Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 363 A blow to Du Xiaosan's pain

Chapter 363 A Painful Blow to Du Xiaosan (1)
"What do you want bodyguards for?" The old lady was not so easily fooled by Du Qingyan. If she didn't tell her clearly, she wouldn't even think about leaving the house today.

"Mom, I'm really in a hurry!" Du Qingyan was really going to be driven crazy, and the fingers were sent over there one by one. There is grinding and chirping!

"What do you look like in such a hurry? As the daughter-in-law of our Ouyang family, we must look a little bit like the Ouyang family! Put your appearance away!" The old lady said sharply. She is very dissatisfied with her appearance, as the daughter-in-law of Ouyang's family, she must look a little bit!
This dead old woman, when she came in with her child a year ago, she didn't have this attitude. At that time, she held her sign language and talked to her a lot, as amiable as she could be, but it didn't last a year. After seeing her, her attitude towards her completely changed, and she really turned her face faster than turning a book.

Du Qingyan couldn't control that much anymore, "What's wrong with me going to see my brother? What if I want two bodyguards from the Ouyang family to follow me? Even if Shi Yin came back, I still have my reasons, but let him judge , Should I go today or not!"

Du Qingyan herself is a ruthless woman. She has been pretending to be obedient and obedient in front of Mrs. Ouyang for the past year. Now Du Qingyan is annoyed and doesn't bother to pretend to be with her anymore. She thinks she is an old man from Ouyang's family People, thinking that she is Ouyang Shiyin's mother, she just kept swallowing her anger, and she even made eye contact with her!

After Du Qingyan finished speaking, she picked up her bag and went out the door. When she reached the door, she said to the two bodyguards, "You two, follow me. If there is something wrong with me when I go to the provincial capital this time, yourselves Tell Ouyang Shiyin!"

After Du Qingyan yelled and rushed out the door, the two bodyguards hesitated for a moment, but followed. They couldn't really let their wives go to the provincial capital alone, could they?

The old lady Ouyang was so angry that she was half dead, her family was unfortunate, her family was unfortunate, how could her grandson have such a mother?
Really pissed her off!

"Where's his finger?" Feng Qianyun pointed to Du Qingfei's hand and asked Lie Que.

"I had someone cut it up and sent it to his sister." Lie Que's answer was extremely straightforward. This person wanted to find someone to kill Feng Qianyun. This reason alone was enough for him to die a thousand times. Now he just chopped him up. just a few fingers.

Feng Qianyun looked at the other parts of Du Qingfei, they were all still alive, it was really just a finger chopped off.

Forget it, when Lie Que came to take Du Qingfei away, she didn't intend to let Du Qingfei have a good life, but now let Lie Que take over.

Speaking of which, Du Qingfei, the boss of the Du family, really failed. He didn't show up for several days in a row, and the other employees of his company didn't suspect it. It seems that Du Qingfei often skipped work for two or three days.

That incident was reported in the newspapers, and Du's stock is plummeting, but Du's boss has been kidnapped. Ouyang Shiyin seems to have no mood to care about his brother-in-law's life and death. Du Qingyan probably doesn't know what's going on here. How bad it is.

"And this." Lie Que gave Yun Qingran another thing, a USB flash drive.

"What's inside?" Feng Qianyun asked Lie Que.

"I asked our company's technicians to take something out of Du Shi's computer." Lie Que's words sounded very decent.

In fact, the translation should be like this. This is what I got after letting my hackers hack the Du Group.

"Thank you." Feng Qianyun thanked Lie Que. At that time, Du Qingfei was arrested. After doing that, Lie Que appeared and took Du Qingfei away. Otherwise, she really didn't know where to hide Du Qingfei.

Temporarily hiding Du Qingfei, without the boss, no one will be able to give orders to Du Shi in the first place, and the effect of the scandal caused Du Shi's stock price to plummet, and Du Shi's army was in a state of confusion. It's much more convenient.

Lie Que rubbed Feng Qianyun's head, "Why are you being polite to me, as long as you are happy."


"If it's difficult for you to confront your father, I can help you." Lie Que didn't want Feng Qianyun to feel uncomfortable, so he wanted to do this instead of Feng Qianyun.

"No, I can predict what will happen. He has come to me and my mother several times. I don't care. I don't want him to harass my mother. Although my mother looks fine now, but in the past I don't want Ouyang Shiyin to provoke my mother." Feng Qianyun herself has nothing to do with it, her heart has been settled for more than ten years, and her mother is different, for her mother That said, some things are still close at hand.

"Otherwise, take your mother to live with me." Lie Que said, even Ouyang Shiyin couldn't easily come to Lie Que's place.

"In this case, I'd better ask my mother for her own opinion." Feng Qianyun didn't want to make a decision for her mother, after all, she didn't want to restrict her mother's freedom.

"Little girl, you are still young, don't take all the things on your shoulders, let me help you share some of the things, you know?" Lie Que said with a smile, "I said, wait for you to go to the province I will have a lot of time to accompany you after the city, I will not break my promise, I will always be by your side for this matter, so remember to tell me anything, okay?"

Feng Qianyun nodded.

"Then take me to visit my aunt now?" Lie Que said with a gentle smile.

Take him to meet her mother?

"Why?" Feng Qianyun asked.

"Ask her if she would like to live with me." Lie Que said seriously.

is it?

"Oh, anyway, it's still some time before Du Qingyan arrives in the provincial capital. My mother should still be with Brother Mo Jue."

"Yeah." Lie Que just smiled, making it hard to figure out what he was thinking.

"Ding dong..."

Han Mojue was wearing an apron to prepare a loving and nutritious meal for his daughter-in-law, when the doorbell rang, Han Mojue guessed that the daughter-in-law had come back, so he hurried to open the door, and when the door opened, it was Feng Qian Did Yun come back, but there was another man who came with her.

"Hello." Lie Que greeted first.

"Hello." Han Mojue recognized Lie Que, but the two of them had nothing to do with each other.

Han Mojue suddenly felt that he had been getting carried away in the past two days. He seemed to have forgotten that his little wife is not his... There is one more thing... the only man my little wife recognizes who can get close to her...

Thinking of this, Han Mojue felt depressed. The joy of giving Feng Qianyun a nutritious meal just now was swept away, and his eyes obviously dimmed.

(End of this chapter)

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