Chapter 373
"Then..." After Feng Qianyun said this, Yang Yicheng also felt a little embarrassed holding Feng Qianyun's mobile phone, but let him return the mobile phone, he can't do it, let alone return Feng Qianyun What should I do if I really call Yu Chixiong? I took all of this phone and returned it. How embarrassing!

Jin Youheng thought, this dead girl is really an eyesore, I have to think of a way to get this dead girl away quickly, so as not to mess with her, maybe she can make something happen!
At this moment, Zhang Luyao came over, he came up to Feng Qianyun's side, and wanted to take Feng Qianyun down.

He whispered in Feng Qianyun's ear: "This Mr. Yang, you'd better not offend him, come with me, and stop making trouble."

Zhang Luyao tried to persuade him that it is not wise to offend such a capable person. This person's special status is destined to have a good relationship with many social celebrities. If he is offended, he will be more charming in the future. trouble.

Feng Qianyun knew that Zhang Luyao had good intentions, but the problem was that the other party was a counterfeit, and she was the real one, okay?

"I'm sorry, barrister, I have something urgent to do now, so I can't go with you." Feng Qianyun flatly refused.

"Stop making trouble, just take it as a way to save face for this Mr. Yang." Zhang Luyao frowned at Feng Qianyun, signaling her to stop.

Seeing that Zhang Luyao knew Feng Qianyun, Jin Youheng hurriedly said, "It turns out that she is a friend of Lawyer Zhang, yes, please take this little girl down quickly, it will be very difficult for us grown-ups like her!"

Jin Youheng looked troubled.

Yang Yicheng remembered that Zhang Luyao asked him about Jianbao when he first came here, and he seemed very interested in Jianbao, but he ignored him just now, because he came to do things for Jin Youheng, whoever has nothing to do Pay attention to others?
At this moment, I saw that Chang Luyao seemed to be friendly with the big trouble in front of them, so he hurriedly said: "Lawyer Zhang, right? I remember you. I heard that you seem to be very interested in Jianbao. When Mr. After this incident, shall we find a time to talk?"

"Really?" Zhang Luyao's eyes suddenly shone with excitement. After being rejected by Yang Yicheng just now, Zhang Luyao was still very disappointed. Although he knew that masters of appraising treasures had their own rules, it wasn't that he wanted to consult. can be consulted.

"Of course!" He ran away as soon as the matter here was over, who cares about him! "However, look now...the matter here doesn't know how long it will take to end..."

Yang Yicheng said with some embarrassment, in fact, he meant that Feng Qianyun's entanglement caused them to delay the time, and wanted Zhang Luyao to quickly pull Feng Qianyun away.

Zhang Luyao originally wanted to bring Feng Qianyun here, so he said to Feng Qianyun when he heard the words, "Stop making trouble, if you keep making trouble, everyone will be unhappy, don't make a good appraisal of treasures a mess It's gone."

Miasma?Isn't this already a miasma?Even if it is a miasma, it doesn't seem to be made by Feng Qianyun, right?
Feng Qianyun looked at her arm being held by Zhang Luyao, and shook her head helplessly.

"Mr. Zhang, today I am helping Grandpa Yuchi buy stones from you. It doesn't matter whether you sell the stones to me or not. There is no righteousness in buying and selling, but this is stealing mobile phones and attracting people. This is not very good-looking, isn't it?" ?”

Feng Qianyun, a teenage girl, was surrounded by three men, no matter how she looked at her, she looked like she was being bullied.

Zhang Chuan also felt that it was inappropriate when he looked at it, "Little friend, go back and tell Mr. Yuchi that I have already agreed to sell this stone to Mr. Jin. This business must be based on credibility. Since I have promised, I should not change the price because of the price." Sold it to someone else."

After Zhang Chuan thought about it again and again, he came up with such a solution. Regardless of whether Feng Qianyun was really sent by Yu Chixiong, he said that even if it was really Yuchixiong, he would not be able to send Yuchixiong. He was offended, and here he has an explanation with Jin Youheng, so there will be no conflicts. At the same time, he can be regarded as an expression of his attitude to the people present and leave a good impression on them.

The stone in Jin Youheng's heart fell when he heard the words, this time the little girl can't do anything!

Yang Yicheng also returned the phone to Feng Qianyun. Zhang Chuan said that even if Yu Chixiong paid twice the price, it would not change the fact that he was going to sell the stone to Jin Youheng. A hundred calls were useless.

"Mr. Zhang is indeed a reputable businessman. I am so happy that Jin can make Mr. Zhang as a friend today!" Jin Youheng smiled and shook hands with Zhang Chuan.

"Mr. Jin is polite. It is Zhang's honor that Mr. Jin thinks highly of Zhang!" Zhang Chuan also responded with a smile.

While the two were happily calling each other brothers, Feng Qianyun came to the place where the stones were placed, because they needed to be appraised just now, and the bulletproof glass cover outside had already been removed, so Feng Qianyun could take the stones out without much effort. in hand.

"What are you doing?" Yang Yicheng was the first to shout when he noticed Feng Qianyun's movements.

"Little friend, do you want to grab it because you can't buy it?" Jin Youheng looked at the stone in Feng Qianyun and Feng Qianyun's hands vigilantly.

"Why are you nervous, in front of so many of you, can I still take this stone and disappear?" Feng Qianyun gave Jin Youheng a guilty conscience, "I just came to take a look. Don’t be nervous about the stones that have been appraised by senior appraisers and judged to be ordinary magical artifacts, I just happen to know a little bit about appraising treasures, so I just happened to come and see how far I am from senior appraisers.”

"Stop bragging, you know how to appraise treasures? Put down the stone!" Jin Youheng looked at Feng Qianyun as an eyesore, and, I don't know if it was his illusion, he felt that this dead girl might be bad It's a good thing for him!

"Why is Mr. Jin so nervous? It's just a very ordinary stone, doesn't it mean it can only absorb air? It won't be of much use even if you buy it back. It doesn't matter if you drop such a rotten stone, right? ?" Feng Qianyun's smile was so bright and evil.

"I've always cherished my collection very much. You've been making trouble today. Shouldn't I be on guard against you?" Jin Youheng had another reason. God knows he was really afraid that Feng Qianyun would snatch it away. Baby, if you really buy that thing, you will spend [-] to [-] times the price he bought from Zhang Chuan today!Such a valuable thing, how can anyone mess with it casually?

"Hehe...Mr. Jin, I don't know why, I don't think this is an ordinary magic weapon." Feng Qianyun said.

"Are you doubting my appraisal result?" Yang Yicheng's face changed, but he asked Feng Qianyun confidently.

That's right, what kind of onion or garlic is she, to question Yang Yicheng, a senior appraiser?What a joke!Nearly a hundred high-class people who were watching at the scene let out sighs one after another. Everyone looked at Feng Qianyun with obvious disgust, because she wasted endlessly today and wasted their precious time.

Feng Qianyun was not in a hurry to refute Yang Yicheng with words. She stroked the stone lightly with her hand. After stroking it back and forth a few times, she saw her lift the stone high.

What is she doing?

Someone came up with such an idea unconsciously.

But such thoughts quickly dissipated with the wind.

The stone lifted by Feng Qianyun began to glow, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple...

Seven colors!

A stone that can emit colorful light!This is a phenomenon that only treasures can appear!
The colorful rays of light were very dazzling, illuminating the entire Zhang Family's Treasure Pavilion in all colors, and also made many people's faces change color.

Feng Qianyun saw all the expressions she expected, and then she took the stone back to the position in front of her. At this time, the Treasure Pavilion was completely silent.

Zhang Chuan's face was full of shock, and after the surprise, he was overwhelmed with joy. He thought it was just an ordinary stone, but the colorful light at this moment told him that it was not an ordinary stone, absolutely not!As a famous collector, he still has some common sense!This is clearly only a treasure!
"Hehe...Mr. Jin, do you know? Although you knew in advance how good this thing is through some means, you can't open it without a senior appraiser." Feng Qianyun's eyes fell on Jin Youheng's body.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Jin Youheng refused to admit it, "Did you use some kind of trick to deceive us with this colorful light?"

It's been a while, and Jin Youheng still wants to slander Feng Qianyun.

"Don't rush to refute me, I will let everyone know that what I said is true or not." After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she poured the Tiangang vitality in her body into the stone in her hand.

The dead monk who pretended to be a ghost said that the Tiangang vitality in her body is divided into two types, the metal-type detection vitality and the wood-type healing vitality.

The type identified as detection, naturally uses the metallic Tiangang vitality.

Everyone stared at Feng Qianyun, not knowing what she was doing, but now everyone's eyes were not filled with disgust and contempt, but anticipation, expecting something that would shock them even more.

They didn't look forward to it in vain, and something even more shocking happened.

The off-white ordinary stone-like shell began to fall off, exposing the crystal clear part inside.At first there was only a little bit, and as more and more fell off, what was hidden inside gradually revealed its true colors.

A spherical green bead, Feng Qianyun's small hands can just wrap that bead inside.

This... what is this?
Everyone's eyes widened, staring fixedly at the emerald green bead in Feng Qianyun's hand that had just revealed the true face of Mount Lu, it must be a treasure!
(End of this chapter)

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