Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 292 The Beginning of Fame: Establishing Prestige

Chapter 292 The Beginning of Fame: Establishing Prestige (3)
"First, second, fourth, fifth. Four of the top five on the leaderboard are sitting here. Do you want me to fight with you? Or are you planning to accompany me? Performing, deliberately losing to me? Then you have to believe it!" It was the four of them who pushed her to take this position, but they stood up and told everyone that she had won them, or played a live game for everyone to see , who would believe it?

"Isn't there another person? That person doesn't belong to the Black Dragon Gang or the Princeling Party. He is an outsider. If you defeat him, won't you prove your strength?" Xia Wufeng said leisurely.

The person he was talking about was the third-ranked Dark Moon.

"Anyue, this man is a killer, and his behavior style is very unpredictable. Everyone doesn't know his true strength. It's only because he once killed a gangster who was at the top of the mysterious rank that he was given the third place on the ranking list." Maybe his real strength is still higher than ours, this is also possible, it may be dangerous to let Yunyun fight with such an unpredictable man rashly." Long Yutian was a little worried when he heard this.

Tongren Mu also felt a little inappropriate when he heard the words, "Indeed, it's too messy for the eldest lady to fight against such a dangerous person. I don't agree with this method."

Mu Tongren only felt that the future was bleak, which drained almost all of his strength.

"What about you? Don't you agree? Or are you afraid?" Xia Wufeng said to Feng Qianyun sarcastically, his words were obviously mocking, as if mocking Feng Qianyun for being a coward.

Is Xia Wufeng trying to provoke her?Feng Qianyun smiled lightly, and then frowned pitifully, "I'm a child, I was afraid of death early in the morning! Now I can't wait to find a place to hide right away! Brother Yutian, Grandpa Mu, Brother Mo Jue , you will protect the unblooming flowers of my weak motherland, right?"

The corner of Han Mojue's mouth twitched violently, and he almost couldn't come back because of the twitching too much.

This kid... is naughty again... this damn flower bone...

The old ghost who had been silent all this time opened his mouth for the first time today, "Miss Qian Yun, I know that I am a little irresponsible for saying this, but I beg you to take this risk. Although it is very dangerous, there is always hope. If we If you don’t do it, all of us will really have to die together. My old ghost promises you that I will be by your side to protect you. Your life is in danger."

Feng Qianyun accepted her naughty expression when she heard the words, stood up abruptly, and gave everyone a bright smile, "Okay, I'll take this order, and this thin uncle is more pleasant to speak, for the sake of Save my little life for molesting beautiful men in the future. Just kill them all. As for protecting me, I will save my little life. Hurt it!" When Feng Qianyun said this, she gave Xia Wufeng a meaningful look.

Then, Feng Qianyun turned around gorgeously, leaving everyone with a beautiful back, and then left the meeting room with big strides.

Establish prestige, right?

In short, let's get rid of that dark moon first.

Xia Wufeng didn't miss Feng Qianyun's last look at him, heh, the sweet cheese cat showed her paws, was she provoking him just now?

Feng Qianyun stepped into the second-hand bookstore that Tang Ze mentioned. The bookstore's facade looked old. There was an old man sitting in the doorway. He had very short hair and his head was bald. In white, he was wearing a pair of presbyopic glasses and a short white vest. He was sitting on a low chair, his eyes focused on the newspaper in his hand.

"Hello, old man, I want to buy a book called Dark Moon. I wonder if you can sell it here, boss?" Feng Qianyun asked the old gentleman in the second-hand bookstore very politely.

Hearing Feng Qianyun's words, the old man raised his head slowly, took off his presbyopic glasses, looked at Feng Qianyun carefully, and then continued to read the newspaper, "There is no book called Dark Moon here, kid, you should still read it." Go and have a look elsewhere."

Obviously, Feng Qianyun did not meet the boss's criteria for selecting guests for Dark Moon.

"Old man, I really want to buy this book, can you take a look for me, maybe there is one in the corner?" Feng Qianyun said again, not giving up so quickly.

"If you say no, then you don't have it. This store is only so small. I know exactly what books are there, so I don't need to read any more." The old man's attitude was very firm.

Feng Qianyun looked at the old man for a while, but she didn't expect that she couldn't even pass the old man's test, and she didn't know what the old man's selection criteria were.

"Old man, why not? Do you think that I am still a student and think that I am not suitable for reading books like An Yue?" Feng Qianyun asked tentatively.In fact, Feng Qianyun also knew that she was not only a problem of school girls, but also a more serious problem of being a minor.

"It's been said that there is no book called Dark Moon. If there is no book, how do you sell it? Just pay for it and not deliver the goods?" The old man had a straight face, and his attitude towards Feng Qianyun was not very good. "Kids, I'd better go back and read your textbooks." Well, go to school and learn more words, and when you grow up, you will become a white-collar worker, a scientist, a teacher, and a pillar of society, don’t read these miscellaneous books, it won’t do you any good.”

"But I really need to read this book now." Feng Qianyun probably understood what the old man meant, "How can the old man judge that I am not suitable for reading the book Dark Moon based on my age?"

"Heh, if it's not suitable, it's not suitable. There is no age limit. Dark Moon is a very bloody book. It is too brutal and too dark. It is not suitable for people who live in the sun to read."

The standard for the old man to review for An Yue is whether the other party is a person on the road, whether he is a life-threatening person, and it depends on who he wants to kill, some of which An Yue will not kill.

"Oh..." Feng Qianyun smiled evilly, it seems that the way to find An Yue directly through the old man is not feasible, Feng Qianyun pretended to give up, shook her head in disappointment and left the second-hand bookstore.

(End of this chapter)

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