Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 330 There is still a while before finding a man

Chapter 330 There is still a while before finding a man (1)
Dong Lixi's face became more and more ugly when Feng Qianyun said it. What she said was not wrong, but it was also the last thing he wanted others to mention. He really liked Ouyang Jiajia, and he had never taken money from Ouyang's family. At that time, he didn't know Ouyang Jiajia's identity when they were dating. After getting married, he also suffered a lot of infamy because of this incident. It was a lie to say that he didn't care at all.

All along, because Ouyang's family kept secrets very well, few people knew the real situation, which saved him from embarrassment, but now he was exposed in public, and his face was dull.

Facing everyone's pointing and pointing, Dong Lixi was embarrassed, "You don't know anything, this kid caused Jiajia to have a miscarriage! I, Dong Lixi, don't have such a ruthless son!"

"Miscarriage? Ouyang Zhimin came to school a few days ago, how can I cause her to have a miscarriage?"

"Before he came to school, he bought some health care products for Jiajia, and Jiajia had a miscarriage because of those health care products!" Dong Lixi saw the test report from the hospital, left all work at that time, and rushed directly to Ouyang Zhimin, so There is this scene now.

"Heh," Feng Qianyun sneered, "So you beat people to death without asking about the situation? You even believe that the health care product is really effective and not your son's character?"

Feng Qianyun's smile grew stronger.

"What do you mean?" Dong Lixi was a little puzzled by Feng Qianyun's meaning.

"What do I mean? My meaning is very simple. You should understand human words, right? I said that Ouyang Zhimin did not poison your unborn child with Ouyang Jiajia." Feng Qianyun believed that Ouyang Zhimin would not do such a thing What happened, although Ouyang Zhimin had been stubborn before, it was all because he longed for the attention of others and the care of his family, that's all. won't do.

"I also believe that Ouyang Zhimin would not do such a thing!" Shang Xiaoye, like Feng Qianyun, firmly believed in Ouyang Zhimin.

Ouyang Zhimin was very moved when he heard that Feng Qianyun and Shang Xiaoye said they believed him, woo woo woo, I hate it, why did they say such touching words!
"Dad, I never thought of harming my little mom. It's the truth. Believe it or not." Ouyang Zhimin recovered quite quickly, and he was already full of breath, completely different from when he was dying on the ground just now. Two different situations.

Ouyang Zhimin said seriously.

"Are you serious?" Seeing Ouyang Zhimin's serious answer, Dong Lixi's original thoughts were shaken.

"Dong Lixi, listen, I will give you an answer about your wife's miscarriage. If the result has nothing to do with Ouyang Zhimin, I want you, a father, to apologize to him. Do you accept it?" Feng Qianyun said .If Dong Lixi was not Ouyang Zhimin's father, and was an irreplaceable existence, Feng Qianyun would kill him now.

Dong Lixi looked at Feng Qianyun for a while, he felt that Feng Qianyun looked familiar from just now, but because there were too many things in his heart, it was not only the anger and heartache of Ouyang Jiajia's miscarriage, but also the heartache for Ouyang Zhimin Dong Lixi didn't notice this until now.

"You...are..." Dong Lixi followed Ouyang Jiajia back to Ouyang's house a few times and met Feng Qianyun a few times, so he still has an impression of Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun also knew that Dong Lixi recognized her, "It's good that you know some things in your heart. You should know what to say and what not to say. Some things about me have been erased by them. They just don't want to Someone knows about my relationship with them, you should understand."

Feng Qianyun is no longer recognized by the Ouyang family. She believes that Dong Lixi is measured and dare not tell others her secrets.

"No wonder..." Dong Lixi came to his senses in a trance. Just now Ouyang Zhimin looked like he was still in danger, but he was alive and kicking in a blink of an eye. Only the Ouyang family can do such an unusual change. He had seen Ouyang Shiyin before. Rescuing people does have a similar effect.

Suddenly, Dong Lixi shuddered, no!

She is a woman!The abilities of the Ouyang family are not passed on to women!
This realization made Dong Lixi suddenly startled, "You, you..."

Feng Qianyun knew what Dong Lixi was thinking, "It's still the same sentence, it shouldn't be said, you'd better not mention a single word, or you will cause trouble to your upper body."

Feng Qianyun's words were full of warning.

Dong Lixi was obviously taken aback, and nodded in understanding after being shocked. I'm afraid he can't interfere in this matter.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to find out the truth about Jiajia's miscarriage, and I don't want my son to be the one who did it." Dong Lixi said compromisingly.

"Very good." Feng Qianyun nodded in satisfaction, and then... "I told you that I want you to pay back what you hit him!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Qianyun sneered, and then said to the two male students, "Please let me go." Dangerous actions, violent actions, easily hurt innocent people.

The two male students stepped aside in a daze. Judging from the situation where Feng Qianyun beat Dong Lixi at the beginning just now, it is estimated that the next stage will not be too civilized.

Dong Lixi thought the matter was settled, but who would have thought that Feng Qianyun would still remember it.

"Boss Yunyun, don't hit me, that's my dad!" Ouyang Zhimin said worriedly seeing that Feng Qianyun was merciless in his attack.

Feng Qianyun punched and kicked Dong Lixi, and when she was tired, she changed chairs and smashed it a few times. She was really merciless. She beat Dong Lixi so hard that it was comparable to Ouyang Zhimin just now!

"Boss Yunyun...don't fight..."

"Shut up, I'll settle the score with you after beating up your father. You think you've let yourself suffer such serious injuries without the permission of me and Shang Xiaoye, isn't it wrong?" Feng Qianyun He turned his head and glared at Ouyang Zhimin, turning him from a big tiger into a kitten.

"Ouyang Zhimin, listen to me, Xiaoye and I will share your life in the future, and you are not allowed to play with it casually, right Xiaoye?"

"Yes, Yunyun is right!" Shang Xiaoye completely agrees with Feng Qianyun's statement, what kind of person is this, Yunyun told him not to do this again when he was beaten last time, and this time he is actually not good enough!

Ouyang Zhimin bowed his head, he had nothing to refute, in fact he also knew that he should escape, but this time the situation was different, if he escaped, it would be tantamount to confirming his crime, he didn't want that, he really He didn't hurt his little mother and the child in her belly.

It's not that he doesn't know that his father and mother have been married for so many years, and what they hope most is to have a child, so how could they hurt the child they finally got.

(End of this chapter)

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