Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 287 He Will Be Reluctant

Chapter 287 He Will Be Reluctant (3)
Song Li lowered her head, she felt very sad about this matter.

When she was in school, she saw some of her classmates started to mix in society because they went astray, and then they mixed into gangs.For such people, they should not be beaten to death with a stick, nor should they be so cruel to them, they should be given a chance.

Han Mojue could tell that Song Li was a kind girl, otherwise she wouldn't have come to tell them about this matter today.

After all, she herself took a great risk in this way.

"Sister Song Li, thank you for coming to tell us the news. Thank you very much...but you should forget about it for the time being. I don't want you to be involved." Feng Qianyun said gratefully.

"But... what are you going to do?" Song Li looked at Feng Qianyun, then stared at Han Mojue for a long time. How could she act as if she didn't know anything about such a serious matter.

Han Mojue gave Song Li a reassuring smile, "Silly girl, it's okay, I know the matter is serious this time, and I also know that the army will be dispatched to directly attack us, but don't forget our people Not a lot!"

"Really?" Song Li raised her eyes to look at Han Mojue, feeling relieved.

"Hehe..." Feng Qianyun smiled, "I don't want to die yet, I want to live a few more years! Brother Mo Jue, please send Sister Song Li out of the bar, it's late, she's a girl It would be very dangerous to go back alone." Feng Qianyun asked Han Mojue to send Song Li off.

The government actually plans to send out the army, so the situation is indeed quite serious, heh, the soldiers come to cover the water and cover it with soil, open roads in the mountains, and build bridges in the water.

Han Mojue nodded. It was indeed quite dangerous. The silly girl downstairs was almost molested by someone just now. It can only be said that Song Yuanshan protected her so well that she didn't even know it when she was in her twenties. How dangerous is society.

Han Mojue sent Song Li to drive away from the bar. In the car, Song Li was still a little nervous and hadn't recovered yet.

"What's the matter, are you still worried?" Han Mojue could tell that Song Li, who was sitting on the passenger seat, was still in a state of tension, and she was still trembling.

"Don't worry, my daughter-in-law and I can handle it well. Moreover, this time the entire Black Dragon Gang and the princelings are involved. Long Yutian and Xia Wufeng will not stand idly by. To be honest, my daughter-in-law and I and the gangster It's not too much involved, this time it's purely lying on the gun, the more troublesome ones are Xia Wufeng and Long Yutian." Han Mojue's face was relaxed, as if this was a trivial matter at all.

Han Mojue was a little surprised that he also appeared on the list, it's fine if his little wife was involved, he is really innocent!
Song Li looked at Han Mojue's confident face, and for some reason, she gradually relaxed and blushed, "Han, Mr., have you ever thought about getting a girlfriend?" what?"

"呵——" Han Mojue slammed on the brakes, hoo, the car almost hit the guardrail on the side of the road, it was so dangerous.

The car returned to a stable driving state again, "Miss Song, the question you asked scared me, looking for a girlfriend? Oh forget it, I am most afraid of finding a girlfriend, find someone who looks average, she must be talking about it every day Saying that I am too beautiful makes her this girlfriend feel ashamed, find someone prettier than me... Unfortunately, God has not let me meet until now, the only one I have met, has not yet It's an adult!"

The underage Han Mojue mentioned was obviously talking about Feng Qianyun.

"Pfft—" Song Li was amused by Han Mojue, "You are finally willing to admit that you are beautiful..." Didn't he protest strongly when he heard others say he was beautiful?
"Hey..." Han Mojue sighed helplessly, "Is there any way, who told me to inherit my mother's face, as for my old man's face, he didn't inherit it at all, and it ended up like this!"

People who have not experienced the sorrow of male and female faces will not understand.

"Hehe, but I think Mr. Han is very nice of you. Although you are very beautiful, you still look very masculine!" Especially when he helped himself out just now, he was really MAN.

"You're not trying to comfort me, are you?"

"Do you need my comfort?"

"Hehe, that is, no need..."

Feng Qianyun came down from upstairs early the next morning. There were not many people in the bar during the day, let alone early in the morning.

"Bang bang bang-"

Early in the morning, who is there to disturb people's dreams?

Feng Qianyun opened the door, and there was a strange man standing outside the door, a tall and thin man, with a bony appearance and no flesh on his face.

Feng Qianyun was sure that she had never seen this man before.

"Miss Qian Yun, I know you are seeing me for the first time, but I am very familiar with Miss Qian Yun." The man said.

"Who are you?" Feng Qianyun narrowed her eyes, this man called her Miss Qianyun... Who would call her that?
"Please allow me to introduce myself. I am a person close to the prince. People on the road call me an old ghost." The old ghost introduced himself to Feng Qianyun.

I rub!

Old Ghost, No.5 on the underworld leaderboard!
This is brutal.

"Why are you here?" The other party is Xia Wufeng's person, no wonder Feng Qianyun is looking at him vigilantly, which one of Xia Wufeng's people she has met before wants her to look good?
"Miss Qian Yun, don't worry, I didn't come here to hurt Miss Qian Yun." The old ghost followed Feng Qianyun very seriously, and it looked a bit sincere, not like he was lying.

The old ghost looked at Feng Qianyun for a while, and to be honest, the old ghost was a little surprised when he saw Feng Qianyun again.

"I didn't expect you to recover so quickly." The old ghost said with emotion, the old ghost was surprised by the speed of Feng Qianyun's recovery rather than the fact that Feng Qianyun was still alive.

"You seem to know that I won't die?" Feng Qianyun raised her eyebrows, she didn't expect that she would be able to meet this top five figure on the underworld ranking so soon.

The old ghost smiled and sighed, "I know the prince is reluctant to kill you. I heard that you were carried out of the classroom and your body was burnt. If the prince really wants to kill you, you Do you think you still have a body?"

Feng Qianyun was silent and didn't speak, would he be reluctant?

"If the prince really wanted to kill you, he wouldn't have just brought a flame shell filled with ordinary flames to meet you. You have seen the flames from the ancient flame land, and they would burn everything. Nothing is left, and neither is your body, nothing will be left."

"Miss Qian Yun, I came to see you today because I hope you don't go against the prince again. The prince has his reasons for doing certain things, and no one can stop this." The old ghost came today to persuade Feng Qianyun, it would be better to say that he is begging Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun was silent for a while, because what the old ghost said made her fall into deep thought.

"Miss Qianyun, I know you won't believe me if you just listen to me, but I can't provide evidence. All the prince wants is that you don't fight against him. No matter what the reason is You stand on Long Yutian's side, please see that you don't do anything to hurt the prince because of your relationship with the prince." The old ghost's tone was pleading.

I don't know if this man's words are trustworthy, and Xia Wufeng has been hurting Feng Qianyun so far, and Feng Qianyun hasn't had time to hurt him, right?

"Well, tell me, what exactly does Xia Wufeng want?" Feng Qianyun asked, Xia Wufeng's ambition is really big enough, it shouldn't be as simple as swallowing up the underworld business in M ​​City, right?

"This..." The old ghost couldn't give Feng Qianyun an answer, this was a matter for the crown prince, and he had already kept it from the crown prince when he came to her, he had to know how to behave.

Seeing that the old ghost frowned tightly and looked like he had nothing to say, Feng Qianyun sneered, "Since you can't say it, then I have no reason to believe your words."

"It's not like this..." The old ghost wanted to explain for Xia Wufeng, but he didn't know where to start, "Believe it or not, everything I said today is the truth, and none of it is a lie."

"And then? Did you come here today just to talk to me?"

"Hmm..." The old ghost nodded. He couldn't bear to see the prince suffer too much, so he came to find Feng Qianyun in private. It was different from Zhang Xuchen's purpose of looking for Feng Qianyun in private. The old ghost just came to tell Feng Qianyun These words did not mean to harm Feng Qianyun.

The old ghost finished what he should say, then turned around and planned to leave.Believe it or not is Miss Qian Yun's business, he has no way to control it.

He walked a few steps, Feng Qianyun called him, "Wait, there is one thing you can go back and tell Xia Wufeng, the government has issued an order to kill the Black Dragon Gang and princelings, I think he doesn't want Something like this happened."

The old ghost was surprised at first when he heard the words, and then he was a little happy, "Miss Qian Yun, do you understand the prince?"

"One size counts. I'm also on the list that the government wants to kill. If he fights back, it will be a boost to me." Feng Qianyun said coldly.

The old ghost was a little disappointed, but he still wanted to thank Feng Qianyun, "Thank you Miss Qianyun, I will tell the crown prince truthfully about this matter."

Then the old ghost left.

(End of this chapter)

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