, because this document was different from other documents, it turned out to be encrypted.

A Coase cipher is used.

If people who don't know the password can't understand this document, Song Yuanshan understands it. Song Li pestered her brother to learn some things before, so of course she can understand it.

Then the content above shocked Song Li.

obliterate? !
Song Li was frightened, her hands trembling uncontrollably, how could it be that she wanted Yan Sihang to lead the troops to wipe out all the Black Dragon Gang and the princelings!

What surprised Song Li the most was that she saw the names of Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue on it!
The operation code-named "Falcon" is still classified as a first-level state secret, and it cannot be leaked, nor will it be made public.

Song Li covered her mouth with her hands, for fear that she would cry out like this.

Song Li put the documents back on the table, and restored the messy things she had organized just now, as if she hadn't come in tonight.

After finishing these, Song Li tiptoed out of the room before Song Yuanshan took a shower.

After closing the door, Song Li leaned against the door and panted heavily, her body was still shaking, she patted her chest lightly, trying to calm herself down.

But what to do, Yunyun and Mr. Han will be wiped out... Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue's faces appeared in Song Li's mind, she didn't want anything to happen to them!

Especially Han Mojue...

Thinking of this, Song Li felt that her heart was beating so hard that her brows were knotted. After a long time, Song Li got up and picked up her bag from the sofa in the living room, and found Han Mojue from it. On the business card, there was Han Mojue's contact number and waiting bar's address. Song Li didn't hesitate any longer, and went out with her bag.

Song Li knew that if she told Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue about this, she would be leaking state secrets, and if she was found out, she might also be the target of obliteration.

But if she doesn't tell them, they will be wiped out by the army!
Song Li does not want such a thing to happen anyway.

Song Li went out to call, and went straight to the WAITINGBAR opened by Han Mojue.

When she arrived at the door of the bar, Song Li rushed in without caring about the high heels she was wearing, and bumped into a customer holding a drink, which splashed both herself and the customer.

(End of this chapter)

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