Chapter 374
What is this?Presumably everyone has such a doubt in their hearts at this time.

Of course, it was Feng Qianyun who caused everyone's doubts as much as this thing.

Now who still foolishly thinks that Feng Qianyun is the one who came out to make trouble, then he either got his head caught in the door or his mother used too much energy when he was born.

Even Jin Youheng and Yang Yicheng were dumbfounded. They knew that there was nothing wrong with what was hidden in that stone, but it didn't mean that they had seen it before, or even had the ability to restore it to its original appearance.

The reason why Jin Youheng knew the value of the stone was because he knew the identity of the owner of the tomb and some records related to the owner of the tomb, so he knew that the stone was valuable and a rare treasure. When the channel got the stone, Zhang Chuan got the stone one step ahead of him.

It was so hard to wait until a treasure was born, and it was still under the circumstances that no one else knew about it, which made Jin Youheng reluctant to give up.

So I designed today's play, who knew that Cheng Yaojin would come out halfway, not to mention the mess, but directly open the treasure?

What an international joke!
Zhang Chuan was so excited that he didn't know how to react for a while. He was stunned in place, so Feng Qianyun had no choice but to deliver the things to him in person.

Feng Qianyun walked past Jin Youheng, Jin Youheng stared at the bead eagerly, Feng Qianyun passed by Zhang Luyao, this guy seemed to be stunned.

Feng Qianyun came to Zhang Chuan and handed the item to Zhang Chuan, "Mr. Zhang, this is the item you asked Jianbao to help you identify. The identification result is a treasure, colorful glazed beads, wood attributes, and has health-preserving properties. It has the effect of detoxifying and beautifying the skin with you.”

While Feng Qianyun spoke, she also took out the qualification certificate to prove her identity.

She is a treasure appraiser!A little bit of blood was spilled casually, making the qualification certificate glow purple!
She is not only a treasure appraiser!Still a senior appraiser!Blind everyone's eyes!

It's not the layman who knows so much about treasures as she said!Not a rookie at the beginning!It's a master figure!
Feng Qianyun held her qualification certificate and waved to Yang Yicheng, "Would you mind showing your qualification certificate for us all to have a look at?"

Feng Qianyun's words successfully drew everyone's attention to Yang Yicheng.

Certificate?Of course Yang Yicheng has it, but his qualification certificate is only that of a junior treasure appraiser, which is fundamentally different from the one in Feng Qianyun's hand. Appraiser!
Yang Yicheng felt uncomfortable being stared at by everyone. Seeing that the matter was about to be exposed, Yang Yicheng secretly glanced at Jin Youheng, wanting to ask Jin Youheng for help. At this time, Jin Youheng would not care about him, Yang Yicheng's exposure was inevitable , but Jin Youheng may not be finished. At this time, Jin Youheng can stay as far away from Yang Yicheng as possible.

Yang Yicheng's heart sank immediately, it seemed that Jin Youheng didn't intend to take care of him anymore!
Yang Yicheng was annoyed at Jin Youheng, but he wouldn't be so stupid as to drag Jin Youheng into the water at this time. If something happened to him, he would still count on Jin Youheng to help him!

The truth is in the hands of Zhang Chuan. Zhang Chuan is a smart man. He immediately realized that he had been cheated. Then he asked his bodyguards to come to Yang Yicheng's side and stare at Yang Yicheng. At this time, he couldn't let Yang Yicheng run away. Well, he built such a treasure house in his home, and naturally arranged a lot of bodyguards.

Zhang Chuan's approach is absolutely wise, because Yang Yicheng really wanted to get away. Yang Yicheng knew something was wrong when Feng Qianyun made that thing shine. He couldn't stop, and was thinking of finding an opportunity to escape, when there were two more people from Zhang Chuan beside him, which cut off his thoughts of running away.

"Mr. Yang, please show us your qualification certificate." Zhang Chuan's attitude towards Yang Yicheng has changed significantly.

Although it is an indisputable fact that Feng Qianyun is a senior appraiser, it does not mean that Yang Yicheng is not a senior appraiser. There is more than one senior appraiser in this world. To be on the safe side, Zhang Chuan still asked Very suspicious Yang Yicheng.

Yang Yicheng felt guilty, how dare he show his qualification certificate.Normally, when I took out my qualification certificate, it was all glamorous. Although I was a beginner, I was still a qualified treasure appraiser!But at this moment, when he took out his qualification certificate, he could only get a burst of sighs. He, a junior treasure appraiser, pretended to be a senior treasure appraiser, and deceived this group of high-society people. Can he still play?Any one of these people at the scene could kill him!
Yang Yicheng's guilty conscience also confirmed everyone's conjecture that this person is a counterfeit!He is not a senior treasure appraiser at all!Only that little girl is the real treasure appraiser!

Zhang Chuan looked back at Feng Qianyun, and saw Feng Qianyun said to Zhang Chuan with apologetic expression, "I'm sorry, although I made an appointment with you at [-]:[-] in the morning, but the bus was stuck on the road when I came today, so late."

Feng Qianyun's words confirmed Zhang Chuan's conjecture, and let Zhang Chuan know that she was the senior treasure appraiser whom he had made an appointment with and contacted for help!
But what did she just say?Did you come by bus?You are a dignified senior treasure appraiser, and you can buy a car if you just appraise a treasure for someone, but you actually came by bus?It’s okay to take the bus, but there’s still a traffic jam...

"Hehe..." Hearing this, Zhang Chuan laughed dryly, "Miss Feng should have notified me earlier, so I can send someone to pick you up."

"Hehe... Boss Zhang is really too polite..." Oh my god, this salary upgrade is really fast!She was called a little friend before, with an impatient look on her face, but now she is called Miss Feng immediately, and there is a special car to pick her up!

"Where is there..." Zhang Chuan himself felt a little embarrassed. It was fine to mistake Yumu for pearls, and he took the real brand Feng Qianyun as soy sauce.

Feng Qianyun knew that Zhang Chuan herself was embarrassed. She was not a person without measure, so she wouldn't argue with him about this matter.

Zhang Chuan now knows that the senior treasure appraiser he and the Appraisal Association found is not Yang Yicheng but Feng Qianyun!
This man named Yang Yicheng is a fake!Damn it, dare to say that his things are ordinary goods!Zhang Chuan was so angry that he really wanted to go up and beat him up.

"Tell me, who are you? Why do you pretend to be Miss Feng?" Zhang Chuan questioned Yang Yicheng. Today, in front of so many people, Zhang Chuan wants to ask this question carefully, which almost deceived him and everyone else. A man spinning around.

Today, Zhang Chuan was not the only one who was deceived, there were nearly a hundred people around him, they all regarded Zhang Chuan as a senior appraiser, and treated him politely from head to toe, almost treating him like a Bodhisattva After enshrining, it turns out that he is not a high-level treasure appraiser at all. He is really deceiving people's feelings and wasting people's expressions!

"I..." Yang Yicheng glanced at Jin Youheng again, and decided not to confess Jin Youheng. If he confessed, his fate would not change a bit, and if he didn't confess, there would be a slight turning point, "I see you are so If you have money and can afford a good price, you want to scam money."

Yang Yicheng took the matter to himself, without mentioning anything related to Jin Youheng.

When Jin Youheng heard Yang Yicheng say this, the stone in his heart fell. He didn't want to be exposed in front of everyone. This would make him lose credibility in the upper class society of the entire provincial capital and the entire business world. The loss to come will be immeasurable!

Hearing this, Jin Youheng also accused Yang Yicheng in a dignified way, "You are a big liar! You are so embarrassing! You are so courageous that you even lied to Mr. Zhang! Even I almost let you Lied to!"

Jin Youheng reprimanded Yang Yicheng, then comforted Zhang Chuan and said, "Brother Zhang, don't be angry, this matter didn't happen after all, but fortunately this Miss Feng showed up in time, I didn't expect Miss Feng to be so young, what a big deal It's beyond our expectations!"

What Jin Youheng said before were all lies, only the last sentence was true, and he sincerely expressed emotion from the heart. If he knew that the other party was such a little girl, he should have told his subordinates that even a little girl No kid can let go!

Just because she was young, so young that they would never have imagined that today's originally well-planned plan was completely ruined!Jin Youheng's lungs were about to explode from being sealed, yet he still had an amiable smile on his face.

Feng Qianyun really wanted to present an award to Jin Youheng. You said, without Jin Youheng's layout, could Yang Yicheng do it alone?Even if you borrow Yang Yicheng's courage to offend so many celebrities in the business world for high rewards, but without your information, how would Yang Yicheng know that Zhang Chuan will send someone to appraise his stone today?Without your people stopping outside, how can you ensure that the real senior appraiser will not come in?

"Boss Jin is really polite. I thought Boss Jin would blame me. If I don't come out, Boss Jin can buy back a treasure at a very low price. If the deal is successful, I'm afraid Is it at the top of the quarterly earnings of small and medium-sized enterprises?" Feng Qianyun replied.

Feng Qianyun's face has a sweet and lovely smile from the beginning to the end, her beautiful eyes are slightly narrowed, revealing an evil light, and there is a playfulness hidden in it that others have failed to capture.

"Uh..." Jin Youheng was embarrassed by Feng Qianyun's mention, this dead girl!

(End of this chapter)

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