Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 293 Old Man, Dark Moon Made My Stomach Big

Chapter 293 Old Man, Dark Moon Made My Stomach Big (1)
After Feng Qianyun left, the old man put down the newspaper in his hand, and sighed helplessly, "How can even children start killing people these days, hey, the world is getting worse!" the old man said with emotion.

The old man kept the bookstore open until four o'clock in the afternoon, then moved out the door, closed the shop, and went home with a basket of vegetables.

The old man didn't notice that when he left the shop, a small figure followed him.

The old man lives in a slum area, and the conditions are very poor. There are old gas stoves and other sundries in the corridor. of.

After finally reaching the door of the house, the old man took out the key and opened the door of his own house. As soon as the door was opened, the old man was startled and hurriedly closed the door.

After the old man got home, he sat in front of the table, wrote something on a piece of paper, and then went to the window, where there was a cage for pigeons, and he put the little note into the small wooden cylinder on the pigeon's feet. .

The pigeon flew away.

Feng Qianyun stood in the corridor and kept paying attention to the changes in the room. She didn't feel that there were other people in the room besides the old man, but there was a bird creature, and the bird flew away.

The age when pigeons were used as a communication tool has passed, but there are still many people who still keep pigeons. Of course, the main function is not for communication.

But for people like An Yue who can't see the light, using a special communication method is a good way.

Chasing pigeons is a big challenge for Feng Qianyun. Although the flying height of pigeons is not high among birds, the distance is not small, and it will exceed the range that Feng Qianyun can detect. Flying in the sky, unimpeded, Feng Qianyun can only run on the ground, how hard is it?When Feng Qianyun ran downstairs, the pigeon didn't know where it had flown.

Rather than tire yourself chasing pigeons, why not...

Feng Qianyun turned to the only window at the entrance of the corridor at an extremely fast speed. Fortunately, the pigeon had not flown away, so Feng Qianyun casually took a silver needle from her body and pointed it at the pigeon that was about to fly away. The pigeon shoots out.

The silver needle pierced into the pigeon's body, and the pigeon began to fall downwards.

Feng Qianyun went downstairs and picked up the poor and innocent pigeon that she had shot.

Pigeon, pigeon, I know you are innocent, but it's a pity that you followed the wrong master, it hurts, my sister will give you a whir.

Feng Qianyun picked up the poor pigeon after silently chanting in her heart, and then took off the letter on it.

There is only a short line of words, with a name at the beginning, a number in the middle, and another name at the end.

Feng Qianyun reckoned that one of the two names belonged to the person who was murdered, and the other belonged to the murderer. As for the number, it was probably the price.

There is no information about Darkmoon himself.

Feng Qianyun held the pigeon that was stabbed by her silver needle in both hands, and muttered in her mouth, "Pigeon, pigeon, be good, my sister still depends on you to find that person named An Yue, and found my sister." I'll buy you delicious food, so you can't rest now, my sister will help you pull out the immobile silver needle that stabbed you so painfully, and in return you will help your sister find that guy named Dark Moon Oh!"

If the pigeon could understand human language, it would spit out a mouthful of old blood. The needle was pierced by you, and now it is ashamed to say that it will repay you!
Feng Qianyun took out the silver needle from the pigeon without feeling guilty. When the silver needle came out, the pigeon that seemed to be dead just now was alive and kicking again. If anyone passed by and saw this scene, they would probably Was stunned.

Feng Qianyun unscrupulously tied a small red rope around the pigeon's feet, one end was tied to the pigeon's feet, and the other end was held by herself, hoping that the frightened pigeon would lead her to find the dark moon.

As a result, the pigeons flopped around because they were frightened, who cares about you, a bad girl!
Feng Qianyun patted the pigeon's head depressedly, "It's not easy to cooperate, sister is not easy, and sister doesn't want to disturb your work, believe me I really didn't mean it."

The pigeons couldn't understand Feng Qianyun's words. At this time, the old man came downstairs to throw out the trash, and saw Feng Qianyun sharply. He just thought that the little girl had followed him to his house, and suddenly saw Feng Qianyun is playing with something... Isn't that his pigeon?
The old man was shocked, and immediately threw away the trash in his hand and rushed towards Feng Qianyun.

The closer he got, the more certain that the poor pigeon that was being abused by Feng Qianyun was the one he kept!
"What are you doing? You caught my pigeon!" The old man didn't know how to describe his anger at this moment.

Feng Qianyun blinked innocently, "It won't take me to find Dark Moon, I'm communicating with it!"

The old man was almost raised by Feng Qianyun's blood pressure.

"You, what do you want to do?" From which corner did such a nasty little girl run out, it's fine if she doesn't learn how to find An Yue, but she actually came to follow him to the house, and the most abominable thing is to raise him The pigeons were caught!

Wait, the pigeon's feet should be tied with the message he wants to send to Dark Moon...

The old man looked at the pigeon's feet, and the small wooden tube had indeed been opened!
"Where's the note inside?" The old man looked around for the note with key information written on it. Although there were only three data on it, it didn't mean that he could let others see it casually!
"Are you talking about this?" Feng Qianyun shamelessly waved the little note in front of the old man, holding up the note in her hand, she obviously stole something from someone else's house, but she still shamelessly showed it off!

"How can you take other people's things casually? You are really disgusting. What about your parents? I want to call your parents!" The old man was so angry that he wanted to roar, he wanted to roar, he wanted to curse I wipe me go I go.

"Old man, don't call my parents, okay, they will kill me with a knife..." Feng Qianyun looked at the old man pitifully with watery eyes, and the meaning of pleading was self-evident.

The old man was unmoved, just when he was determined to find someone to take this bad boy Feng Qianyun away, Feng Qianyun actually started crying in front of him.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(oo If a strange man gets pregnant and makes them lose face, I really don't know what they will do..."

Feng Qianyun cried so miserably, it was so sad that the listener wept.

"So you want An Yue to kill the man who made your belly bigger?" Seeing Feng Qian Yun crying so sadly, the old man couldn't blame her anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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