Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 320 Yun Yun Domineering Debut

Chapter 320 Qian Yun Domineering Debut (5)
On the way from M city to Yanjing, several people came by private car, and they sat for more than ten hours, that is, a whole night.

Now, even if they wanted to take other means of transportation, they would not be able to buy tickets in time. As for the helicopter that was taken away by Lie Que, it was actually hijacked and snatched from the troops who planned to come to Ouyang Pu's house for support. of!

There was no other way, in order to hurry up, I had to take a helicopter.

The Helicopter Lie Que meeting was held, Feng Qianyun took the documents and Lie Que set off back to City M first, and the others went back by car according to the method when they came.

Eleven thirty the next morning.

On the side of City M, Yan Sihang was neatly dressed early in the morning, and his straight military uniform made him even more mighty. The girl is ruined.

Now Yan Sihang is standing in front of rows of special forces who look like Qin Shihuang's terracotta warriors. This time, three teams will be dispatched, two teams are commandos, and they will operate on the top floors of the Long Family Mansion and the Shenghua Hotel respectively. This kind of action is called assault at a more official level, and it is actually an assassination at a harsher level, the kind that leaves no one behind.

The remaining team basically does not move out. This unit is equipped with large-scale weapons of destruction, equipped with weapons of mass destruction such as artillery shells, fighter jets, and bombs. It executes devastating strikes when the other two teams fail to act.

It was the last assembly meeting before the troops were dispatched, and the scene was so solemn that even the sound of mice scratching the ground could be heard.

After 10 minutes, the assembly was completed and the equipment was completed.

At 55 minutes, it's time to announce the departure.

At this moment... There was a huge movement in the sky.

Who is so bold to drive the helicopter directly above the military area, and still drive it so low!

"Wait for me!" Feng Qianyun's voice came from the air...

Is this an enemy attack?
Here are all well-trained, first-class army elites!Only those with brain problems will come to attack the military area alone, right?
Everyone looked up one after another, and saw a girl descending from the sky, it really fell from the sky!

Feng Qianyun couldn't wait for the helicopter to land, so she jumped off the helicopter directly.

Every time Yan Sihang encounters Feng Qianyun, nothing good will happen, this is the truth!Iron truth!

The way Feng Qianyun appeared was shocking, and the way she landed was also unforgettable.

Feng Qianyun patted the dust on her body, stood up calmly, and apologized to a man on the ground who had been her pad, "I'm sorry, but your body is really hard. The muscles are not soft at all, and it feels no different from falling on you than falling on the ground."

Feng Qianyun ostentatiously overwhelmed others and let him be her human cushion, but still disliked that his body was not soft enough.

Feng Qianyun turned her head and saw that standing in front of her were many neatly dressed soldiers with serious expressions, mighty and majestic, and imposing manner.

And these people were staring at her intently.

"Huh? What are you all staring at me for? Well, I didn't come to attack you. It was pure accident that I accidentally hit your chief. It was pure accident, it was really just accident!" Feng Qianyun emphasized her own Purpose, she doesn't want to be accused of attacking a certain important official!

Then, a certain man who was knocked to the ground by Feng Qianyun finally got up and said that meeting Feng Qianyun would definitely not do anything good!Damn it, she really knows how to pick things up!

The time is coming, and the military order is like a mountain. If it wasn't because of the family's repeated explanations, Yan Sihang would have ordered Feng Qianyun to do it now.

Yan Sihang planned to ignore Feng Qianyun and continue his actions, but Feng Qianyun refused, what a joke, Feng Qianyun came all this way to stop him.

"By the way, Yan Sihang, today's action is cancelled." Feng Qianyun stood in front of Yan Sihang and said to him, "I know what I say, and you may not be able to listen, but I have something that you must cancel the action After finishing speaking, Feng Qianyun planned to show Yan Sihang the document signed by Han Zhengtao and Zhen Tianyi.

Huh?When she came down just now, she remembered that she was hugging her in her arms. Why did she disappear?
The document stamped with more than N stamps and signed with more than N names was actually just a thin piece of paper, Feng Qianyun folded it and held it in her arms.

Feng Qianyun looked around, and it turned out that the piece of paper fell on Yan Sihang when he overwhelmed Yan Sihang just now, and it was clamped on the shoulders of Yan Sihang's straight military uniform, which were the legendary epaulettes.

Feng Qianyun "attacked" Yan Sihang again in front of everyone, she rushed towards Yan Sihang, trying to take down the document that was stuck on Yan Sihang's shoulder badge for some reason.

"What do you want?" Yan Sihang's resistance to Feng Qianyun has been promoted to an instinctive reaction. As soon as he saw Feng Qianyun approaching, Yan Sihang's nerve cells immediately sent a signal to his brain, making him escape immediately He caught Feng Qianyun's claws stretching out towards him.

"Don't move!" She just took a piece of paper, how could she take it if he moved it? "Hey, don't act like you've been violated by me, okay? Although I have violated you before, it doesn't mean that I plan to violate you in front of everyone, okay?"

Cough cough, the amount of information in this sentence is too large if you are not careful.

There were thousands of pairs of eyes staring at the scene!

She said she raped Yan Sihang?

Mamma Mia, who the hell is this girl?
Yan Sihang avoided it with a cold face, resolutely not letting Feng Qianyun touch a single hair of him.

Feng Qianyun is on fire, she doesn't have the time now!So Feng Qianyun violently used her extraordinary skills to catch Yan Sihang, and threw Yan Sihang over her shoulder, throwing Yan Sihang who had just got up from the ground back to the ground again, and then gracefully and calmly lifted Yan Sihang from the position of the epaulette on Yan Sihang's shoulder. Very important documents were retrieved.

Seeing this, the others got their guns in their hands and aimed at Feng Qianyun one after another, as if they were arresting an international criminal.

Feng Qianyun unfolded the document in her hand so that others including Yan Sihang could see the content of the document.

"The document can't be fake, right?" Yan Sihang looked at Feng Qianyun suspiciously.

Feng Qianyun shrugged, "Can I make this kind of document fake? If it's fake, you'll know within a day, and it won't be the same result then? Why would I do something that has no effect? "She doesn't like to do unnecessary work.

Listening to Feng Qianyun's words, Yan Sihang dubiously took the document from her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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