Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 309 Action! and Han Mojue's Secret

Chapter 309 Action! and Han Mojue's Secret (3)
"That can't be done. Since it's the thief who came to the door, I have no reason to let him go." Han Zhengtao became serious.

I wipe, come for real!
"Uncle, do you think it's appropriate for you to bully a child? If this gets out, it will humiliate you, a lieutenant general." To be honest, Feng Qianyun is very glad that it was her and not Long Yu who came to deal with Han Zhengtao God, they, because this Han Zhengtao's strength is really unexpected, and it is difficult for Long Yutian and Wu Xiaohan to deal with such masters.

I hope the remaining two people don't have such perverted strength, otherwise... Uh, well, Lie Que's group is not a big problem, just worry about Long Yutian and Wu Xiaohan.

"If I let you go today, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing?" Han Zhengtao was not so easy to fool.

Feng Qianyun looked around and found that Han Zhengtao's room was filled with many valuable things, including antique calligraphy and paintings, and Han Zhengtao carefully avoided these things when he made a move, which shows that he is I value these things very much.

Feng Qianyun suddenly changed direction and stopped running around. Her goal was these treasures in the room. She casually picked up two jade wares from the shelf, and took away two scrolls from the wall, then stopped , "Uncle, if you get close to me again, you will destroy all these things!"

Feng Qianyun is holding the things in her hands. When she put away one of the paintings just now, why did she feel so familiar.

Han Zhengtao really stopped, just kidding, Feng Qianyun threatened him with his baby, it's no wonder he didn't stop!
"Put those things down, be careful, don't break them!" Han Zhengtao was really afraid that Feng Qianyun would damage those things roughly.

"If uncle agrees to make a bet with me, I will promise to put all these things down."

He actually bargained with him!This little girl is really brave!
"Oh? You want to bet with me?"

"I know who Uncle is, and I know what the consequences will be if you offend Uncle, so I want to make a bet with Uncle, so that Uncle can't be foolish if he loses, and he can't pursue my offense to you afterwards."

What a smart little girl!
Han Zhengtao began to appreciate Feng Qianyun's cleverness, "Okay, tell me what you want from me."

Han Zhengtao's first concern is not what to bet, but what the bet is. Knowing the other party's bet means knowing the other party's purpose.

"Did Uncle recently issue a command to kill, and the location is M City."

"Hehe, it seems that I have to take a good look at you. I was able to find out the relationship between me and the obliteration order. No matter how you look at it, you are not an ordinary little girl." Han Zhengtao was very interested, "Want me Revoke the erasure order? Could it be that your name is on the order?"

Feng Qianyun shook her head, "My name is no longer on it, but my Han Meiren's name is still on it."

"Han Meiren?"

Which kid's bastard name is this?But he didn't remember the name on the erasure command just issued.

"He's a friend of mine, named Han Mojue." Feng Qianyun thought that Han Zhengtao should know whose name was on the list of those who gave the order.

Han Mojue... Han Zhengtao continued to ask Feng Qianyun with great interest, "Is it worth taking such a risk for a friend? Or is this Han Mojue not your ordinary friend, but your boyfriend?"

"Whether it's worth it or not, I will judge it myself." Feng Qianyun has her own standard of measurement for this, and she doesn't need others to tell her whether it's worth it or not.

Han Zhengtao looked at Feng Qianyun for a while, "Since you want something from me, then I will set the content of the bet."

"Okay, it's up to you to order." Feng Qianyun has no objection, Han Zhengtao is not someone who can be led away casually.

"I want to eat a bowl of dumplings and half-chen cakes made of Banchen grass. You can make a bowl for me to eat. Of course, if you don't know how to make pastries, you need to practice first."

Originally thought that Han Zhengtao would propose a bet like a martial arts competition, but who knew that what he proposed was to ask Feng Qianyun to make a cake for him to eat!

"By the way, I would like to remind you that there are no bakeries selling Banchen cakes. Banchen grass tastes bitter and pungent, and the taste is extremely unpalatable. If you don't handle it properly, the cakes you make will be extremely unpalatable, and you can't eat them at all. Go to mouth, so, if you want to make such a pastry, you have to work hard on the ingredients and methods. Moreover, half-star grass is not easy to get."

Of course, Feng Qianyun didn't think such a pastry was easy to make, it was something that could be exchanged for thousands of lives.

I just don't know why Han Zhengtao asked her to use a blind material like half-star grass to make cakes. He said it himself, the taste is terrible, Feng Qianyun only knows that half-star grass is used in a few kinds of medicines Chencao, and if you don’t need it, you don’t need it, because the taste of half-chencao is really unpalatable, even pigs who are about to starve to death will not eat it.

"Okay, I promise you." Feng Qianyun said and put all the antique calligraphy and paintings in his arms on the table, "I believe that Uncle is a man who keeps his word."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, what you are doing now is for your friend named Han Mojue, not for yourself, don't cry out when you lose your life and see Lord Yan."

"Thank you for reminding me, I know it well."

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she opened the door and went downstairs. When the maid saw Feng Qianyun coming down the stairs, she was taken aback for a while, huh?Didn't she not let her in? How did she come down from upstairs?

"Master... She, her, should I call the police and arrest her..." The maid thought for a while before finally realizing that the little girl must have broken in illegally.

"It's okay, next time she wants to look for me, don't stop her, just let her in." After explaining to the servants at home, Han Zhengtao went back upstairs. This time he didn't enter his room, but In the other room next door, there were two bodyguards in black standing at the door of that room. Han Zhengtao only opened the door when the two bodyguards came.

Han Zhengtao entered the room. The curtains of the room were tightly drawn, and the light was a bit dim.

"Damn old man, let me out!"

As soon as Han Zhengtao entered, Han Mojue roared.

"This is your home!" Han Zhengtao roared back.

"I'm an adult, I have the right to decide where I want to go!"

"I am your father, you should stay by my side!"



"Hmph!" Han Mojue snorted.

"Hmph!" Han Zhengtao snorted after he finished his roar, "A little girl broke in just now."

(End of this chapter)

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