Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 300 A Good Man at Home

Chapter 300 A Good Man at Home (1)
Hey, what's the matter with this guy?You've been in the army for too long, haven't you?So when talking to people, you always use the tone of command. Who is he to her?Why should she turn down other things and go with him?Although Feng Qianyun really has nothing to push back, it doesn't mean she likes being called around like this.

"I'm sorry, I asked a handsome guy to kiss me. There's no reason why a handsome guy wouldn't hug me. I ran to eat with you, a dead face." Light another fire to answer.

Looking at Feng Qianyun's bright smiling face, Yan Sihang really wanted to reach out and crush it.

"What exactly do you want?" These words definitely came out of Yan Sihang's teeth.

What does she want?She should be the one who asked him that, right?Is it what he wants?
"I want to ask you to leave, I want to kiss and hug my handsome guy." Feng Qianyun rolled her eyes at Yan Sihang, although he was also a handsome guy, a strong and handsome guy, but Feng Qianyun didn't like him Well, she doesn't have an M tendency, this man probably hates her so much that he wants to crush her to pieces.

Yan Sihang's broad chest with pectoral muscles heaved violently a few times, "My grandfather asked you to go and have something important to tell you. If you don't go, you will definitely regret it."

Yan Sihang knew that his grandfather had expended a lot of effort to remove Feng Qianyun's name from the list of obliteration orders. Looking at the entire M city, anyone who could do this was the one who just moved to M city with his transfer. His grandfather is not the second choice.

Even for his grandfather, it was not easy to do this. Feng Qianyun saved his mother, and at the same time she saved herself. Otherwise, once the kill command was activated, her life would definitely be lost.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm a person who cares more about what's in front of me. If I don't regret it, it will be a matter of the future. If I go now and fail to make out with the handsome guy, I should regret it now." Feng Qian Yun's reaction was still beyond Yan Sihang's expectation, even though Yan Sihang said such words, she was still unmoved.

Yan Sihang really couldn't stand Feng Qianyun, and was about to turn around and leave when his own cell phone rang, and it was his grandfather Yan Songbai calling.

"Sihang, have you invited the little genius doctor yet?" Yan Songbai asked Yan Sihang if he had done what he had told him as soon as he came up.

Yan Sihang glanced at Feng Qianyun, then said helplessly to his grandfather, "No."

"I knew you bastard would never bow your head!" Yan Songbai made this call because he was worried, but he guessed it right, "You give the phone to the little genius doctor."

Yan Sihang hesitated for a while when he heard the words, and finally handed his mobile phone to Feng Qianyun with a blank expression, "My grandfather asked you to listen to the phone."

Feng Qianyun could clearly see the reluctance in Yan Sihang's eyes.

Feng Qianyun picked up the phone, "Mr. Yan, what do you want from me?"

"Oh, little genius doctor, did my stunned grandson make you angry again? Don't be so fussy with him, he's just stubborn!" As soon as he came up, Yan Songbai scolded Yan Sihang first, and then the guest Feng Qianyun said politely, "Little genius doctor, this time Sihang's mother is safe and sound, it's all up to you. Our whole family is very grateful for your kindness. So we would like to invite you to our Come to have a meal at home, we thank you very much."

Although Yan Songbai was talking about the whole family, Feng Qianyun knew that Yan Sihang was definitely not included.

"Mr. Yan, I appreciate your kindness, but you don't need to eat. You don't have to take this matter too seriously."

"Then how can I do it!" Yan Songbai refused, "You must come here yourself, little genius doctor, and I have a big gift for you, I believe you will like it, little genius doctor."

Yan Songbai is full of confidence in the great gift he is about to give Feng Qianyun, and also believes that he has sold Feng Qianyun such a big favor, and there will be no problem in finding Feng Qianyun for treatment in the future, saying It's not good to get some way to prolong life from her, so that his old bones can live for another two years.

When Feng Qianyun heard that Yan Songbai said that there was a big gift for her, she had some doubts in her heart, what kind of big gift would it be?Just now Yan Sihang also said that she would regret it if she didn't go, it seems that the Yan family should have prepared something special for her this time, maybe she should go and see what kind of surprise it is.

"But Mr. Yan, last time..." Feng Qianyun hesitated to speak, "Mr. Yan, I don't want to make your family unhappy."

Feng Qianyun pursed her mouth innocently, her actions made Yan Sihang angry, she actually used his grandfather!

Sure enough, when Yan Songbai heard what Feng Qianyun said, he immediately said angrily, "Don't worry, little genius doctor, what happened last time will definitely not happen again, and I will definitely say something about Sihang, a stupid boy! Please, the little genius doctor, hand over the phone to Sihang."

With a smile on the corner of Feng Qianyun's mouth, she handed the phone back to Yan Sihang.

Yan Sihang gritted his teeth and glanced at Feng Qianyun's mischievous smile, then answered the phone.

"Sihang, grandpa warned you that you are not allowed to be cruel to the little genius doctor again, did you hear me! Whether she is a member of the underworld or not, she will be a friend of our Yan family from now on!" Yan Songbai told Yan Sihang solemnly .

Yan Sihang would not and could not refute his grandfather, so he became even more flustered with Feng Qianyun.

"Answer me, yes or no." Mr. Yan was from a military background, and he was an uncompromising man, so he spoke with an orderly tone.

"Yes..." Yan Sihang had no choice but to answer this question, how unwillingly he said the word "yes".

Only then did Mr. Yan hang up the phone with satisfaction.

Yan Sihang's expression was undeniably ugly. Asking him to invite Feng Qianyun was already enough to make him angry, but now he was being slapped by Feng Qianyun, a bastard girl holding chicken feathers as arrows. Damn I'm so aggrieved.

In contrast, Feng Qianyun's face looked much ruddy, "In that case, Mr. Driver, please drive me to my destination!"

"Didn't you just say that you are not free?" This stinky girl is quite capable of opening her eyes and telling nonsense.

"Yeah, I wasn't free just now, but now, huh? Why am I suddenly free? It's so amazing, don't you think so, Officer Yan?" Feng Qianyun smiled again and said Yan Sihang was very angry.

In the corner of a dessert shop at the intersection of the street, sat a man wearing a peaked cap and large-framed sunglasses covering most of his face. One of his ears was wearing earphones, and a laptop was placed in front of the man. The slender fingers tapped on the keyboard from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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