Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 319 Yun Yun Domineering Debut

Chapter 319 Qian Yun Domineering Debut (4)
It didn't take much for Feng Qianyun to find Ouyangpu's small treasury, because no one would care about any big commotion upstairs at this time, even if someone heard them, they would not be able to come in, Feng Qianyun went around doing it freely. Destruction, of course, will not take much time to find the hidden small vault.

Damn, Ouyang Pu's small treasury is so big that he doesn't even bother to use the safe. Ouyang Pu never thought that such a big mess would happen in his residence, so the security system is not strict. This is his Confidence, it's a pity that his self-confidence was just suppressed by Feng Qianyun.

"How much money has this old man been greedy for?" Feng Qianyun looked at the money piled up in front of her, it was really "pile"!

She can't recite so many banknotes. Even if she can recite this villa, she can't recite Yanjing. Ouyang Pu scavenged them from everyone.

Then Feng Qianyun looked at the jewelry collected by Ouyang Pu. Does this vulgar old man think that as long as it is big, shiny enough, and gorgeous enough, it is valuable?

Feng Qianyun checked Ouyang Pu's treasures all over, and they turned out to be ordinary goods without a magic weapon.

Feng Qianyun reached out and grabbed a lot of jewels and stuffed them into her small bag. She thought it was too heavy, so I'm sorry if she didn't bring it. Forget it, take it back and play marbles for their Han Meiren, oh, Her Han Meiren seems to be past the age of playing marbles, so give it to Guigui...

There was the sound of helicopter propellers turning overhead, and support troops arrived.

Feng Qianyun poked her head out of the window, and the first one to arrive was only one helicopter, and some were still behind. It is estimated that this one was temporarily transferred from nearby.

Hey, it's you, I've been waiting for you for a long time.

Feng Qianyun was planning to think of a way to snatch that helicopter down, but was taken aback, why are there still experts?The two people sitting on the helicopter were obviously not ordinary people.

When the helicopter approached, she saw the other party clearly. It turned out to be Lie Que and Xia Wufeng. After completing their mission, they rushed to the agreed meeting place. After arriving, they heard Han Mojue and Long Yutian talk about the situation. Just come to meet Feng Qianyun, this helicopter doesn't know where the two of them got it.

"One of you, come down and help me move the money." Feng Qianyun said to Lie Que and Xia Wufeng.

Lie Que was driving the helicopter, and Xia Wufeng jumped down from the co-pilot's seat. After entering Ouyang Pu's small vault through the window, Xia Wufeng's feelings were similar to Feng Qianyun's.

"Help move all the money to the helicopter, move as much as you can." Feng Qianyun directed Xia Wufeng instead.

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she started to move, Xia Wufeng paused for a moment because of her actions, she was still thinking about money?
But Xia Wufeng didn't say much, and helped Feng Qianyun move them, because she knew Feng Qianyun's personality, if he didn't help her move them, she would definitely finish moving them by herself, and it would take more time.

In the end, Feng Qianyun still couldn't take all the banknotes away, and about [-]% of the cash let her move to the helicopter.

"You guys go first, I'll meet you later." Xia Wufeng who helped Feng Qianyun carry the cash did not get on the helicopter.

Feng Qianyun didn't know what Xia Wufeng was going to do, but she didn't interfere with his decision, the two of them were no longer friends, they were only acting together because of formality.

Lie Que and Feng Qianyun took a helicopter away from Ouyang Pu's house. In the distance, when Feng Qianyun looked back again, there was red fire above Ouyang Pu's house besides the black and purple smoke before... This fire, 90.00 %[-] is related to Xia Wufeng.

Xia Wufeng does things like this. There must be innocent people in that villa. Not everyone deserves to die. Although some people are poisoned, as long as the poisoning is not deep, they can still survive if they are rescued in time, but Xia Wufeng chose Erase everything.

Xia Wufeng can't be blamed for doing this, he was also doing it for everyone's safety, objectively speaking, Feng Qianyun felt that what he did was not wrong, but she just didn't like what he did.

"Lie Xiaoque, let's fly the helicopter to a place with a lot of people, excluding the city center, probably a place like a slum." Feng Qianyun said to Lie Que.

Lie Que changed his direction and emphasized at the same time: "It's Lie Que, not Lie Xiaoque."

"But I think it's cuter to be called Lie Xiaoque."

"Save your lovely words for your future son."

"Why does my son have to be named Lie?"

"What do you say?"


On this day, two major events happened in Yanjing City.

The first one was that a chemical leak occurred in the home of Lieutenant General Ouyang Pu of the Yanjing Military Region, which caused a fire. In the end, no one was spared, and the whole city mourned.

The second thing is that for some reason, it rained banknotes in the sky above Yanjing!The banknotes floating all over the sky caused a big commotion. It turns out that there is such a good thing as going out to pick up money!The happiness of picking up the money was washed away along with the sadness of the death of a certain government hero...

According to legend, the God of Wealth has declined, and Yanjing is blessed; there are several more temples for the God of Wealth in various places in Yanjing.

According to legend, the business of the five-star hotel suddenly improved that day, and many plainly dressed migrant workers poured in, holding a lot of banknotes.

According to legend, since that day, there have often been people in the streets and alleys looking up at the sky with sacks on their backs.

It was rumored that the marshal of the military department received the report of Ouyang Pu's death from below that night, and the marshal slapped the table, but there was no clue!

It was rumored that the erasure order that had been issued was canceled suddenly for some unknown reason, which caused a round of unknown commotion in M ​​City.

After Ouyang Pu died, the original plan changed, and it was impossible to get the order to cancel the obliteration order given by the trio, so Han Zhengtao contacted Zhen Tianyi, and the two signed a joint agreement. A special document, first convey the document, and stop this operation.

Feng Qianyun and the others had to wait for seven or eight hours because they had to stamp all the stamps on the document. Don't be too slow, seven or eight hours is already pretty good.

It was already early morning the next day when they got the documents, and there were still five hours before the assembly time for the erasure command, Feng Qianyun and the six of them gathered together again.

Because according to Han Zhengtao, if this document followed the normal procedures, it would take a whole day to reach Yan Sihang in M ​​City, and the order would have been activated long ago.

Therefore, in order to catch up with this time, Feng Qianyun and the others will first send the documents with the special military seal and the autographs of Han Zhengtao, Zhen Tianyi and a series of other messy seals to Yan Sihang, one step ahead of the official documents. Stop Yan Sihang's actions.

(End of this chapter)

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