Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 308 Action! and Han Mojue's Secret

Chapter 308 Action! and Han Mojue's Secret (2)
"Let's go in, let's go in and have a taste." Han Mojue pulled Feng Qianyun to find a seat and sat down, "Boss, here are two traditional thousand-zhang buns."

"Okay, two traditional ones!"

Feng Qianyun took a look inside the store. The store was decorated in an antique style, and there were quite a lot of people. The store was very lively. It seemed that it was indeed a very good store.

Before the thousand buns they ordered were served, Han Mojue stood up first, looking around to find the toilet, "I couldn't go to the toilet in the car just now, little daughter-in-law, wait for me here, I'll go to the toilet." a toilet."

After speaking, Han Mojue ran to the toilet in the store.

After Han Mojue left, he never came back.

Feng Qianyun finished her share of thousand buns and Han Mojue didn't show up. Feng Qianyun walked to the door of the toilet but didn't go in. Feng Qianyun detected that there were many people inside, but none of them was Han Mojue. .

At this moment, Han Mojue went missing and left Feng Qianyun alone.

Although I don't know why Han Mojue ran away suddenly, Feng Qianyun believes that he must have his own reasons. After getting along with Han Mojue for so long, Feng Qianyun believes in him. Since she can't wait for Han Mojue, Feng Qianyun decided to go to Han Zhengtao alone.

Feng Qianyun found Han Zhengtao's home according to the information he got from Lie Que.

Han Zhengtao's family lived in the outskirts far away from the urban area. There were a few scattered families, most of which were villa-style houses built by himself.

Feng Qianyun stood at the gate of Han Zhengtao's house, looking at the yard in front of the villa. It was a sophisticated family. There were all kinds of flowers and plants planted in the yard, many of which were rare and difficult to feed. Feng Qianyun Yun rang the doorbell outside the iron gate of Han Zhengtao's house, and a maid who worked at Han Zhengtao's house came to the iron gate, but did not open the gate, and talked to Feng Qianyun through the iron gate.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" the maid asked Feng Qianyun.

"I'm looking for Mr. Han, is he at home?" Feng Qianyun asked the maid politely.

The maid sized Feng Qianyun up, "Who are you to Mr. Han?"

Feng Qianyun thought, if she said she was Han Zhengtao's mistress, no one would believe her, unless Han Zhengtao had a pedophile habit, if she said she was Han Zhengtao's goddaughter, no one would believe her. There is nothing special these days Why do you accept a pure goddaughter? No one should believe that he is a distant relative. Even if he is here to seek relatives, it shouldn't be a little girl like her.

So Feng Qianyun had no choice but to tell the truth, "I'm not someone from Mr. Han, but I have something to ask him, please help me convey it."

"I'm sorry I can't help you. Mr. Han has very important things to deal with right now, and he doesn't have time to meet outsiders." The maid turned and left immediately after knowing that Feng Qianyun was not an important person.

Facts have proved that Feng Qianyun has no way to break through the main entrance.

Feng Qianyun couldn't enter the main entrance, so she had to go through the side entrance.

Feng Qianyun walked around the villa, and walked to the back of the villa, which was a relatively dead corner.

The height of the fence cannot stop Feng Qianyun, Feng Qianyun jumped up, jumped over the fence, and came inside, but the one who greeted Feng Qianyun was a big black dog.

The big black dog stared at Feng Qianyun ferociously, his majestic appearance was even more majestic than Yuchi Xiu's little boy.

"Hmm..." The big black dog made a deep voice, approaching Feng Qianyun at a slow speed.

Damn, do rich people like such a large dog...

Feng Qianyun looked at the big black dog that kept approaching her, and then calmly took out a pill from her body, "Little Hei, my sister will give you Tangtang, stop barking after eating Tangtang." is it good?"

Feng Qianyun started her plan to lure the innocent big dog.

The big black dog stared fiercely at Feng Qianyun with its big dark eyes, unmoved by this little temptation.

This is a big black dog with integrity!

Feng Qianyun picked up a branch on the spot, and then threw it out. The dog has the habit of picking up the things thrown out.

I saw the two eyes of the big black dog following the flying object, and it continued to stare at Feng Qianyun after the object landed.

Damn, you bastard, are you kidding me?
As soon as Feng Qianyun was depressed, she threw the elixir in her hand into the big black dog's mouth, dog, my sister doesn't want to be rough on you, but my sister has no time to spend with you!

The poor big black dog fell to the ground with a thump and fell asleep. It was not difficult to see from the eyes of the big black dog before it fell to the ground that it was very unwilling.

Get it!

Feng Qianyun continued to move forward, and when she reached the foot of the wall of the villa, Feng Qianyun looked up at the location on the second floor, hey, she was going to be a thief again.

Winding along the water pipe, I climbed to the second floor, just about to turn over to the balcony...

"Children, is it fun to climb over the wall?"

A middle-aged man stood on the balcony and looked at Feng Qianyun with a smile.

The middle-aged man looks like he is in his 40s. Although he is middle-aged, he still has charm. Compared with the oily uncle, this man who suddenly appeared on Feng Qianyun's way of being a thief can be called a handsome man , is an elderly handsome man.


Feng Qianyun chuckled, showing two white and cute little canine teeth, "Hello, uncle, I'm contacting Wall Climb. I'm a good exerciser. Would you like to come together?"

"Really? I also know a way to exercise more. Would you like to try it with me?" After Han Zhengtao finished speaking, he attacked Feng Qianyun who hadn't fully climbed up yet.

Rely on it, this guy is not only a little bit higher in military rank, but also more than a little bit higher in strength!

Feng Qianyun quickly dodged, turned over to the balcony, and fled to Han Zhengtao's room, where there was more space and more room to play.

Based on the principle of not fighting if you can't fight, and not fighting Han Zhengtao if you can fight to the death, Feng Qianyun simplified the fighting method into one word: run away!
Han Mojue chased after Feng Qianyun.

Sofa, desk, bookshelf, window... There are traces of Feng Qianyun and Han Zhengtao in every corner... Uh, traces of fighting.

Although Feng Qianyun didn't fight back, Han Zhengtao was still able to probe into one or two things. Can he successfully evade his attacks without any ability?

the answer is negative.

"Little friend, I don't see that your skill is not bad at such a young age, why do you want to be a thief?" Han Zhengtao took time to ask Feng Qianyun while he was catching Feng Qianyun.

"I said this uncle, who would want to be a thief if he can be an official? Of course I have a reason. I said, can you treat me a little bit lightly because I am a flower of the motherland?" Feng Qianyun was very special. So flexible, he ran around in Han Zhengtao's room, but he was not caught by Han Zhengtao.

(End of this chapter)

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