Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 362 Du Xiaosan is going crazy

Chapter 362 Du Xiaosan is going crazy

"Let me see your mother." Ouyang Shiyin insisted on seeing Feng Yilin.

"It's early in the morning, are you looking for smoke?" Feng Qianyun was very speechless, and came to knock on the door early in the morning, looking for her mother?Who does he think he is?
"Did she sleep with that man?" Ouyang Shiyin actually only found the information registered by Han Mojue at the school, and came here according to the above address. He originally wanted to ask about the current situation through Han Mojue. Feng Yilin's whereabouts, who knew Feng Qianyun was looking at the door, doesn't that mean that their mother and daughter live here?
This made Ouyang Shiyin immediately have all kinds of bad associations.

"A man? My mother sleeps with whichever man she likes to sleep with, do you care?" Joke, who does he think he is, "I said, Mr. Ouyang, you are still my mother's husband You slept next to other women when you were young, but now my mother is a single person, what kind of man is sleeping next to you is none of your business?"

Feng Qianyun looked at Ouyang Shiyin who had become a stranger to her, where did this man go in the ten years before she was reborn?Where did he go when her mother died?If they hadn't met this time, hadn't known about her situation, and hadn't seen her mother again, this man would never have thought that he was starving and freezing in the early stage, begging for a living every day!

Seeing the obvious hostility in Feng Qianyun's eyes, Ouyang Shiyin's heart softened a lot, he lowered his posture, "Yunyun, I know you are hostile to me, this is a matter for adults, let Dad Can you go in?"

"Not good." Even if Ouyang Shiyin lowered his stance, Feng Qianyun's answer was still the same decisive. Damn, it's fine to call her ruthless or cold-blooded, some people are destined to be unable to put their heart into it to love.

"You..." In the end, Feng Qianyun refused without even thinking about it.

"I'm sorry Yunyun, I must go in to find your mother today." Ouyang Shiyin made a move on Yun Qingran, he didn't want to hurt Feng Qianyun, he just wanted to go in to find Feng Yilin.

Feng Qianyun sneered, and immediately took Ouyang Shiyin's hand that was outstretched towards her.

Ouyang Shiyin was startled, he was very clear about his own strength, but Yun Qingran caught it, although he didn't strike fiercely, but he also brought a certain speed, most people would definitely not be able to catch it.

"when will you……"

Before Ouyang Shiyin could finish her words, Feng Qianyun took off the weapon tied to her leg, turned it lightly, and it became a long stick, and waved her hand towards Ouyang Shiyin's body.

Although Ouyang Shiyin dodged, he was surprised by Yun Qingran's merciless offensive, she was beating her to death!

Feng Qianyun shook the stick in her hand, "This stick is tailor-made for me by a craftsman at a friend's house. It can be long or short, and it is easy to carry. I haven't given it to me since it has been with me until now. She gave it a name, but today I think it's a good name for it called 'Dog Beating Stick'."

Feng Qianyun turned a corner and called Ouyang Shiyin a "dog"!
"Yunyun, I am your father. Even if I divorced your mother, this fact will not change. My blood is flowing in your body!"

"Get lost!" For this, Feng Qianyun only sent Ouyang Shiyin one word.

Ouyang Shiyin may be regarded as a sad father, how can a father be beaten and scolded by his daughter like this?
At this moment, Feng Yilin and Han Mojue came back, seeing the battle at the door, Han Mojue hurried forward, "Yunyun, are you okay?"

"It's okay, the outside world is too crazy, you go home and stay, I can still handle this small matter." Feng Qianyun said to the two.

When Feng Yilin saw Ouyang Shiyin who was chasing after him so quickly, she passed in front of him calmly with a calm expression, and was about to enter the house as Feng Qianyun said.

Ouyang Shiyin felt a lot more relaxed when he saw that Feng Yilin was from the outside, instead of the images he had just thought of that drove him crazy.

"Yilin, can you go home with me? Come home with Yunyun." Ouyang Shiyin said to Feng Yilin seriously.

Feng Yilin stopped in her footsteps, she turned her head and looked at Ouyang Shiyin, "May I ask what kind of identity Mr. Ouyang wants to use to invite me and Yunyun to Ouyang's house?"

"I..." Facing Feng Yilin's clear and mirror-like eyes, Ouyang Shiyin felt guilty. Du Qingyan gave birth to a son for him. Lin and Feng Qianyun took her back home, and they also lived under the same roof.

He thought really well, did he think that he was the emperor in the past, could he enjoy the blessing of Qiren?

"Shi Yin, go back and live your life well. I don't blame you for anything, and I don't want anything for you anymore. What should be mine is mine. It's not mine anymore. I won't force it. I Now I just want to cherish what I have, please also cherish what you have now," Feng Yilin said to Ouyang Shiyin very calmly, for her Ouyang Shiyin has become an eternal past.

She is not as weak as her appearance shows, she has her persistence, she has her own set of principles, and she also has her freedom.

When you love, you can do anything at all, you can fly to the flame, if you don't love, just let it sleep forever.

"If," Ouyang Shiyin opened his mouth, he felt that his mouth was very dry, "If I say, I regret it, will you give me another chance?"

Before coming, Ouyang Shiyin was still confident. After coming, he didn't see the result he hoped to see, but tasted the deep pain of loss.

"will not."

As expected of mother and daughter, when answering this type of question, they all have the same determination.

"Okay, I understand." Ouyang Shiyin turned around and left lonely... This is probably the most difficult thing for Ouyang Shiyin who has been smooth all his life.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Han Mojue was a little dumbfounded. It was not his turn to act, so the man was so beaten that he left on his own initiative?
"Little daughter-in-law, he didn't get rough on you, did he? That guy seems pretty powerful." Han Mojue said with emotion.

"He didn't act cruelly, otherwise you might not see me!" Feng Qianyun giggled, "By the way, Han Meiren, I will trouble you to accompany my mother these two days, I don't know if he will Won't be coming back, I don't want him to be alone with my mum."

"You child, how can mother be so fragile!" Feng Yilin said with a smile.

"I'm afraid he'll get rough on you, I can't let him carry you away!"

When Ouyang Shiyin went to Feng Qianyun's side, Du Qingyan was about to get angry. She called Ouyang Shiyin, but Ouyang Shiyin turned off the phone!

What is he doing now?Could it be that he ran to find that vixen again?Feng Yilin, you left as soon as you left, you are still haunted, and now you want to rely on your daughter to inherit the blood of the Ouyang family to come back?Don't think about it!She will not let Feng Yilin succeed!

In fact, Ouyang Shiyin's mobile phone was thrown away by him, and it was crushed by the car long ago, how could he still receive her calls?

Today's Du Qingyan is like an ant on a hot pot. The DMA inspection report over there has not yet come out, and her brother's second finger has been sent over again!

She ran to find the courier in a fit of anger, but the courier couldn't find it!It was not delivered by a formal logistics company at all!

There was also a letter sent together with the second finger, this time it said: Come to the provincial capital immediately, or your brother's life will be lost.

What should we do now?If it was really her brother, she would die if she didn't go to him, but what if it was a trap?At this time when she needed her husband to be by her side the most, he ran away without a trace!
"Qingyan, what have you been tossing about this morning? Don't you know that children need their mothers to accompany them? Look at how pitifully he is crying." The old lady of Ouyang's family, Ouyang Shiyin's mother She came down with her baby grandson in her arms, and said to Du Qingyan in a reproachful tone.

To be honest, she doesn't like this Du Qingyan, her family background is not as good as the previous Feng Yilin's, and her behavior is not generous at all, without Feng Yilin's natural noble temperament, she will lose it when she goes out The status of their Ouyang family is just that she gave birth to a son, and Feng Yilin is compared to this one, what's the use of a daughter?The daughter can't pass on the blood for their Ouyang family!
"Mom, something happened to my brother's company. I want to go back to the provincial capital." Du Qingyan didn't dare to tell the truth to the old lady. There is no clear connection with the Du family. If she knew that his brother might be in some trouble now, and even had his fingers chopped off, she would definitely not agree to go.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" The old lady became unhappy, "Little darling is so young, I can't leave you as a mother for a moment, what's your brother's business, it's your brother's business, it's the Du family's business, It has nothing to do with you!"

"Mom, that's my brother. How can you say that you have nothing to do with me?" Du Qingyan was very angry at the old lady. Could it be that Ouyang Jiajia has nothing to do with Ouyang Shiyin?She is clearly treating her differently!

"Your brother is not a good guy. If it weren't for Shi Yin's help, your Du family would be able to have today, and your Du family's jewelry business would be successful? Your brother would have been defeated long ago!" Although the old lady spoke viciously, , but every sentence is the truth.

Du Qingyan got angry with the old lady, but Ouyang Shiyin was not around, so he couldn't speak well for her.

"I don't care, I'm going to the provincial capital now, immediately, immediately!" Du Qingyan couldn't wait any longer, "Lend me two bodyguards."

In a hurry to go back, this bodyguard is still indispensable, who knows what dangers they will encounter?With Ouyang's family's bodyguards, she would feel much more at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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