Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 294 Old Man, Dark Moon Made My Stomach Big

Chapter 294 Old Man, Dark Moon Made My Stomach Big (2)
"No, I want Dark Moon to take responsibility for me..."

Feng Qianyun bit her lip and said.

Find Dark Moon to be responsible for her?
The amount of information is a bit large!
The old man's eyes widened, "Could it be that you were made pregnant by the dark moon?" This is impossible, right?How could Dark Moon be such a person?
Feng Qianyun nodded heavily, "Otherwise, old man, how do you think I know about An Yue... I am a good student, look, here is my student ID, I am a student of Shengrong Private High School, I With excellent grades, I skipped a grade to study in Shengrong Private High School, and my academic performance has always been excellent, and I was able to get a scholarship to subsidize my family... If it wasn’t for knowing An Yue, how could a student like me know of his existence? know how to find him..."

The old man took the student ID card from Feng Qianyun. He is really a student of Shengrong Private High School. Judging from the date of speaking on it, Feng Qianyun is only 13 years old now. After passing many levels, it seems that he is really a good student with excellent character and learning, otherwise it would be impossible to jump so many levels at once.

Then look at the pear blossom with the rainy Feng Qianyun, its lovely appearance, even though it is still young, it can be seen that it is a beauty embryo.It was not impossible for young men to take a fancy to her.

The old man thought, although he knew that An Yue was a very principled person, he couldn't guarantee that An Yue was also a principled person in terms of feelings or women. Once a man got into bed and took off his clothes, Many can change from a gentleman to a beast.

The more the old man thought about it, the more he felt that what Feng Qianyun said made sense, otherwise, how could a little girl like her know about the existence of An Yue.

"Okay, I promise to take you to meet An Yue, but you have to promise me not to mess around after seeing An Yue, since you know his identity, you should know how powerful he is, if you offend him, you won't There are good fruits to eat." After much thought, the old man agreed to take Feng Qianyun to see An Yue.

"Woooooo, old man, you are so kind, I knew you were a good person." Feng Qianyun said gratefully.

"Then can you release my pigeons first, and then return the note to me. Don't tell others about the content on the note, or I will be in trouble." The information of the guests must be kept confidential. It cannot be leaked casually.

"Yeah, no, old man, don't worry, how could I betray you if you treat me so well!" Feng Qianyun nodded repeatedly.

Then let go of the poor pigeon who was tossed about by her.

So the old man went out with Feng Qianyun, and the two got on the bus and arrived at their destination after a few twists and turns.

When Feng Qianyun got off the bus, she looked at the villa area and squinted her eyes. Is this person named An Yue quite rich? An absolutely stark contrast.

"Let's go." The old man said something to Feng Qianyun and went forward to ring the doorbell, and then he heard the old man say to the machine at the door, "There is a guest who wants to see you, and I brought her here."

By saying this, the old man is telling Dark Moon that the person who came is a guest.

After about ten minutes, the door opened, and the man inside the door was quite tall, wearing pajamas, as if he had just slept in bed, as for his appearance... Feng Qianyun couldn't see the appearance, the man He actually put a mask on his face...

This is really a good way!
The man was obviously taken aback when he saw Feng Qianyun, he recognized Feng Qianyun, what he didn't understand was how Feng Qianyun came here, and it was brought here by Old Man Hao.

As soon as Feng Qianyun saw the man, she made a move at him without saying a word, her hands were dressed as eagle claws, and she attacked the man's neck neatly, not a ruthless move.

The man didn't expect that Feng Qianyun would kill him as soon as he came up, so he was a little embarrassed to avoid it.

"What are you doing?" The man didn't understand, he didn't offend her!

"It's nothing, I want you to fight, if you don't want to die, just fight hard." Feng Qianyun said domineeringly, where is the pear blossom with rain just now?

Uncle Hao, who came with Feng Qianyun, was stunned. He said that women have a needle in their hearts, and that some people turn their faces faster than turning a book. Isn't this what he said about the little girl in front of him?
Just now she was so pitiful and crying, but in the blink of an eye she became so vicious!

The man only avoided Feng Qianyun's attack but did not fight back, "What's the matter with you? You just hit me?" The man didn't know why, and he didn't dare to attack Feng Qianyun, so he could only hide and ask Feng Qianyun again when he had time. Why on earth did Qian Yun hit him.

The man's embarrassing escape fell into Uncle Hao's ears, and he thought that An Yue had really done something to offend Feng Qianyun, but if he continued to fight like this, he might be killed.

So old man Hao yelled at Feng Qianyun: "Little girl, stop beating, I know you are angry, but you can't do it if you beat him to death, if the child in your belly is born How pitiful it is without my father!"

As soon as Uncle Hao said this, the man fell to the ground, what happened?

Does she have children?
Even if she is so unfortunate that she has a baby when she is underage, it is definitely not his!

If it was his, he would have died a thousand times or ten thousand times!
"Well, is there something wrong here? How could I have a child with you?!" The man is completely in a fog now. He is a night owl and acts at night and sleeps at home during the day. The old man rings the doorbell and tells He had visitors, and he knew that Uncle Hao was a measured person, and it must be something unusual to bring people directly to his residence, so he took a mask and put it on himself before coming out to meet people.

But who would have thought that the person he met would be Feng Qianyun instead of someone else!
Then he was hunted down inexplicably!
Even if he is going to die, he has to be a sensible ghost!
"I want to know why I won the fight first." Feng Qianyun felt that she had already spent too much precious time looking for the dark moon, hey, her lovely and beautiful youth, she couldn't be let like this again It's a waste, so she wants to make a quick decision, there are still many things waiting for her to do!

"I can't hit you! You'd better tell me what happened!" The man was determined not to fight back, even being thwarted in dodging. He was really afraid that he would hurt Feng Qianyun himself, even if he couldn't. She, he still didn't dare to make a move on her!

"You don't fight back, do you?" Feng Qianyun narrowed her eyes, and then she started her violent actions. Feng Qianyun took out the long or short steel rod pinned to her leg, and turned it about It was only a small steel rod of ten centimeters, and the two ends of the steel rod stretched to more than one meter. Then Feng Qianyun took the steel rod and threw a shining wink at An Yue who still refused to fight back.

The man exclaimed, isn't it... This is the rhythm of being beaten...

Feng Qianyun brandished a steel rod and dropped one stick after another on An Yue's body. It was difficult for Feng Qianyun to catch him with bare hands just now, but now that he has an extra weapon in his hand, it will be difficult for him to hide, right?

The man used the vase to block it, but Feng Qianyun smashed the vase, the man used the vacuum cleaner to block it, but Feng Qianyun interrupted the vacuum cleaner, the man ran into the kitchen, he dared not hold the knife, it was too sharp in case it hurt her what to do?He took the chopping board by hand, one stop, and two more.

"Hey, don't hit me, don't hit me anymore." The man didn't fight back, but kept begging Feng Qianyun for mercy, which was very different from the "dark moon" that Feng Qianyun had expected before, the mysterious killer was not It should be very powerful and cool, but then Feng Qianyun's jaw dislocated in fright when he waved his hand chicly?

Why did he see her like a mouse seeing a cat, he couldn't even fight back, and begged for mercy so uselessly?

What about prestige?How about domineering?Could this Dark Moon be a counterfeit?

Feng Qianyun finally stopped, carefully looked at the man in front of her, who is this man?

The man rubbed the place where he had been severely injured, oh my god, her strength has improved a little bit too scary, right?

Back then, he had personally witnessed her advance to the elementary level of the mysterious rank!

As a result, in the blink of an eye, she actually... hurt him to death. He didn't dare to fight back. If he hurt her, the boss would kill him. It's better for him to keep this little life.

"Who are you?" Feng Qianyun looked at the man's figure and felt familiar, damn familiar.

The man was silent.

"If I tell you to say it, you can say it. What do you do twitching? If you have the ability to twitch, you fight back. I just want to find someone who can practice my hands with me." Feng Qianyun is gearing up.

Before, she asked Han Mojue to find the list on the underworld leaderboard for her to practice. Without accumulating a little fighting experience, how did she grow from a fighting rookie to a master level?
As the old saying goes, a rookie who doesn't want to be a master is not a master.

"Miss Feng, Miss Qianyun, don't come here again, I'm Jia Bing." Jia Bing didn't dare to hide it anymore, and took off the mask on his face, revealing his face.

It's really ice cream.

Feng Qianyun walked around Jia Bing, looked at him carefully, "You are Jia Bing, you didn't say it earlier!"

"Ah? Then... I'm afraid..." Jia Bing scratched his head innocently, he was afraid that Feng Qianyun would ask him why he was Dark Moon, so how would he answer?

Said that he was not a good person, and killing people was considered an amateur profession?
Said that his full job is to be the boss of the hot spring hotel in M ​​City, to help the boss, and to be a killer on the sideline, and recently he happened to help the boss watch her part-time?
"Forget it, if you don't want to say it, then don't say it." Feng Qianyun expressed that he was not interested in Jia Bing's secrets, he was someone close to Lie Que, and it was normal that his identity was as weird as Lie Que's.

Is she that scary?He made him hesitate when he saw her, she really doesn't eat people!

(End of this chapter)

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