Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 295 Shut up all of them!

Chapter 295 Shut up all of them! (1)
Hearing this, Jia Bing finally feels more at ease. He doesn’t know the art of explaining a certain problem to you, so he should follow Feng Qianyun’s explanation. If he says the wrong thing, won’t he be in trouble when the boss comes back... Boss usually trick people There is no trace, and he who has been with the BOSS for so many years expresses his sadness about it.

"By the way, what do you want me to do? You also have someone to kill?" An Yue asked wonderingly.

"I want to kill a man named Lie Que, will you accept this business?" Feng Qianyun asked An Yue.

"Don't, don't scare me. Even if I want to take over this business, I don't think it can be done." Are you making an international joke, asking him to kill the BOSS, is he impatient with life or his head was kicked by a donkey?

"Then it's gone. I originally wanted to fight with you, but now it seems that I can't. I'll go back first, and you continue to do your part-time job." Feng Qianyun thought, this guy is an acquaintance, she always Why don't you fight him again?
Since she can't fight anymore, what else do you want him to do? Anyway, if the top five are not good enough, there will be more to come. Apart from showing her strength, Feng Qianyun still has a lot of things to do.

"Wait, Miss Feng, you haven't told me why you are looking for me." Jia Bing grabbed Feng Qianyun, he always felt that there was something wrong with Feng Qianyun.

"It's nothing."

Jia Bing looked at the back of Feng Qianyun going away, feeling in his heart, he finally understood what it means to be more popular than others, how long ago did this happen?It was only two or three months ago, from breaking through to becoming an advanced master to now, it was only two or three months, but her strength has actually undergone such an astonishing change.

The conversation between Jia Bing and Feng Qianyun made Uncle Hao dizzy. What is the relationship between the two?Why does the more I listen to it, the more strange it becomes?

After Feng Qianyun left, Uncle Hao asked the doubts in his heart, "Mr. Jia Bing, who is she, you and her..."

Uncle Hao's eyes turned and turned.

"Stop it, don't say anything about my relationship with her next time, if the boss hears it, my work burden will increase again." Jia Bing said with emotion.

"Mr. Jia Bing, what do you mean... the person who made her belly bigger is actually not you, but the BOSS?" Uncle Hao guessed in surprise.

"Who told you that she has a big belly? It's impossible for me, and neither is Boss. Although he is very special to her, it's not a relationship between a man and a woman. Even if it's a step back, it's a relationship between a man and a woman." Now, the BOSS will not do this kind of thing." Jia Bing said with certainty, the BOSS is so determined, how could it be possible to attack a little girl who is underage!

"She said it herself. She even showed me her student ID card. She is also an excellent student at Shengrong Private High School. If it wasn't because you got pregnant, why did she want to kill her so viciously when she came up?" How about you? It's strange." Mr. Hao couldn't figure it out.

"I don't understand this point, but next time she comes to me, just let her come. The boss has ordered me to take care of her, although I know she may not need it." Jia Bing made This kind of judgment is completely reasonable. Just ask a person can have such an astonishing change in strength in just two or three months. Just ask, who in the world can do it.

Given time, she will definitely be able to surpass everyone and surpass everyone.

Uncle Hao listened with half understanding, why did he feel more and more confused the more he listened, who is this little girl?

On a black Honda driving from the airport to the urban area, there is an icy woman driving the car, and a stern man sits in the back seat. The man's eyes are like top-grade black diamonds, and his nose has elegant curves. Like an exquisite work of art, his sexy lips were slightly pursed, and the black shirt set off his fair skin more alluringly.

Ding Jie, who was sitting in the driver's seat, glanced at Lie Que through the rearview mirror.

BOSS just left M city, but he rushed back in a few days, and he didn't even have time to rest for one night. It seems that BOSS is really special to that girl.I've been with BOSS for so many years, and I haven't seen him fall in love with that woman. Is it this time?Ding Jie left a big question mark in her heart.

The car drove all the way to a villa and stopped. This is Jia Bing's residence. It had just experienced a "catastrophe", and it was less than two hours since the culprit who caused this "catastrophe" left.

Lie Que got out of the car and walked into the villa with long legs.

Jia Bing had just been disturbed by Feng Qianyun, had just finished tidying up the messy house, and was about to go back to the upstairs room to catch up on sleep, when he turned around, Lie Que had already appeared at the door.

"BOSS?" Jia Bing stared in surprise. Didn't BOSS leave M City not long ago? Why did he come back so soon?

Lie Que sat down on the sofa in the living room, "I will stay here for the next two days, and I will trouble you for other things."

"Yes, I know." Jia Bing endured the doubts in his heart, and when he passed by Ding Jie, he asked her what was going on with his eyes, but he met Ding Jie, who never gave him a good face. A cold eye.

In fact, Ding Jie didn't know why Lie Que came back suddenly this time.

Just to make a fool of himself, Jia Bing touched his nose, his poor afternoon nap...

What day is it today?

Feng Qianyun is here, and the boss is back!

Since she couldn't move in the top five, the last few had no choice but to admit defeat, as a stepping stone for Feng Qianyun to establish her prestige in front of everyone!
Dear brothers, I didn't intend to hurt your precious self-esteem, trample on your dignity as a master, believe me, I was also forced.

Feng Qianyun made a cross with her hands, and after three seconds of repentance, she began her "journey".

Feng Qianyun did the following three things from the afternoon until eight o'clock in the evening.

The first thing is to run to someone else's house and drag out a man who is having an orgasm with his mistress, and ask him to compete with her, but the result is so frightening that the other party is almost unable to do happy things in the future.

The second thing is to rush to your own casino and piss off a No.8 guy on the leaderboard. Think about it, when a gambler is having a good time, someone suddenly messes up the game in front of you The group is terrible, can you not blow up the hair?As a result, the person in charge of the casino sent away Feng Qianyun, the great god, with a bitter face and tears in his eyes.

The third thing is that Feng Qianyun ran to the road around the mountain to play drag racing with others. In the end, the racing competition was over, and the fight started. As a result, the traffic jam on this section of the road was caused, and all the vehicles passing through this section were forced to wait. about an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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