Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 350 Domineering rhyme, no explanation

Chapter 350 Domineering Qianyun, No Explanation (5)
When Feng Qianyun and Huang Gui came in, he was sleeping soundly. Maybe it was because he worked too hard last night, which made him sleep very deeply. He didn't know that someone entered the room, and he still fell asleep like a dead pig.

Huang Gui immediately stepped forward and picked up a glass of wine from the bedside table that he hadn't drunk last night, and poured it on the prawn's head.

Brother Big Shrimp, whose face was poured with wine, was very upset, touched his face, and roared: "That son of a bitch dares to pour wine on my head!"

After Da Xia yelled, he realized that the man standing by his bed was Huang Gui. Although his appearance was a bit unique, he was definitely his cash cow, Huang Gui.

"Hey, it's Brother Gui. I thought it was those bastards downstairs. It doesn't matter how many times you splash your words. Come on, come on, twice more..." Da Xia was afraid of Huang Gui. Because he was angry with the roar just now, he hurriedly said in a courteous way.

Huang Gui doesn't have the time to be angry with Da Xia now, "Let me ask you, who is that Du Qingfei you introduced to me?"

"Ah?" Asked by Huang Gui, Da Xia was taken aback for a moment, didn't Huang Gui never ask specific information about the guests, why did he suddenly care about Du Qingfei?

"Ah what, say it quickly!" Huang Gui urged, such a terrible matter, why don't you finish it quickly, doesn't he know how scary the little girl standing behind is?

Thinking of Feng Qianyun, Huang Gui couldn't help but look back at Feng Qianyun, for fear that Feng Qianyun would be angry because she couldn't wait.

When Huang Gui looked back in fear, Da Xia followed suit. After seeing Feng Qianyun, Da Xia’s first thought was, wow, what a beautiful little girl, but he doesn’t play with children, it’s a pity The second thought is, wow, maybe Huang Gui also fucked little girls; the third thought, wow, Huang Gui seems to be very afraid of her, is this going against the sky?

Feng Qianyun leaned against the door leisurely, waiting quietly for Da Xia to tell her that some bastard had come to find someone to kill her, and it better not be what she thought.

"Brother Gui, this is..."

Da Xia pointed at Feng Qianyun with his finger and was about to ask Huang Gui who Feng Qianyun was, when Huang Gui slapped his finger off.

"Why are you asking so many questions? Hurry up and tell me what you know, then go back and continue having fun with your woman!"

"Brother Gui, it's not that I don't sell your face. It's okay for you to know the customer's information, but this other person..." When Da Xia spoke, he looked at Feng Qianyun, meaning that Feng Qianyun should not let Feng Qianyun listen to this matter. arrive.

Damn you, you can't let Feng Qianyun know, Huang Gui is really going to be pissed off by the prawns, he came here just to ask Feng Qianyun, otherwise why would he want that Du Qingfei's information?
Huang Gui was too lazy to explain to Da Xia, he untied the dirty towel on his head, and let Da Xia see his injuries.

Da Xia noticed the towel wrapped around Huang Gui's head when he saw Huang Gui for the first time today, but he didn't ask much. Now that Huang Gui took off the towel, Da Xia really saw it with his eyes I was taken aback.

At this time, the woman who happened to be sleeping next to Da Xia woke up, opened her eyes dimly, and just saw the world after waking up, she saw Huang Gui's hideous forehead, and immediately fainted from fright.

What a useless woman, Huang Gui cursed in his heart.

After Huang Gui showed his forehead to Da Xia, he winked at him a few times, intending to tell Da Xia that it was the girl standing at the door who made him look like this, and they couldn't mess with that person. For starters, tell Da Xia to be careful and sensible when he speaks, and tell him everything he knows quickly.

Prawn's body shook completely, and after the tiger's body shook, he lost all sleepiness, and his back felt cold.

Even Huang Gui is like this, how dare he?How many lives are useless?
It's just... why does he think the girl at the door is harmless?If it weren't for the iron-like evidence in front of him, prawn really couldn't believe this fact!
"That, that..." Da Xia tried to calm himself down, "Du Qingfei is the chairman and CEO of Du's Enterprise. If there is no Ouyang Group's help, the Du family would have collapsed in Du Qingfei's hands."

"Is his sister's name Du Qingyan?" This was the first sentence Feng Qianyun said since entering the room.

"Yes, yes..." Prawn hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Feng Qianyun really guessed it right, that woman Du Qingyan actually asked someone to kill her?Feng Qianyun thought about it for a while, and knew the reason. Recently, her father suspected that she had inherited the blood of the Ouyang family and came to find her once. Du Qingyan must have known about this, so she was moved to kill her.

When a woman is poisonous, she is far more poisonous than a poisonous snake or beast.

Feng Qianyun knew what she wanted to know, so she turned and left.

As soon as she left, Huang Gui collapsed to the ground, sitting on the floor and moaning, "Hurry up and get me the medicine, you bastard!"

Huang Gui died of pain a long time ago. When Feng Qianyun was there just now, the fear of death overcame the pain in his body. Now that Feng Qianyun left, all he could see was the pain on his forehead.

He has today's prawns as well, if this bastard hadn't introduced Du Qingfei to him, would he have suffered such a big crime?

After Feng Qianyun left the bar, she went back to school.Because of Huang Gui's sudden incident, she changed from skipping two classes to skipping one day.

Because Feng Qianyun didn't show up all day, Han Mojue called Feng Qianyun, "Little daughter-in-law, where did you go, didn't you mean to have a meal with the old professor? Why did you eat all day?" ?”

"Hey, something happened and I had to waste a little time. Did Brother Mo Jue miss me?"

"Bah, I don't bother to think about you. You are so mad at you. You say that it's fine if you don't come to high math class, and you don't come to other classes. Do you still want credits? I don't want to graduate!"

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, brother Mo Jue, I know you are worried that I won't graduate."

"Fuck off! I'm not worried that you won't be able to graduate. I'm afraid that you will go to college for an extra year. I will be a tutor for an extra year in college!"

Didn't you run to become a mentor for Feng Qianyun?If you don't care about her, why do you have to stay with her for an extra year in college when she goes to college for an extra year?
After all, you still care about Feng Qianyun!Really, what quibbles do.

"Okay, okay, don't worry about me at all, okay?" Feng Qianyun was really speechless with Han Mojue, "By the way, brother Mojue, do you have time tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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