Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 329 Sacrificing Character for the Little Brother's Happiness

Chapter 329 Sacrificing Character for the Little Brother's Happiness

Feng Qianyun put more strength on Dong Lixi's little foot, "Listen, you have to suffer all the injuries on his body. You'd better pray that he has no serious problems!"

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she didn't let go of Dong Lixi directly, she reached out and pointed at the two male classmates, "Please help me restrain him."

The two male students who were suddenly pointed out by Feng Qianyun glanced at each other, why did they listen to her?

As if to see through the minds of the two male classmates, "I have the right to suspect that this man has committed a felony of attempted murder. If Ouyang Zhimin dies, he is a murderer. Does it matter if such a person is let go? Even if he is Ouyang Zhimin's own father, murder is also a crime!"

The two male classmates are Ouyang Zhimin's roommates. Although I guess I just met Ouyang Zhimin, after spending two days with Ouyang Zhimin, I feel that Ouyang Zhimin is not bad. I saw him being beaten up just now, but I couldn't help him. I already feel quite guilty about what to do, and after hearing what Feng Qianyun said, I also feel that I should help!

So two male classmates came up to help Feng Qianyun restrain Dong Lixi who had been pushed to the ground.

After Feng Qianyun handed over Dong Lixi to Ouyang Zhimin's two roommates, she went to check on Ouyang Zhimin's injuries.

This is not the first time that Ouyang Zhimin has been beaten by Dong Lixi, but it is definitely the worst one so far. Feng Qianyun even suspects that if she and Shang Xiaoye came later, Ouyang Zhimin would be beaten to death by Dong Lixi !
Two chest ribs were broken, the right hand bone was broken, the spleen and lung were severely injured, and there were symptoms of internal bleeding.

This bastard, you think it doesn't matter if she gets hurt by him, right?Such a big person, he can't even protect himself!
Feng Qianyun couldn't bear to see Ouyang Zhimin in too much pain, so he treated him on the spot, at least the damage to his internal organs should be repaired for him, otherwise his life would be in danger.All the bones should be connected.

It's all trauma, which is already a piece of cake for Feng Qianyun today. I remember that at the beginning, she spent a lot of effort just to take two bullets for Long Yutian, but now she can repair such a large number of bullets. traumatized.

While asking Shang Xiaoye to wipe the blood on Ouyang Zhimin's body, she herself held Ouyang Zhimin's hand, and poured Tiangang vitality into Ouyang Zhimin's body continuously to repair the various wounds in his body.

"Yunyun, how is it?" Shang Xiaoye asked Feng Qianyun anxiously.

How about it?That must be all right!

But Feng Qianyun didn't tell Shang Xiaoye that way, she shook her head with regret, and told Shang Xiaoye with her expression and movements that Ouyang Zhimin was done playing.

Feng Qianyun knows that she is evil, but some people need to be stimulated. For example, Shang Xiaoye, who is stupid, still doesn't take Ouyang Zhimin seriously, and refuses to admit that she likes Ouyang Zhimin, so that Ouyang Zhi Min can only be anxious, just in time, taking advantage of this time, she will stimulate Shang Xiaoye.

Of course, there was another person that Feng Qianyun wanted to stimulate.

Feng Qianyun glanced at Dong Lixi who was held down by the two male classmates she called over. If it wasn't because Ouyang Zhimin still regarded him as his father, Feng Qianyun would be the first one to beat his parents even now!
Seeing Feng Qianyun like this, Shang Xiaoye immediately sank into the bottom of her heart.

how come?How could this be?
"Yunyun, why is this happening? Ouyang Zhimin... No way, with you here, how could he have something to do!" Shang Xiaoye cried even more fiercely.

Almost the whole person jumped on Ouyang Zhimin's body and lay down on him, "Ouyang Zhimin, get up! Didn't you say that you are as strong as a cow? What could happen... Ouyang Zhimin, wake up Wake up..."

Shang Xiaoye cried very sadly, but Feng Qianyun didn't stop her.

She got up and walked towards Dong Lixi, Ouyang Zhimin, she had already confirmed that there was nothing serious, and now she can take care of this father!
Dong Lixi was pushed to the ground, and Feng Qianyun looked down at him.

Dong Lixi also saw Feng Qianyun's reaction just now. After beating Ouyang Zhimin crazily, Dong Lixi was taught a violent lesson by Feng Qianyun. Now that he was pressed on the cold floor, he calmed down a little and knew that his son was dying. , Dong Lixi's heart tightened in vain.

Feng Qianyun didn't miss any of Dong Lixi's expressions, "What's wrong? Now you know you care? Don't you think it's too late? Why didn't you think about it when you hit someone just now, Ouyang Zhimin is your son, flesh and blood The body will also be beaten to death!"

As soon as the death word came out, the temperature at the scene dropped several degrees in vain, and the bedroom was eerily quiet, only Shang Xiaoye could not stop sobbing.

"He...really..." Dong Lixi suddenly felt scared. After all, Ouyang Zhimin is his own flesh and blood, and he really didn't want to kill him!He was in a hurry just now...

"What do you think, if you fight like this, you can't kill anyone? You treat him like an iron fighter!" If Feng Qianyun hadn't used pills to help Ouyang Zhimin improve his strength to the elementary level of Xuan level and become an advanced level master, at this time Even if she arrived, she would only see a corpse.It can be seen that Dong Lixi really beat Ouyang Zhimin to death!

It seems that the elementary level of the mysterious level is not enough, Feng Qianyun thought, after Ouyang Zhimin's injury is completely healed this time, she must let his strength go up a few more steps, so as not to risk his life at every turn. Can pull him back from the gate of hell.

"No, let me go, call an ambulance, call an ambulance!" Dong Lixi was in a hurry, he didn't want to kill him, he was in a hurry...

"Everyone is dead, why do you need an ambulance? It's more like a funeral car." Feng Qianyun said venomously.

"No, no..." Dong Lixi was shocked, he murmured, and he stopped struggling.

Shang Xiaoye burst into tears when she heard the "funeral car", she grabbed Ouyang Zhimin's shoulder and shook it, "Ouyang Zhimin, listen to me, I won't die, did you hear that, woo woo ...Ouyang Zhimin, as long as you don't die, I will promise to be your girlfriend. I won't kill you in the future. You have worked hard. Really, although I have never praised you, you are really great. In such a short period of time, I caught up with many classmates and was admitted to an undergraduate school...Ouyang Zhimin, did you hear..." Shang Xiaoye has always believed in Feng Qianyun, Feng Qianyun said that Ouyang Zhimin is dead She really thought Ouyang Zhimin was hopeless, and forgot to check Ouyang Zhimin's heartbeat and breathing by herself.

" said it yourself." A certain "dead man" said with a smile on his face.

Shang Xiaoye's crying stopped abruptly, and she stared at Ouyang Zhimin with wide eyes, only to see that Ouyang Zhimin's eyes were wide open, with a refreshed look on his face, obviously very good!

"Shang Xiaoye, you must keep your promises. I heard what you said just now, Boss Yunyun also heard it, and so many other people have heard it. You can't go back on your word." ", happily stealing a scent from Shang Xiaoye's face, and stealing it in public.

"Didn't you die?" Shang Xiaoye was still immersed in the matter of Ouyang Zhimin's "resurrection from the dead", and didn't even notice that he had been secretly kissed by Ouyang Zhimin.

"Boss Yunyun is here, how can I die." Ouyang Zhimin said ruffiantly.

Shang Xiaoye finally understood, okay!Yunyun, the big villain!She stood up abruptly, with her hands on her hips facing Feng Qianyun, "Yunyun, you bastard, you lied to me!"

Feng Qianyun didn't have the slightest guilty conscience to be exposed by a lie, "For the happiness of my little brother, I decided to sacrifice my character. Right, Ouyang Zhimin, you see, for your future happiness, even such a lie that loses character By the way, I helped you abduct your girlfriend, and when you guys get married in the future, I won’t accept any red envelopes, the money is too expensive, and I can’t afford to give it away.”

Do you dare to sell Shang Xiaoye just to save money?
"Hehe, of course Boss Yunyun won't accept money for his share, and it's okay to send you a matchmaker gift package instead!" Ouyang Zhimin was proud of his spring breeze, so naturally he could say anything, the money was trivial, and the main thing was to abduct Shang Xiaoye.

Now everyone understands, and at the same time, they are all relieved. First, the students are relieved because they don’t want to see their new classmates die. After all, they have been together for two or three days, and they think Ouyang Zhimin is not bad. Well, if someone died in this dormitory building, they would not dare to act casually at night in the future, and it would feel a lot darker.

Dong Lixi also breathed a sigh of relief.

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she turned around to solve Dong Lixi's matter. Ouyang Zhimin is not dead, but it doesn't mean that Dong Lixi's beating of Ouyang Zhimin can be written off.

"Let me introduce to you." Feng Qianyun said to a group of onlookers. This matter has been noisy for a long time, and many people have surrounded the dormitory and the door of the dormitory. Feng Qianyun pointed at the people on the ground Dong Lixi said to the crowd, "This man is Ouyang Zhimin's biological father. His name is Dong Lixi. His ex-wife, Ouyang Zhimin's biological mother, died early, and then he married a daughter of a big family. Now he is the boss of a big company, this man loves his wife, but he never pays much attention to his dead wife's son, beats him for every little thing, and doesn't treat Ouyang Zhimin as a human being!"

Feng Qianyun wasn't interested in interfering with Dong Lixi and Ouyang Jiajia's mess, but now, hmph, she's going to let her mother know what regret is when someone touches her!
Hearing Feng Qianyun's words, the onlookers immediately sighed, that's how it is!Let's just say, how can a father be so cruel to his son so hard!Ganqing is a softie!
If they had known this was the case, they would have made a move early in the morning!What a scumbag!The male students who were watching were feeling emotional in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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