Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 299 This woman is slightly cruel

Chapter 299 This woman is slightly cruel (2)
How could anyone be so relaxed with her with one finger short?
The young man who was blowing the calf with Feng Qianyun just now has two eyeballs hanging out, child, the earth is very dangerous, hurry up and go back to Mars!
"No, I don't want it! You win!" The man hastily stepped back, away from Feng Qianyun, for fear that Feng Qianyun would cut off his fingers for him.

Not to mention that man, even Long Yutian and Xia Wufeng who came in later were shocked by Feng Qianyun's actions.

Xia Wufeng looked at Feng Qianyun's finger that was still dripping with blood and frowned. Although she became indifferent to him, her temper hadn't changed at all. She was still so strong and brave. He has no ability, and will stand in front of him without hesitation.

"You said it yourself, I won!" Feng Qianyun hooked the corners of her lips, then got up and returned to the table, and said to the other people in the meeting room, "Anyone else who disagrees with me, just stand up , if not, I'm about to start talking."

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and then cast your eyes on Xia Wufeng and Long Yutian who just came in. Seeing that neither of them spoke, no one among them opened their mouths to express their opinions.

This woman is slightly cruel, they dare not compare, nor can they!

"If you don't talk about me, from today until the moment when the erasure order ends, you will no longer be divided into the Black Dragon Gang and the Princelings, and some will only be the same. Comrades, if you feel that you cannot accept such an arrangement, then Stand up now, I will send you to see Lord Yan first, so as not to drag others down, and if you die, you will bring other brothers to Huangquan Road together." Feng Qianyun looked at the crowd leisurely, The threat in his eyes is self-evident, it is a gesture of disdain for all sentient beings, "Don't think about running away at this time, since your names have appeared on the list of obliteration orders, do you think you can escape so easily? ? Do you think you have a better chance of winning if you face an army alone, or do you have a better chance of winning if you face it with everyone?"

"Does anyone have any opinions?" Feng Qianyun swept her eyes away.

Everyone bowed their heads and remained silent. If they express their opinions at this time, will they be treated a little cruelly by her?
What's more, what she said is very reasonable. Although everyone has been bombarded by the news of the obliteration order, and the remaining saneness has been disturbed by Feng Qianyun, but they also know that At this time, it is the wisest choice for everyone to unite as one.

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she raised her eyebrows. Since no one objected, there was nothing wrong with her.

Feng Qianyun then jumped up and jumped under the conference table. Everyone consciously gave way. Feng Qianyun's small figure gave off a force that could not be ignored. Everyone sent her away with their eyes.

As soon as she went out, Feng Qianyun frowned, not to mention, ten fingers connected to a heart, a broken finger really hurts like hell!
Feng Qianyun hurriedly pressed the self that had been cut off by herself back to her hand. The two bloody wounds touched, and the wounds gradually healed miraculously. In the end, the severed finger grew back intact. Feng Qianyun has it!

If someone passed by and saw this scene, they would be scared to death.What kind of horror scene is this? She broke her finger and put it back together again!
Of course, Feng Qianyun would not be so stupid as to chop off her own finger for fun. She knew that she could be repaired, so she boldly cut off her finger, but it is not okay to leave her body for too long. Yes, so Feng Qianyun has to hurry up and leave the conference room to put her finger back.

After the installation, Feng Qianyun looked at her white and tender little hand with satisfaction, and flexed her little finger that had just been separated from her body. It was still mobile and intact, without any problems, except that a little blood was shed during the process.

In the conference room, Long Yutian and Xia Wufeng announced a certain important decision, and then there was a burst of gasping that was more intense than before. After the gasping, there was a long, long silence, and then I heard a heated discussion about how the two of them should escape the military's sanctions.

After Feng Qianyun put her fingers together, she went back to the bar casually without stopping outside the meeting room.

When Feng Qianyun returned to the bar, there was a person who had been waiting for her in the bar for a long time.

Yan Sihang?What is he here for?
Feng Qianyun walked over with some puzzlement, Yan Sihang waited for a long time and finally waited for Feng Qianyun to come.

"I'm here on behalf of my parents and grandpa to invite you to my house." Because it was Yan Sihang who broke up the meal that Yan's family invited Feng Qianyun last time, so this time, Mr. Yan was very strong. Ask Yan Sihang to invite Feng Qianyun in person, no matter what method is used, Feng Qianyun must be invited!

"Blind date again?" With the lesson from last time, Feng Qianyun became more vigilant, and she didn't want to have another cheating blind date with Yan Sihang.

When it comes to the blind date banquet, Yan Sihang knows that Feng Qianyun still remembers what happened last time.But make him apologize for that?Yan Sihang can't do it, even if he admits that Feng Qianyun does have good medical skills, it doesn't mean she is a good person, as he himself said, she is a thief, he is a soldier, she is a mouse, he is a cat, A thief who has done charity does not mean that he will not steal, and a mouse that does not steal cheese does not mean that it is a mouse that can get along with humans.

"My grandpa and parents want to thank you." Yan Sihang was talking about his grandpa and parents, not including himself.

Now that Feng Qianyun's interest has come, he still wants to invite her to dinner with this attitude?When inviting people to dinner, one should have the attitude of inviting others to dinner, and when thanking people, one should have the attitude of thanking others. He was so reluctant, and those who didn't know thought it was a Hongmen banquet.

"Today? I'm sorry, I'm not free, my schedule is full, and I don't have extra time to go on a blind date with you."

Where does Feng Qianyun have any itinerary? Her itinerary is to be urged by Long Yu Tianmu to find a way to counteract the obliteration order that will come soon, but Feng Qianyun said that the method is not what I want, but I can do it if I want to. some.

Yan Sihang gritted his teeth, and deliberately ground it several times in his mouth, Feng Qianyun made it clear that he would not give him face!
Yan Sihang really wanted to turn around and leave, but his grandfather and his parents repeatedly urged him to take Feng Qianyun back, and he couldn't disobey his family's words. It is a fact that cannot be erased no matter what.

"Then push away other things." Yan Sihang said.

(End of this chapter)

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