Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 328 When Are You Going To Fall In Love With Me?

Chapter 328 When Are You Going To Fall In Love With Me?

Lie Que squeezed Feng Qianyun's small face, "Let me finish kissing and sleep, it's too late to regret it now, just grow up obediently."

Just like what Lie Que said, after kissing and sleeping, there is no time to regret it.

Feng Qianyun looked at Lie Que puzzled, "Are you confessing your love to me?"

"What do you think?" Lie Que hugged Feng Qianyun into his arms, "If I say yes, when do you plan to fall in love with me?"

Lie Que's voice was full of bewitching flavor, like the ripples created by a stone thrown into a lake.

Feng Qianyun was stunned.

Does he say that as a default?It seems that can be counted like this.

He didn't even say he liked her, why did he ask her to like him?
"I didn't plan to..." Feng Qianyun thought for a while and replied.How could she have time to think about this problem, and even if she thought about it, for her now, any love is a puppy love.

"Then start thinking about it now, don't make me wait too long." Lie Que almost regarded Feng Qianyun as his little toy, kneading and kneading.

"Why does it have to be you?" Feng Qianyun asked, she hadn't liked anyone yet, so he gave her an order that the man she would like in the future must be him.

No one can guarantee what will happen in the future. Who said that she must like him and marry him in the future?

"You promised yourself, you have to be responsible to me, and your words must not be counted." Lie Que did not allow Feng Qianyun to have any chance to go back on his word. "Besides, you've already let me seal it." Lie Que stroked Feng Qianyun's still moist and bright red lips with his fingers, making Feng Qianyun feel itchy.

"I always thought that I was already reckless enough, but I didn't expect you to be more reckless than me." Of course Feng Qianyun remembered what she said, but the key point is that when she grows up, Lie Que will already be old, hey , they are destined to be impossible...

"The goods have been shipped, even if quality problems are found, they will not be refunded." Lie Que said.

"If you make me like you, do I have to like you? I need to think about it carefully." Feng Qianyun was thinking.

"Tell me, what are you going to think about?"

"It's a 360-degree observation with no dead angle for a period of time." Feng Qianyun said seriously.

Lie Que pampered Feng Qianyun's little face, "Okay, I'll give you time. As for now..." Lie Que smiled and kissed Feng Qianyun again.

Hey, hey, this considered hooliganism?

Another kiss, even more lingering than the one just now, because the white angel in Feng Qianyun's heart was defeated, forget it, enjoy yourself in time, regardless of whether she will have anything to do with this man in the future, the kiss is gone, This time, we must not suffer too much.

Thinking about it this way, Feng Qianyun also took the initiative to kiss Lie Que, which gave Lie Que a taste of the sweetness, but...

This time, Lie Que was not so lucky, less than a minute after the kiss, and just tasted the sweetness, Feng Qianyun's cell phone rang suddenly, and the caller ID was Shang Xiaoye.

Lie Que let go of Feng Qianyun, and Feng Qianyun answered the phone.

"Yun Yun is not good, something happened to Ouyang Zhimin!" As soon as the phone was connected, Shang Xiaoye's urgent voice came from inside.

"Say something slowly." Feng Qianyun told Shang Xiaoye not to be too nervous.

"Ouyang Zhimin is being beaten by his father! Now, maybe people will be killed now!" Now Ouyang Zhimin's father, Dong Lixi, is beating Ouyang Zhimin to death in Ouyang Zhimin's dormitory building, and Shang Xiaoye is also Ouyang Zhimin's roommate called her to find out!

When school just started, Shang Xiaoye accompanied Ouyang Zhimin to his dormitory and helped him make the bed. Ouyang Zhimin was a careless boy who didn’t know how to do these things. Very negligent, Shang Xiaoye was used to doing these things again, so he helped him take care of it, and Ouyang Zhimin's roommate took Shang Xiaoye as Ouyang Zhimin's girlfriend for granted.

"His father beat him?" Feng Qianyun felt a little strange.

If it had been a few months earlier, Feng Qianyun would not have been surprised to hear this. It is not a day or two for Ouyang Zhimin to let his parents beat him, but recently, since he was admitted to university, he and his Hasn't the relationship between parents eased a lot? "He hasn't been very well-behaved recently. Why did his father hit him again when he was doing well?"

"It was pretty good at first, but about half a month ago, his mother, that is, his stepmother, went to the hospital for an examination and said that she was pregnant. His father and his stepmother have been married for a long time, and everyone is very happy to finally have it, Ouyang Zhimin didn't think there was anything wrong. After all these years, although he didn't get close to his stepmother, he still regarded her as a family member. The last call Ouyang Zhimin made to me seemed to say that something happened to his stepmother. , and then I only know that he was beaten by his father, and I don't know the specific situation now, what should I do, Yunyun, Ouyang won't be in danger, right?"

Shang Xiaoye was so worried that she hurriedly called Feng Qianyun.

"Don't worry, where are you now, and where should Ouyang Zhimin be now?"

"Ouyang Zhimin is in his own dormitory! I...I'm here...I'm here..." Shang Xiaoye looked around, "I'm at the north gate of the school! The west gate of our school is facing Ouyang It’s the east gate of Zhimin’s school.” The two schools are in the same university town, across a street in the middle.

"You wait at the east gate, I'll go over now. Don't panic, you'll be fine." Feng Qianyun comforted Shang Xiaoye, she knew that Shang Xiaoye must be crying again.

After Feng Qianyun hung up the phone, she gave Lie Que a sorry look, "Sorry, I can't accompany you to dinner today."

Lie Que kissed Feng Qianyun on the forehead, "Go, I will come to you later."

"En." Feng Qianyun unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car.

When Feng Qianyun came to the east gate, she saw Shang Xiaoye walking around like an ant on a hot pot.

"Let's go and see the situation."

Seeing Feng Qianyun coming, Shang Xiaoye finally felt relieved.

The two went to the Normal University next to Z University.

School has just started these two days, there are all kinds of people coming and going in and out of the dormitory building, some parents of students come in and out, so the mother in the dormitory building with security guards at the door did not stop Feng Qianyun and Shang Xiaoye.

The two entered the dormitory where Ouyang Zhimin lived, and went up to the fourth floor. Before they reached Ouyang Zhimin's room 412, they heard a very loud voice, and some other students blocked the door of 412.

Feng Qianyun and Shang Xiaoye entered the crowd and saw the situation inside. With just one glance, Feng Qianyun became angry. It wasn't because she was irritable, but because Ouyang Zhimin had beaten Dong Lixi beyond recognition!

The room was in a mess, several chairs were overturned, and one of them was broken. Dong Lixi hit Ouyang Zhimin with the broom in the dormitory.The handle of the broom is made of alloy, and hitting the body is no different from being hit by a hooligan's steel rod.

Received from Feng Qianyun
Ouyang Zhimin was lying on the ground, curled up, his face was swollen, blood was oozing from several places on his body, blood was spitting out of his mouth, and his blood was all over the floor in front of him.

Shang Xiaoye saw that Ouyang Zhimin's mouth was still vomiting blood, and his heart almost jumped out!
The other students couldn't stand it anymore, but that person was Ouyang Zhimin's father, and everyone didn't know how to stop him.

The onlookers looked at me and I looked at you, they all discussed going up to rescue Ouyang Zhimin, if this continues, people will die!

Ouyang Zhimin is also stupid, his father beat him to death, and he didn't know how to fight back, even if he didn't fight back, he would still run away!

Feng Qianyun knows that Ouyang Zhimin's most injured person may not be his body but his heart, so whether he can escape or not is of little significance to him...

Feng Qianyun and Shang Xiaoye rushed into the room, Shang Xiaoye rushed up to see Ouyang Zhimin's situation, Feng Qianyun stood in front of Dong Lixi.

"Get out of the way, I'll teach my son a lesson, don't meddle in other people's business!" Dong Lixi's anger still persisted.

Just as Dong Lixi finished speaking, Feng Qianyun slapped him across the face!

"You!" Dong Lixi slapped Feng Qianyun for no reason, and was immediately stunned.

Feng Qianyun didn't give Dong Lixi a chance to recover, so she raised her foot and kicked Dong Lixi's lower body fiercely.

After the kicks were not enough, Feng Qianyun kicked him twice behind his knees, causing him to kneel on the ground with great difficulty.

"It looks much more comfortable this way." After Dong Lixi knelt down, Feng Qianyun could look down at him, which was much more negative than looking up.

Dong Lixi wanted to get up, but just as she moved, Feng Qianyun pushed her back, "Don't move, I'm very angry now, if you move around, I don't guarantee that I will do anything that you will regret."

How dare Dong Lixi, the man has gold under his knees, even if he dies, he can't kneel down to others.

Feng Qianyun kicked Dong Lixi again, directly kicking him to the ground.

"Since you don't want to kneel, then lie down!" Feng Qianyun stepped on Dong Lixi's chest with one foot to prevent him from moving around.

When she was free, Feng Qianyun asked Shang Xiaoye, "Xiaoye, how is Ouyang Zhimin doing?"

Shang Xiaoye cried early in the morning, not because Ouyang Zhimin's life was in danger, but because Shang Xiaoye was anxious, afraid, sad and distressed, and the tears couldn't stop falling down.

"Yun, Yunyun...what should I do...he..." Shang Xiaoye really felt sorry for Ouyang Zhimin at this time, not to mention Shang Xiaoye, even Feng Qianyun couldn't bear it anymore, she had seen parents beat their children , but I have never seen someone who was beaten to death like Ouyang Zhimin. I don't know, I thought that the one who beat him was not his own father at all!

Shang Xiaoye held Ouyang Zhimin's head in her arms, and it was covered with blood. She looked at the blood in front of her eyes, and told herself not to cry, now is not the time to cry, but the tears just couldn't stop!
"Xiaoye, don't worry, don't hold him, put him flat on the floor, and I will check if his internal organs are injured." Feng Qianyun was much calmer than Shang Xiaoye.

(End of this chapter)

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