Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 296 Shut up all of them!

Chapter 296 Shut up all of them! (2)
Feng Qianyun returned to the bar smartly after finishing these tasks, ordered a glass of milk, happily replenished her energy, then stretched comfortably, curled up on the sofa in the bar and yawned lazily.

Beside Feng Qianyun, Han Mojue looked at her tired face.

"Little daughter-in-law, why did you go today? Why do you look so tired?" Han Mojue asked puzzled.

"I'm looking for someone to fight." Feng Qianyun replied lazily without opening her eyes.

"Have you seen Dark Moon?" Han Mojue asked a little excitedly, did that prove that the little daughter-in-law has dealt with Dark Moon? Hey, it's a good thing he worried about it for her.

"Well, I saw it, but I didn't fight him." To be precise, Feng Qianyun wanted to fight Jia Bing, but the other party didn't dare to fight back, so Feng Qianyun gave up decisively.

"You guys didn't fight?" Han Mojue wondered, with the character of the little daughter-in-law, there was no reason not to fight.

"I want to call, the other party is someone I know, I'm sorry to start." Feng Qianyun can't beat Jia Bing up, can he?

"Someone you know?" Han Mojue wondered, An Yue's identity has always been a secret, I heard that no one has seen his real face, so how could it be someone my daughter-in-law knows?
"Well, I'm not very familiar... But I know his boss quite well..." Feng Qianyun turned over to make herself more comfortable, thinking of Lie Que, she hadn't seen him for a few days.

"Dark Moon still has a boss?" Han Mojue felt very surprised. Dark Moon's identity was already enough to make people curious. Isn't it strange that he has a boss now?Could it be said that Dark Moon still belongs to a certain organization?
"Hmm..." Feng Qianyun's voice came from her chest, she is very tired now, she was really busy this day, she did too many things at once, so she rewarded herself to take a good rest, Yes, it is like that!

Seeing Feng Qianyun leaning on the sofa and falling asleep, Han Mojue hurriedly called her, "Little daughter-in-law, don't sleep yet, I have one more thing to discuss with you! About your new apprentice Can you put him in another place, I'm afraid that if he stays longer, my bar will be demolished by him."

In the morning, he said he wanted to help, and Han Mojue agreed, but within half an hour, he broke thirteen glasses and two bottles of wine.

Later, he was not allowed to do anything, and he was only allowed to sit on the sidelines, and he was able to break the legs of the table.

Not to mention that he conducted experiments in the upstairs room and made the entire second floor smoky. Until now, the second floor still has a strange smell of herbs.

Yi Che seems to be born with a lack of motor cells. The motor nerves are super underdeveloped, the cerebellum is not strong, and the coordination of the body is low, so that he is destined to be disabled in life skills.

So much so that Han Mojue was so full of resentment that he seized the opportunity to come to Feng Qianyun to complain and vomit his bitterness.

"Brother Mo Jue..." Feng Qianyun murmured half asleep, half awake, "I already said that he is my apprentice, as an elder, shouldn't you take care of the younger generation... Respecting the old and loving the young are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation..."

Shit, respect the old and love the young!
Han Mojue burst into tears. He was just complaining, so couldn't she comfort him... Woooooo, bad Yunyun, wouldn't it be good to comfort him at this time...

Feng Qianyun was leisurely here, Long Yutian rushed over in a hurry, and Wu Xiaohan followed behind Long Yutian.

"Brother Yutian, slow down, wait for me, I can't run anymore." Wu Xiaohan heard someone say that women wearing high heels look more attractive at school today, so he decided to buy a pair of high heels to put on Well, she has never worn high heels before, as soon as she stepped on high heels, she looked like she was on stilts. Now she ran after Long Yutian, and she staggered crookedly, looking very funny.

Long Yutian didn't care about the embarrassment of the beauty around him, he walked straight towards Feng Qianyun.

"You picked all No.6 to No.8?" Long Yutian was puzzled and shocked. He never knew what level of master Feng Qianyun was. He had never seen her use internal force when he saw her make a move. In the same way as the top five, it is hard to say what kind of strength the sixth, seventh, and eighth players have.Feng Qianyun not only challenged them, but also wiped them all out in one afternoon.

This... is a little cruel...

"Well... there's no way, I just know the third guy, I can't fight, so I have to choose the last few, I'm afraid it's not convincing enough, I even challenged a few more, don't admire me too much, I know I'm doing really well today..." Feng Qianyun knew that Long Yutian was coming, but she didn't even open her eyes.

"What is your current strength?" Long Yutian stared at Feng Qianyun, his eyes seemed to want to penetrate Feng Qianyun's body to see her true strength.

Could it be that her already above his?Long Yutian couldn't help thinking.

Han Mojue had been curious about the strength of Feng Qianyun who came out from the spiritual spring early in the morning, but until now she had no chance to see Feng Qianyun show her full strength.

"Hehe..." A silver bell-like laughter came from Feng Qianyun's mouth, she laughed for a while, but did not answer Long Yutian's question, is her strength above Long Yutian's?I am very sure of that! "Brother Yutian, the most important thing now is not how much strength I have, but how to escape safely under the military's obliteration order."

Long Yutian was already worrying about this matter, and Feng Qianyun didn't need to remind him, "We decided to hold a meeting of the two parties early tomorrow morning to discuss countermeasures, hoping to minimize our casualties , I have one more thing to tell you to remember to come tomorrow morning."

"Can you tell me the result after you discuss it?" Feng Qianyun could already foresee what kind of "bloody storm" would happen tomorrow.

Long Yutian was really stimulated to death by Feng Qianyun's lazy posture, it's this time, she can be so leisurely!Does she know how terrible the military's obliteration order is?It is very likely that none of them can escape this disaster!
"Hehe... My dear sister Yunyun, please attend on time at 09:30 tomorrow morning, otherwise, brother, I don't guarantee that I will do something to you that you don't want to see."

"What does brother Yutian want to do to me? Sister, I'm so scared, otherwise we will continue what we didn't go to the end last time?"

"Sister seriously? Then brother will definitely satisfy you tomorrow!"

Seeing this, Wu Xiaohan ran to Feng Qianyun's side, and said to her in a pleading tone: "Master, you should get up early tomorrow, at worst, go back to sleep after the meeting!"

(End of this chapter)

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