Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 288 She is a life-saving talisman, keep it

Chapter 288 She is a life-saving talisman, keep it (1)
Feng Qianyun looked at the number flashing on the phone screen, what did the Yan family want her for at this time?
Feng Qianyun answered the phone.


"Hello, is this little genius doctor? I'm Yan Hanyang, do you remember me?" Yan Hanyang's eager voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Well, Uncle Yan, what do you want from me?" Feng Qianyun knew that the elders of the Yan family might not know about the obliteration order. The obliteration order came through a special channel, and only those involved in the order would know about it. Song Yuanshan received the order, I don't know if Yan Sihang received Feng Qianyun, but Feng Qianyun knew that the elders of the Yan family probably didn't know.

"Little genius doctor, I came to you for a very important matter. I want to ask you to save my wife! No matter how much it is, as long as you can cure her, I will give it to you." Yan Hanyang pleaded.

"Did something happen to Aunt Yan?" Feng Qianyun remembered that she was fine when she saw Yan Hanyang's wife last time, but now Yan Hanyang's tone seemed to be in a very serious situation.

That's true, if it wasn't a particularly serious situation, he wouldn't have come to her.

Asked about this by Feng Qianyun, Yan Hanyang sighed, and his voice sounded a little guilty, "I quarreled with her a few times last night, and she drove out by herself, and ended up getting drunk outside. After driving, something happened, and now she is not out of the critical period, the doctor said that even if she is out of the dangerous period, she may be in a vegetative state."

Yan Hanyang was really guilty, because the cause of the incident was that his wife found out that he had taken care of a mistress outside, and the two had a quarrel, which led to the car accident.

The relationship between Yan Hanyang and his wife is not very good, but it can be regarded as a model couple in everyone's eyes.They have been husband and wife for more than 20 years, and they have long since lost the passion for love, and his feelings for his wife have also faded.

At this age, Yan Hanyang's figure is still in shape, he is rich and powerful, and there are always some temptations around him. Yan Hanyang never thought about divorcing his wife and changing a wife, but he enjoys the woman he raises outside. What is exciting is happy.

"Which hospital are you in now? You need to make sure that the hospital where your wife is located will agree to hand over such a critically ill patient to a child who doesn't even have a doctor's certificate." Feng Qianyun said.

"Don't worry, don't worry, my wife is in the Central Hospital now, she's fine, I've already told Dean Ruan about it." Yan Hanyang said eagerly.Even if his wife is not in the central hospital now, Yan Hanyang will definitely make the hospital agree to hand over his wife to Feng Qianyun for treatment.

"Okay, I'll come over later." Feng Qianyun agreed, since it's the central hospital, it shouldn't be a big problem, and it will be much more convenient to have Ruan Hongqiang in many things.

Feng Qianyun thought about it, didn't waste any time, hung up the phone and went out.

When he arrived at the hospital, Feng Qianyun saw Yan Sihang standing guard at the door of the ward, he was still wearing a military uniform, presumably he rushed over in such a hurry that he didn't have time to change it, he covered his face with his hands and his eyes were heavy.

Beside him, Yan Hanyang supported his head with one hand, looking very remorseful.

Seeing Feng Qianyun appearing, Yan Hanyang stood up with a "swish", "Little genius doctor, you have come!" Seeing Feng Qianyun at this time was like seeing a savior, "Little genius doctor, my wife is here!" Inside, what should I do, she is so seriously injured, can the little genius doctor save her?" Yan Hanyang asked Feng Qianyun anxiously, with such a serious injury, even a genius doctor can't help, right?

It's a pity that Yan Hanyang was wrong, this kind of injury is precisely the easiest one for Feng Qianyun to solve.

It's just that Yan Hanyang's wife was injured so badly, it would take a lot of strength for Feng Qianyun to cure her completely.

"what did the doctor say?"

"I just had an operation. The doctor said that there was a lot of bleeding in the brain, and the lungs and spleen were damaged to a certain extent. The signs of life are very weak, and they may not survive tonight." Yan Hanyang said that his voice was a little trembling, "little Divine doctor, I beg you, you must save my wife!"

"Well, I see." Through the huge glass window, Feng Qianyun glanced at the intensive care unit. Yan Hanyang's wife had a lot of tubes inserted into her body, and the signs of life were very weak. It seemed that she was in a very dangerous period. .

Yan Sihang raised his eyes and looked at Feng Qianyun for a while, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything after all, maybe he was doubting Feng Qianyun's ability, it's just that his father believed her so much at this time, and there was his grandfather's example Putting it there, my mother at this time... has reached this point... Yan Sihang is a person, and he is very vulnerable when facing this situation.

It's always good to be able to just find someone to rely on.

Feng Qianyun also took a look at Yan Sihang, at this time Yan Sihang didn't even have the intention to accuse her of arresting her, whether he believed her or not, he had no reason to stop his father's decision to bring her to treat his mother.

"You guys watch outside, don't come in without my permission." After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she closed the door and the shutters of the glass windows, so that people outside could not see what was going to happen inside.

Feng Qianyun went in, the Yan family father and son fell into an anxious wait, Yan Hanyang was a little guilty and did not dare to see his son Yan Sihang.He scratched his hair in frustration, his irritability and self-blame made him seem to have aged several years in an instant.

Yan Sihang's nerves were tense. When he first felt that he was coming from the hospital, Yan Sihang could hardly recognize that the person lying on the hospital bed was his mother.He had never expected Feng Qianyun to be a veritable genius doctor who could cure his mother as much as he did at this moment.

Just, is it possible?
Even if he is a miracle doctor, his mother's current situation is still a bit reluctant, right?
Neither father nor son informed Yan Songbai, fearing that he would not be able to bear it when he was too old.

Both Yan Sihang and Yan Hanyang thought that Feng Qianyun would go in for a long time, but who would have thought that Feng Qianyun would go in for about 10 minutes before the door of the ward was opened again.

"Little genius doctor, do you need anything? Just tell me to do it." Yan Hanyang thought that Feng Qianyun needed something, but Feng Qianyun had already finished the whole treatment.

"There is nothing needed." Feng Qianyun made way for the two of them, "Your wife's condition has stabilized, you can go in and see her, as for the rest of the treatment, I will tell Dean Ruan to come Arrange, I will prescribe traditional Chinese medicine for her later, whether your wife is willing to drink it or not, you must drink it for her, I don't want the person I treated to fail to survive in the end."

(End of this chapter)

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