Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 310 Action! and Han Mojue's Secret

Chapter 310 Action! and Han Mojue's Secret (4)
"Hey, old man, what did you do to her!" Han Mojue bounced up, rushed in front of Han Zhengtao, and grabbed his clothes.

Han Zhengtao looked at Han Mojue's nervous look, "Why are you so nervous about her?"

"Damn old man, you are quite old. If you are rough on a little girl, you will be too disrespectful! Vulgar! Shameless! Out of character!"

"Damn boy, don't use aggressive methods with your father. She came to me for the same purpose as you." Han Zhengtao looked at Han Mojue. He hadn't seen this son for three or four years. I never contacted him again, the only contact was the antique calligraphy and paintings he collected for him from various places, but then he would hand them over to him through very tortuous methods, so that he could not find out his location.

Han Mojue was silent for a while, "Damn old man, just promise me to cancel the order."

"Yes, but in exchange, you have to stay at home and by my side." Han Zhengtao's condition was very simple, he asked Han Mojue to stay by his side.

"Damn old man, I won't stay at home!" Han Mojue did not compromise, "Even if you ask someone to watch me, I will still run away."

"So... what about that little girl, don't you care?"

"Damn old man! If you dare to touch her hair, I, I will break up with you!"

"Anyway, you are not at home all year round, and you no longer regard my father as a father. It is no different from breaking up friendship." Han Zhengtao was unmoved.

"What on earth do you want!" Han Mojue scratched his hair angrily, making it even more messy.

"As long as you agree to my conditions, I won't do anything to you. If you like that little girl, I can find a way to make her stay with you. In short, you must stay at this home."

"I don't like her, and I don't allow you to force her to do anything!" Han Mojue's voice raised another octave.

The father and son hadn't seen each other for a long time, and when they met again, it was this kind of yelling and talking.

"I don't like what you are doing so loudly? If you don't like it, you will come to me and ask me to cancel the kill order. Don't tell me that you are worried about other people who have nothing to do with you. You are my son. How come I never I know that you are such a nosy person." Han Zhengtao said with great interest, as if he had seen through Han Mojue, knowing his son is like a father!

"You can get out, anyway, just don't hurt her, the rest, you can do whatever you like, and I will definitely not stay at home!" Han Mojue said and lay back on the bed, Rolling up the quilt, she wrapped herself in the shape of a silkworm baby.

Han Zhengtao looked at Han Mojue who wrapped himself up without wanting to talk any more, and sighed helplessly in his heart. He was still the same as when he was a child. I thought I could escape.

Han Zhengtao exited the room and stood outside the door. Han Zhengtao told the two bodyguards to keep an eye on Han Mojue.

After Feng Qianyun left the Han family, she ran to find the Banchencao.

"Master, why do I think that handsome old man named Han Zhengtao is weird, but he wants you to exchange a pastry for such an important matter, is it cheating?" Silently worried for Feng Qianyun.

"He doesn't seem like that kind of person. His status and strength are there. If he is an insidious villain, he may not abide by the so-called bet with me. If he catches me on the spot, it will be fine. Why bother to go around Such a big circle." Feng Qianyun judged that Han Zhengtao still feels quite decent to her, "But his bet is indeed a bit strange, although Banchencao is not as ubiquitous as dogtail grass I found it, but it's not too rare. It's much more common than rare medicinal materials such as ice soul and silver soul. However, the difficulty of his test question lies in how to deal with the half-chen grass. I can't figure out why I need to take the half-chen Grass cakes. That stuff is extremely unpalatable."

"Then master, is there any way you can make Banchencao not unpalatable?"

"Although I know a little cooking skills, I can cook a few side dishes, but there is nothing I can do about such a technical problem." Feng Qianyun said that this is not something she is good at. When it comes to cooking skills, Feng Qianyun suddenly remembered Alone, he immediately called Shang Xiaoye with his mobile phone.

"Sister Xiaoye."

"Yunyun, what's the matter, aren't you guys dealing with something very important, why don't you call me when you have time." Shang Xiaoye knew what Feng Qianyun and the others were doing at this time.

It’s true that I’m dealing with very serious, important, and fatal things, but I don’t know how it has evolved into making pastries.

"Yes, I have a little trouble here, and I want to ask you for help."

"If you need my help, Yunyun just say it."

"I want you to help me find Lin Wanhui's husband. There is an uncommonly used traditional Chinese medicine called Banchencao. This kind of herb is very difficult to eat. I want to know what to put in if I want to use it to make cakes. Auxiliary materials can dissolve its taste."

Over there, Shang Xiaoye frowned, she was still in school, it was recess, and she would have class later, compared to class, Yun Yun's matter was more important, "Yun Yun, wait a minute, I'll go Find Uncle Yan!"

After Shang Xiaoye answered the phone, she couldn't care less about class, and immediately picked up her schoolbag and ran out.

"Hey, Xiaoye, where are you going? You haven't finished school yet..." Behind Shang Xiaoye came the monitor Yang Anqi's voice. Before she finished speaking, Shang Xiaoye had already run away.

After Feng Qianyun explained to Shang Xiaoye, she called Yuchixiong again and asked him for help, "Grandpa Yuchi, I have something to ask for your help."

"If Yunyun has anything to say, just say it. As long as Grandpa Yuchi can help you, he will definitely help you." Yuchixiong agreed.

"I want you to help me find a herb called Banchencao. I'll give you the address later. If Grandpa finds it, please send it there. I need it urgently." Feng Qianyun has seen it before. Yuchi's family had the ability to find all the medicinal materials, so she thought of asking Yuchixiong for help. The Banchencao she asked Yuchixiong to help find was to be sent to the restaurant opened by Lin Wanhui and his husband for experimentation.

As for the half-star grass she needed, she was in Yanjing now, and it would be too late for Yu Chixiong to send it over.

"No problem, then I'll let you know when it's done." It was just looking for a herbal medicine, so there was no problem for Yu Chixiong.

"Well, thank you, Grandpa Yuchi."

After Feng Qianyun hung up the phone, she was going to solve the material problem on her side. First of all, she had to find Banchencao herself. The one in M ​​City was there to help her research the formula, and in the end it had to be handed over to Han Zhengtao. She made it here.

(End of this chapter)

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