Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 351 Domineering rhyme, no explanation

Chapter 351 Domineering Qianyun, No Explanation (6)
Every time Feng Qianyun calls him "Brother Mo Jue", something good will happen. His previous experience told Han Mojue like this, "Little wife, what do you want to do? Let me tell you, I'm not selling myself !"

"Although you are in good shape, I have no plans to let you sell meat for the time being. I'm going out to do some bad things tonight. You can help me with the dormitory." Although their dormitory building is a special dormitory building, regardless of the management or It's very strict. Anyone who doesn't ask for leave and doesn't show up will register. It is said that if there are too many times, the comprehensive evaluation points will be deducted.

Now that Du Qingyan has come to her door and hired someone to kill Feng Qianyun, it is impossible for Feng Qianyun to pretend that nothing happened.

Want to kill her?She abolished her first, so that she would never be able to move this idea!

"Are you doing something bad again?" Didn't you just do it not long ago?Hey, after the little daughter-in-law went to college, the biggest change compared to high school is that the frequency of doing bad things has increased.

"Brother Mo Jue, do you dislike me?"

"Stop," Han Mojue hurriedly called to stop, "I can help you with the dormitory affairs, but you have to take me with you to do bad things, if you dare to leave me alone to do bad things, I will definitely not let you go you!"

"It's just doing bad things, and you still want to form a group?"


"Okay, okay, I won't tell you anymore, I'll go back to school first, and I still have some things to deal with later."

"Well, then be careful yourself, don't be abducted by kidnappers halfway through your walk."

Han Mojue children's shoes, you are really right, just now when Feng Qianyun was halfway there, someone really came out and wanted to take Feng Qianyun's life away.

While talking, Feng Qianyun had already returned to the school dormitory, and the moment she entered the door, she felt that the atmosphere was not right.

Everyone looked at her with some hostility.

Shang Xiaoye rushed forward, "I heard about Yunyun, you are going to do research with Professor Guo!" Shang Xiaoye was very happy, even happier than Feng Qianyun herself.

"How do you know?" Isn't this what happened just now?Didn't she tell others yet? Why did Sister Xiaoye already know.

"It's all announced on the school's website!" In order to prove her words, Shang Xiaoye specially brought her laptop over to Feng Qianyun to see.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the school website announced the list of graduate students that Guo Shuyong brought this semester, but there was a person who was not a graduate student, and that person was Feng Qianyun.

Because Guo Shuyong is relatively famous, many people apply for Z University because of Guo Shuyong, so there are many students who want to do research with him, and the attention is also very high.

Originally, when the list came out, it was normal for some people to be happy and others to be worried.

Although there have been cases where undergraduate students participated in the tutor's project, Feng Qianyun is still a freshman, and it's only been a few days since the start of school, so why is she on the list?

So all kinds of speculation came out, anyway, there were very few people who said that Feng Qianyun was excellent, and they all said that she relied on connections and bribed the school leaders and so on.

Damn, if you have the ability, you can buy one and I'll see!

No wonder Feng Qianyun felt that everyone was looking at her strangely when she came in just now, it must have happened!
This Guo Shuyong is also true, why did he announce the matter on the school's website as soon as he turned around? Didn't he know how to engage in secrecy work? Is this causing trouble for her or causing trouble for her?
"Look, look, what I said is not wrong, Yunyun, you are amazing!" Shang Xiaoye said to Feng Qianyun with admiration.

Shang Xiaoye had just finished speaking when someone snorted coldly, "Who knows whether it's academic research or bed kung fu!"

Is this a typical example of not being able to eat grapes and saying that grapes are sour?

She has provoked someone with Feng Qianyun, didn't she just find a reliable mentor for herself?Why does everyone seem to owe them millions!
"Hey, what are you talking about?" Shang Xiaoye got angry when she heard someone say that, she forbids others to say that about Yunyun! "You are not allowed to talk nonsense!"

"Some people know what I'm talking about!" The girl who snorted just now was a girl named Fang Yiting. She is a senior in this semester. Like Feng Qianyun, she is a medical student. It just so happens that she also wants to find Guo Shuyong as a tutor. I went to look for Guo Shuyong several times before, but there was no progress. Now that the list came out, her name was not included, and she was hit hard. Later, I saw Feng Qianyun's name, because Feng Qianyun It was the girl who lived in the same special dormitory building as them, and she was the youngest one, so Fang Yiting was very impressed. At that time, she was in a bad mood. She really wanted to take Feng Qianyun's name off the list and replace it with it. her own name.

"Xiaoye, let's go upstairs." Feng Qianyun pulled Shang Xiaoye.

"Yunyun, don't stop me, let me make it clear to her, I won't allow her to slander you like this!" Shang Xiaoye resolutely defended Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun smiled slightly, she has her own ruler, she has her own tolerance, Fang Yiting is just saying a few words about her now, it's not painful, what is she caring about with Fang Yiting, she still thinks she is worthless Woolen cloth.

"Sister Xiaoye, be good. I know you care about me, but you are more important to me. You will lose your worth if you get angry with some people." Feng Qianyun said with a smile.

Hearing Feng Qianyun said that she was very important, Shang Xiaoye was moved again. How could this girl be so easily moved?

Fang Yiting was not happy to hear Feng Qianyun's words. What does it mean to be angry with someone like her and lose her worth?Isn't this clearly belittling her?
"What do you mean? Tell me clearly!" Fang Yiting yelled at Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun smiled back, "literally."

Fang Yiting quit, she rushed in front of Feng Qianyun and blocked her way, "If you don't speak clearly today, you will never pass in front of me!"

"Why are you like this? You were the one who spoke ill of Yunyun first!" Shang Xiaoye stepped forward to argue with Fang Yiting.

Fang Yiting stretched out her hand and pushed Shang Xiaoye, Shang Xiaoye almost fell to the ground due to the sudden push, but fortunately Feng Qianyun caught her in time.

After Feng Qianyun helped Shang Xiaoye, she stepped forward and gave Fang Yiting a push. Feng Qianyun's push was much heavier than Fang Yiting's push on Shang Xiaoye. Those who dared to hurt her, how could they pay the original price? It must be repaid several times.

Fang Yiting was pushed by Feng Qianyun, and she fell onto the sofa behind her. What's more, she rolled 360 degrees on the sofa, fell off the back of the sofa, and landed on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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