Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 289 She is a life-saving talisman, keep it

Chapter 289 She is a life-saving talisman, keep it (2)
Hearing Feng Qianyun's words, Yan Hanyang was taken aback for a while, is that all right?

Isn't this too fast?Is she a fairy?Just go in and take a walk and you'll be done?

After being stunned for a few seconds, Yan Hanyang rushed to the ward, and saw that his wife had woken up on the hospital bed, and Feng Qianyun removed all the tubes and oxygen masks that had been inserted into her body.

It turned out to be really good!Although he has not healed yet, he has awakened!This is unbelievable!
So there is nothing wrong with flattering Feng Qianyun!

"Fenglian, how do you feel now?" Yan Hanyang approached and carefully asked his wife Fenglian who had just woken up.

Fenglian's eyeballs rolled slightly, but she just glanced at Yan Hanyang indifferently, then turned her attention to the ceiling again, and stopped looking at him.

"Alian, I know that you are angry in your heart. This matter is my fault, but you are not in good health yet, and you need to rest well. If you are angry, I will let you deal with it when your injury recovers." Yan Hanyang lowered his posture , begged his wife's forgiveness, and only when he saw Fenglian lying on the bed did he realize how serious the matter was.

Women can't control their mouths, men can't control their legs.

Yan Sihang stood at the door and looked at his parents from a distance. After making sure that his mother was fine, he turned his gaze to Feng Qianyun.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Don't you want to arrest me? Why haven't you figured out who I am yet?" Feng Qianyun smiled, "Besides, our relationship is already so 'close'!"

Feng Qianyun flirts with Yan Sihang with a naughty expression in disguise.

"There's nothing wrong with a person like you. Why don't you just be a useful person to society?" Yan Sihang asked Feng Qianyun.With her medical skills, whether it's fame or fortune, which one is not easy to get?
"The underworld or the white way, it has nothing to do with me. I only do what I think is right. I neither stand on the side of the white way, nor intend to stick to the underworld. I follow my own crooked way." Feng Qianyun smiled slightly. Then he answered Yan Sihang's silly question.

Feng Qianyun has its own set of standards for doing things.

At this time, Yan Sihang's thoughts were turning back and forth. Feng Qianyun saved his mother, and he had already received the obliteration order. Feng Qianyun was on the list. He was the commander appointed this time. He will personally send her to Huangquan Road.

Does this count as revenge?

Even so, Yan Sihang knew that he had no choice, and anyone who had seen the ruthless kill order knew what a cruel order it was.When the order is executed, even if innocent people are involved, they will be killed.

He knew this kind of dark justice a long time ago, and he was powerless to do anything, powerless to change anything.

This is a black storm in the name of justice... No one can stop it, and no one can change this fact, no one can change the fate of those people who will disappear from this earth, no one!
"You can do it yourself." Yan Sihang told Feng Qianyun directly because of her bad status. She probably still doesn't know how dangerous her situation is.

In fact, Yan Sihang didn't know, Feng Qianyun already knew about the obliteration order.

The two were talking at the door, and old man Yan came over in a hurry. The old man's servants wanted to stop the old man from running so fast, but the old man would not.

"Master, please slow down, please slow down!"

"Go away, my daughter-in-law is in an accident, you still tell me to slow down, why slow down!" The old man didn't want others to help him, he took three steps at a time, and rushed over while hobbling on crutches. I wish I could grow another leg at this time.

"Grandpa." Seeing this, Yan Sihang hurriedly called to his grandfather.

"Sihang, how is your mother doing now?" Mr. Yan has always treated his daughter-in-law as his own daughter-in-law. His own daughter-in-law has always been very filial since she married into the family. When he was big and small, he took good care of him. When he was sick, his daughter-in-law also took good care of him.

"Grandpa, don't worry, mom is out of danger, and the situation is very stable now." Quite stable!Surprisingly stable!
Old Man Yan slowed down after hearing the words, "That's good, that's good..." He gasped and said, finally the stone in his heart fell, just now when he walked up from downstairs quickly, the old man was really panting up.

Then Yan Songbai looked into the ward and saw that Yan Hanyang seemed to be talking to her, which showed that he was really out of danger.

"Grandpa, your heart is not good. Sit down and take it easy. Don't worry about mom, she's fine." Yan Sihang went to help old man Yan sit down on the stool in the hospital corridor.

Yan Songbai didn't notice Feng Qianyun until he sat down, "Little genius doctor, are you also in the hospital?"

"Grandpa, Dad invited her here." Yan Sihang explained.

"Oh? So your mother was also treated by her?" Yan Songbai immediately guessed.

Yan Sihang nodded and answered Yan Songbai's guess.

"That's how it is!" No wonder you said it was in danger just now, and now you're all right now, "Mr. He really scared me to death when he informed me just now, hmph, do you father and son think you can hide it from me? It's such a big deal. You still want to hide it from me!"

Yan Songbai glared at Yan Sihang as he spoke.

Yan Songbai was very angry, how could he sit still when such a big incident happened at home?

Knowing that it was Feng Qianyun who rescued his daughter-in-law, Yan Songbai said gratefully, "Little genius doctor, I have troubled you again. I will definitely keep this kindness in mind. As for the reward, I will let Hanyang call you later." Your card is on it, and you make an offer as soon as possible.”

A kindness that Mr. Yan can remember in his heart is sometimes more effective than any passport.

"No, this time, let's treat it as a gift from last time. I'll leave first if I have something else to do." Feng Qianyun is only responsible for resuscitating people, as for their own housework, Feng Qianyun has no control over them.

Feng Qianyun waved at Yan Songbai and Yan Sihang, and walked away gracefully.

Looking at the back of Feng Qianyun going away, Yan Songbai suddenly said to Yan Sihang, "Sihang, you have to subtract one list from this mission."

Yan Songbai said to Yan Sihang in an orderly tone.

"Grandpa, how did you know..." What Yan Sihang received this time was a confidential document from above, and even his family members couldn't disclose it.

How could Yan Sihang forget that his grandfather was not just his grandfather, his status and contacts in the government could not be easily shaken even after he retired.

(End of this chapter)

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