Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 298 This woman is slightly cruel

Chapter 298 This woman is slightly cruel (1)
"Who are you?"

"Come down quickly?"

"Who is this person? Is this kind of occasion a place for you, a little girl, to run wild?"


Many people expressed dissatisfaction with Feng Qianyun. If it wasn't for the fact that she was still a child, they would have lifted her off the top early in the morning, like a chicken!
At the same time, very few people recognized Feng Qianyun.

"She is the little girl who was on the list just yesterday! She defeated the original sixth, seventh and eighth third masters, and is the latest No.6 on the underworld rankings!"

Someone in the crowd yelled.

this little girl?
This is a big joke!

The young man who chatted with Feng Qianyun and bragged just now was stunned on the spot. How dare he brag for a long time with such a great person just now?

Immediately, the young man bowed his head in shame.

It was something that happened just yesterday afternoon that Feng Qianyun was included in the underworld rankings. Not many people knew about it. Just now, everyone in the Black Dragon Gang who thought Feng Qianyun was their incompetent young lady suddenly felt proud and used their complacent The eyes are like those of the princelings showing off, look, this is our eldest lady, see, this is the strength of our Black Dragon Gang!
"She is our eldest lady!"

"Long live the eldest lady!"

"Long live the eldest lady!"


The people on the side of the Black Dragon Gang were afraid that others would not know that this talented girl who appeared suddenly was their eldest lady, they kept shouting, and hearing their "heart-piercing" cheerful shouts, Feng Qianyun Intuitively there are countless crows flying above his head.

This burst of shouting overwhelmed the atmosphere of the scene.

"Enough!" Feng Qianyun yelled suddenly, and if she kept yelling like this, would she go back to sleep?

Feng Qianyun's "enough" made the scene immediately quiet again, it was surprisingly effective!
"Why are you arguing? Is it time for you to quarrel? Is it fun to quarrel?"

As soon as Feng Qianyun finished speaking, some dissatisfied people stood up, naturally they were people from the princeling party.

"You're fucking Long Yutian's younger sister. What's so great about being No. 6 on the fucking rankings? Our prince is still No. 1. When will it be your turn, you stinky girl?" Have you spoken?" The man was tall and thick, and there was a long scar on his exposed arm, which was obviously caused by a knife.

The man kept yelling for Feng Qianyun to roll down.Feng Qianyun walked towards the man with graceful steps, and walked in front of the table, which was also in front of the man. Although Feng Qianyun was not tall, standing on the table was better than standing on the ground. The men in the world are much taller.

Looking down at the man, Feng Qianyun slammed the steel rod into the man's side with a "bang", then moved her small face closer to the man's face, which should be much more ferocious.

The supposedly innocent and cute little face now showed a frightening edge.

"You don't agree?" Feng Qianyun was full of provocation, dare to provoke her?She picked him first!

Being stared at by Feng Qianyun made the man a little guilty, because Feng Qianyun's excessive self-confidence made him look lacking in confidence.

What are you afraid of?Anyway, she is just a fledgling little girl, so what if her strength is better, they are not only fighting for their own strength in the road, one's bravery is not bravery, and the one who can lead a party is the overlord!

"Yes, I just don't accept it. Don't you just have better martial arts? So what, you're not good at other aspects, you little brat, you'd better go home and feed yourself!" the man clamored, wanting to say There is no fear at all, that is a lie!
"Heh," Feng Qianyun smiled lightly, "Since you are not convinced, how about we have a competition, not martial arts, but courage. You are so big, you must have a lot of courage, right?"

A man has always been, it's good to be brave, is it more difficult for him to lose to this little girl like her?

"Okay, bijibi, in front of everyone today, don't try to be stupid, you can't take back what you said!" Just in time, today he was going to file their spirits in front of the Black Dragon Gang!

Feng Qianyun sat down on the edge of the conference table, swinging her two calves leisurely, and then said to Mu Tongren who was not far away, "Mr. Mu, please give me a knife."

Mu Tongren is of course good. Seeing such a romantic atmosphere, he felt so relieved. With a young lady like this, there is hope for the Black Dragon Gang!

But Tongren Mu is going to be disappointed, Feng Qianyun is not a genuine young lady, she is an out-and-out fake.

Mu Tongren and the others took a fruit knife and handed it to Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun held the knife in her right hand and waved it in front of the man.

There was a knife dangling in front of him, the man felt a little scared, after all, the other party was the sixth master in the underworld rankings, and he couldn't beat her! "You, what do you want?"

"I didn't think about it, I compared my courage with you." Feng Qianyun's bright smile was brighter than the sun in July, and the man's heart tightened inexplicably.

I saw Feng Qianyun gracefully swinging the shining fruit knife in her hand, then stretched out the little finger of her left hand, and placed it under the blade.

"You, what do you want?" The man was startled by Feng Qianyun's actions.

"What else can I do? Of course it's a test of courage. Do you dare to cut off your little finger?" Feng Qianyun said to the man with a smile.

Cut off your own fingers?
What a joke!
This is too crazy!
The man was frightened by Feng Qianyun, and he stammered, "I don't believe you have the guts to cut off your own fingers..."

Before the man could finish his words, Feng Qianyun had already dropped the knife, and her white and tender little finger was cut off by herself in front of everyone.


Is she really a little girl?

Let alone a little girl, even those who live on knife edge would not dare to do such a move, right?
Ruthless, enough!

Gasps and gasps could be clearly heard erupting from the quiet conference room.

The man looked at Feng Qianyun's bloody severed finger so close at hand, and swallowed his own saliva, he was really frightened!too crazy!
Feng Qianyun handed the blood-stained fruit knife to the man, still smiling and said to him, "It's your turn."

Look at her expression, as if the bleeding finger is not hers!
(End of this chapter)

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