Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 306 Responsibility

Chapter 306 Responsibility (2)
I choked silently, master, do you mean that your criterion for considering a man is whether he can bring you sexual happiness?
Lie Que smiled gracefully, "About the question you mentioned, you can try it out."

"Experiment?" Feng Qianyun looked closely at Lie Que's face, looking at the serious expression on his face, "Forget it, in case you eat children, or have sex with virgin blood every day." I have a good face, and I am still a man of glory for more than ten years, so I am the one who made promises casually?"

Lie Que hooked his lips and smiled lightly, eating children and drinking virgin blood?Will it be too bloody and violent?
"Master, why did you come back? Brother Yutian has been waiting for you for a long time!" Wu Xiaohan finally saw Feng Qianyun came back, and rushed over excitedly, but saw Feng Qianyun being hugged by a strange man Li, with a smile all over his face, "Master, who is he? He's so handsome. Is he your boyfriend?"

The master has a boyfriend, does that mean he won't rob brother Yutian from her?

Mmmm, that's it!
Hearing Wu Xiaohan's voice, Long Yutian also looked towards the door and saw Lie Que. Although he had never seen Lie Que's true face, with just one glance, he could be sure that this person was the one who was arrested last time. Live his man!
Seeing Lie Que, Long Yutian became vigilant, "Feng Qianyun, when life and death are at stake, you are still in the mood to go and talk about love?" Long Yutian's words were full of irony.Long Yutian couldn't tell why he would feel so angry.

"I'm about to die, why don't I find a man to have fun?" Feng Qianyun raised her eyebrows, and answered Long Yutian's sarcasm unceremoniously.

It's really hopeless!
Feng Qianyun jumped down from Lie Que's arms, found a seat and sat down, there were quite a lot of people here today, Long Yutian, Mu Tongren, Wu Xiaohan all came, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

Mu Tongren had something to say, but worried that there was a strange man present at the scene, he glanced warily at Lie Que who was beside Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun saw Mu Tongren's worry, and said to him, "Don't worry, he is my friend."

Mu Tongren didn't have time to worry about which man Feng Qianyun went out with and what they were doing. He only cared about whether the Black Dragon Gang could survive such a life-and-death situation. As long as he was sure that the other party was safe, there would be no problem." Miss, it’s like this, because we can’t confirm the specific time and place of the obliteration order now, it’s more difficult to take preventive measures, so I think…”

Before Mu Tongren finished speaking, Feng Qianyun said leisurely: "The time is three days later, and the location is the Long Family Mansion and Shenghua Hotel."

Got a time and a place?

"Miss, how do you know the time and exact location of the military operation?" Tongren Mu was extremely surprised. Isn't this top secret?How did she know it again?

"I just found out by accident." Feng Qianyun thought for a while, and she did know by accident. If Yan Songbai hadn't taken the initiative to ask her to mention the obliteration order, she would not have known that the Yan family still had this ability , so I asked by the way, and confirmed this information from Yan Sihang by the way.

You want to piss me off, don't you?
How can you be so careless.

Why didn't they "accidentally"?

"Then Miss, what should we do next?" Mu Tongren really regarded Feng Qianyun as a lifeline now, because the upcoming matter was far beyond the scope of their resistance.

Let me ask, which gangster dares to fight against the army?

"Old Mr. Mu, in fact, you are very clear. You should be very clear. Even if we are lucky enough to win this time against the army, will the government just let us go? Our opponent is not the imminent eradication order. It's the whole government."

Do you think that as long as you can win the war three days later, you can be spared?That's a stupid view, and it's only going to get them into more trouble.

"Kangdang——" Mu Tongren accidentally knocked over the cup in front of him.

"It's not a pity that I die, it's just the century-old foundation of the Black Dragon Gang...can it really end here?" Mu Tongren burst into tears. Since the beginning of the Black Dragon Gang, he has spent most of his life in the Black Dragon Gang. For him, the Black Dragon Gang is his home and everything to him. It is more uncomfortable for him to watch the Black Dragon Gang be destroyed than to have his skin cramp.

Long Yutian's face didn't look any better either.

The atmosphere suddenly became particularly dignified.

"It would be good to solve the problem from the source, we still have three days." Feng Qianyun said unhurriedly, knowing the time when the order will be implemented, then they can handle things according to their time.

Solve the problem at source?

Both Mu Tongren and Long Yutian looked at Feng Qianyun expectantly, with puzzlement and expectation in their eyes.

"Let the order be revoked, then no one will die." Feng Qianyun said.

This is the most essential part of the problem. Without the order and without the army, everything will be solved!
"Miss, this is an order issued by the government, and we can't revoke it if we want to!" Of course they want the order to disappear automatically if they can, and this thing has never happened.

"Then there is always someone who gives the order, right? The result of which organization or meeting is discussed. If there is a grievance and a debtor, find the person who can give such an order. Threats and lures, tricks, conspiracy, can be used. What can’t be used, legal or illegal, use them all, it’s easier to deal with a person than an army, right?” Feng Qianyun directly proposed a solution. She said that to solve the problem, she should face to face and fight in a real way, but she likes to go in crooked ways.

One word awakened the dreamer, but it also brought problems.

Long Yutian frowned and thought for a while, "We only have three days, and the ability to kill orders is a high-level secret of the military. How can we find out the identity of the key person and find the other party in such a short period of time. "

Just when Long Yutian was worried about this crucial point that could not be broken through, Lie Que spoke.

"If it's the military's erasure order, I know who issued the order. I can provide you with the necessary information and save you a little time." Lie Que said flatly.

I rub!

Who the hell are you?Do you know the secrets of the military?Still so relaxed, pay attention, this is a secret, do you know the secret?Please, the next time you tell such explosive news, you should use the kind of information that I have used up all my strength, experienced ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships, and came to know the information by accident, okay?

The feeling of being stimulated... I experienced it again deeply.

"That troubles you." Feng Qianyun was already Zheng Jing, she was too lazy to guess what Lie Que was doing, anyway, he always knew how to surprise and amaze people.

The question that remains then is who will do it.

Long Yutian knew very well that to complete this matter, it was too dangerous for one person, but if there were too many people, it would be exposed. He said to Feng Qianyun, "I will go with you."

"And me," Mu Tongren was not far behind, even if he lost his name, he would not hesitate! "Miss, let me go with you!"

"And me." The voice came from the second floor, and Han Mojue came down from upstairs.

Han Mojue was always at the stairs, he was there before Feng Qianyun came in, and he didn't come down after Feng Qianyun and Lie Que came in together.Only now did he escape.

"Han Meiren, so you are in the store!" Feng Qianyun didn't see Han Mojue just now and thought he was not in the store, it turned out that he was hiding on the second floor.

"Well, I was too busy doing (harmony) favorite things with my girlfriend just now, so I didn't have time to discuss such boring things." Han Mojue shrugged and said with a ecstasy on his face, as if he still had more to say.He was always at the corner above the stairs just now, or he was messing with ghosts. "I heard that that matter is related to my life and safety. It seems that I will die if I don't go."

Han Mojue spoke very reluctantly.

"Master, and me, I want to go together too!" Wu Xiaohan raised his hands, resolutely wanting to go together, brother Yutian is going, how could she not go with him?She will definitely not let Brother Yutian escape from her palm!

"Xiaohan, please be more sensible, now we are going to do important things, not to play!" Long Yutian felt that Wu Xiaohan did things regardless of the overall situation, even if she clings to him, she has to divide the occasion, she is simply messing around now.

"I don't care, I'm going with you!" Wu Xiaohan knew that she had provoked Long Yutian's dislike again, but she still insisted.

Feng Qianyun thought for a while, "Brother Yutian, Xiaohan and Han Meiren will go with me, Mr. Mu will stay to comfort everyone, if we all leave, others will be very disturbed." Feng Qian Rhyme determines the members of the operation.

Although Tongren Mu really wanted to do his best for this matter himself, he also knew that what Feng Qianyun said was reasonable, and he should take the overall situation into consideration, "Okay, I'll stay, this matter depends entirely on the helper and the boss." Miss and Mr. Han. By the way, does Xia Wufeng want to notify him?"

Today's Black Dragon Gang and the princelings have just turned hostility into friendship and formed an alliance for the time being. They should be notified of the matter.

"Just let me know, they have the right to know." Now that they have formed an alliance, there is no reason to hide it from them. Before the crisis is resolved, Xia Wufeng should not do anything to her.

Therefore, Long Yutian contacted Xia Wufeng, as expected, Xia Wufeng wanted to go with him, Feng Qianyun did not refuse.

In this way, their candidates were determined, Feng Qianyun, Lie Que, Long Yutian, Wu Xiaohan, Han Mojue, Xia Wufeng.

Mu Tongren prayed silently in his heart, such a heavy burden was handed over to these young people!
(End of this chapter)

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