Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 307 Action! and Han Mojue's Secret

Chapter 307 Action! and Han Mojue's Secret (1)
Feng Qianyun, Long Yutian and others all got a document with a lot of densely written information on it, mainly information about the erasure command.

The obliteration order is a kind of military ruling. It originated from a serious socially harmful cult organization's activities more than ten years ago. The other party was about to leave the country. Faced with such a serious incident that endangered the safety of the society, the military at that time made a decision not to use evidence as an indicator, directly obliterated this group of people, and quietly let them disappeared from the face of the earth.

Since then, the obliteration order has been retained, but whenever similar incidents are encountered, the military will take such actions. Of course, after these years of evolution, this order has changed somewhat.Just like this time, the military didn't have any clues to connect the recent major incidents in M ​​City with the two major gangs in M ​​City, but they just put this big hat on the Black Dragon Gang and the princelings. body, and mercilessly issued an obliteration order.

According to the information provided by Lie Que, it was a "three-person association" that was able to issue such an order. In fact, it was an informal group composed of three military leaders, and they issued this order.

And Yan Songbai had friendship with one of these five people, so he used his relationship to remove Feng Qianyun's name from the list.

These three people all lived in the military region, but only one lived in the compound of the military region, and the other two usually lived in the city.The three of them don't live in the same place, and they don't get together when there is no special event, so Feng Qianyun and the others have to act separately to save time.

"We're going tomorrow morning. There are six of us. Divide into three groups. Each group will deal with one of them. Remember, our purpose is to make them change their orders, not to annoy them. Do you know what I mean? You can even Let them never speak, you can persuade them in a civilized way, you can lure them, you can hold a gun to their head and make them give an order to cancel the order and then blow their head, but it is a brutal method or relatively civilized Neither the method nor the result can make the situation worse. Don’t let someone run to force the other party to cancel the order, and then pat their ass and leave. That kind of thing will only provoke further revenge. After finishing the matter, remember Wipe your butt clean." Feng Qianyun told the others clearly.

"Well, master, don't worry, I understand! I will definitely make things beautiful!" Wu Xiaohan patted his chest and promised.

Actually... the most worrying... is her...

"If everyone has no problem, let's divide into groups now." When it comes to the problem of grouping, Feng Qianyun also finds it a little difficult to handle. The most important thing is that one of them, Xia Wufeng, is in... this dangerous place. Uncertain factors, how to deal with...

Feng Qianyun was still hesitating, Xia Wufeng said by himself, "I'm in the same group as Lie Que."

Feng Qianyun turned her head to look at Lie Que, Lie Que nodded lightly to express his agreement.

Well, at least Xia Wufeng can't do anything to Lie Que.

"Brother Yutian is in a group with Xiaohan, and I am in a group with Han Meiren." Feng Qianyun divided the remaining four into groups. There is no objection to such a grouping, because if it is not so divided, Wu Xiaohan will definitely not do it .

"Master, I knew you were the best for me!" Wu Xiaohan hugged Feng Qianyun in her arms, her plump breasts squeezed Feng Qianyun's airport, Feng Qianyun was almost squeezed by her I was out of breath.

"Xiaohan, do you want to suffocate me?" Feng Qianyun said helplessly, "Also, for the N1th time, I want to emphasize that I am not your master."

It took Feng Qianyun a lot of effort to push away Wu Xiaohan who was draped over her body like an octopus.

Long Yutian didn't object either, because he knew Wu Xiaohan's temperament.

Thus, a strange combination of three was born.

The three people in front of Feng Qianyun and the others were three lieutenant generals in the military, namely Zhen Tianyi, Han Zhengtao, and Ouyang Pu.

Feng Qianyun took three small pieces of paper, wrote the names of the three people on them, folded them and put them on the table for everyone to draw lots.

Lie Que, Xia Wufeng's team got Zhen Tianyi, the one who lived in the military compound, and he should be the most difficult one to deal with, since sneaking into the military compound is not easy.

The group of Long Yutian and Wu Xiaohan drew Ouyang Pu, while Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue drew Han Zhengtao.

"Han Meiren has the same surname as you, maybe they belonged to the same family 500 years ago." Feng Qianyun teased.

"Si Yunyun, are you still thinking of making fun of me at this time? Who and this Han Zhengtao belonged to the same family 500 years ago." Han Mojue retorted immediately, but his eyes kept staring at the word "Han Zhengtao" on the information. Look at the name.

"Okay, now we are on the way, and it will take about six or seven hours to get there. When we arrive, we will split up and make sure to get things done within three days. If we don't finish before the third day, we must If you want to contact other people, don't worry about your face at this time, this is a matter related to N lives." Feng Qianyun also believes that everyone will not make fun of this action, even Xia Wufeng will definitely do his best Go, because he doesn't want any problems with his princelings.

Everyone nodded.

Six hours later, 58 hours before the command was activated, Feng Qianyun and his party arrived, and it was after nine o'clock in the morning.

Everyone started to split up.

Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue were going to the southernmost part of the city.

"Little daughter-in-law, why don't we find a place to have breakfast first, we haven't had a chance to have a meal since we traveled all night, I heard that the Qianzhang steamed stuffed bun here is very delicious, do you want to try it? "

"Who said that I still wanted to make fun of you when life and death were at stake, how can I still have time to drag me to eat now?"

"How can you have the strength to work if you don't fill your stomach? Sharpening a knife is not the same as chopping firewood. You ridiculed that it is useless work. I will take you to eat breakfast to do things better." Han Mojue said the truth, one set one "I know there is a store that sells thousands of buns that are very authentic. I'll take you to try them."

Saying that, Han Mojue took Feng Qianyun's little hand and ran to the shop he mentioned.

"Are you familiar with this?" Feng Qianyun was dragged away by Han Mojue, and asked by the way.

"I've been here before, and I'm a little more familiar with you than you." Han Mojue dragged Feng Qianyun across two streets, and came to the authentic shop selling thousands of steamed buns he mentioned.

(End of this chapter)

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