Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 388 I'm Her Fiance

Chapter 388 I'm Her Fiance

Faced with Zhang Ling's childish question, Zhang Luyao could only remain silent, because he could not forgive, nor could he deceive the innocent Zhang Ling, so he could only reach out and touch his little head to cover up his current mood.

"Lu Yao, Ling Ling said that you went to find Miss Feng, is it true?" Zhang Chuan asked with concern.

"Well, there's something wrong." Zhang Luyao answered rather bluntly.

Zhang Chuan, who has always been concerned about Zhang Luyao, can immediately guess why Zhang Luyao is looking for Feng Qianyun. He has not given up looking for his mother. In fact, the Zhang family has not stopped for a moment over the years. Looking for Chen Yuling, but they have not been able to find her whereabouts all the time, and Zhang Luyao happened to see an ancient book, which has records about the Tianling Orb, saying that through this bead, they can find what they want. The whereabouts of the person he was looking for, so Zhang Luyao always hoped to find the Tianlingzhu.

It's just that neither Tian Lingzhu nor Chen Yuling has the slightest clue.

"Don't worry, I will help you with Feng Qianyun's matter." Zhang Chuan fully supported his younger brother, and he also hoped to find Chen Yuling to resolve the knot in his younger brother's heart.If that Feng Qianyun could really help, he wouldn't suggest letting go of his figure, even if he begged her, he didn't think it mattered, there was nothing more important than keeping their family in harmony.

"And me and me, dad and me! Lingling also wants to help!" Zhang Ling hurriedly raised her little hand high.

"Yes, and Lingling!" Zhang Chuan gave Zhang Ling a rewarding look lovingly.

"Ah-choo—" Feng Qianyun sneezed.

"Caught a cold?" Lie Que asked.

Feng Qianyun shook her head, she hadn't had a cold for hundreds of years, even if she wanted to catch a cold in her current body, it would be difficult for her, "I don't know who is speaking ill of me behind my back." I don't know who she is Who was missed.

Lie Que suddenly moved closer to Feng Qianyun's face, sniffed carefully, "Well... I don't have a cold."

"Hey, what are you doing?" Lie Que approached suddenly, causing Feng Qianyun to retreat subconsciously.

"Smell it, do you have a cold? Isn't the little girl proficient in ancient medical skills? Look around and ask, isn't there one item in it?"

"Please... that smell is not your smell! In ancient Chinese, smell means to listen, use ears not nose!"

"Oh..." Lie Que responded, but he didn't really know it, but...he used his ears instead, and put his ears in front of Feng Qianyun, and listened carefully.

Looking at Lie Que's handsome face who suddenly approached, his skin is as warm and moist as jade, better than the best suet jade, his delicate side face is close in front of his eyes, and his slightly cute earlobes are just in front of him. very close to the lips...

After a while, Lie Que said, "Sure enough, the method just now was wrong. Now it sounds like the little girl's breathing is a little short. She must be sick."

Nonsense, you are so close, it's no wonder that Miss Ben's breathing is not getting worse. Although she is not yet mature, her heart is already mature. When she is beautiful, she will naturally lose control a little. It is strange that there is no abnormality!

"By the way, what kind of bad things have you done? Why did you mention you, as if you mentioned a big devil?" Feng Qianyun changed the subject.

"What do you think, little girl?" Lie Que smiled and looked at Feng Qianyun gently. He wanted to hear what kind of person he would be in her new catalogue.

"Murder and arson?" This is indeed serious, but not scary enough?

"Hmm... Maybe it happened..." Lie Que thought about it for a while, as if he wasn't very sure.

"Sneaking chickens and dogs?" Petty theft should be commonplace for him, since he exists like a big devil.

"You can have this." Lord Lie Que nodded, but this time he didn't spend time thinking about it.

"Rape and robbery?"

"Hmm!" The answer was quite quick this time, almost without thinking.

"Ah?" Feng Qianyun looked Lie Que up and down, did he really go to rape and plunder?
"Yes, it's being planned."


"Well, it's still for an underage girl." Lie Que laughed.

There was a smile in that straight gaze, the underage girl he was talking about seemed to be... Feng Qianyun?
"Cuckoo, cuckoo - pick up the slob, pick up the slob -"

Feng Qianyun's cell phone rang.

Feng Qianyun looked at her mobile phone and found that it was a call from an unfamiliar number. It is not wrong to say that it is completely unfamiliar, because the caller was calling from a landline, and the area code in front of the number displayed was from City H...that is, from her hometown A phone call came.

Just as Feng Qianyun pressed the answer button, a series of cannonballs came from the phone.

"What did you and your mother do to your father? Why did he come back from your house like this? The Ouyang family has raised you for so many years. Is this how you repay the Ouyang family? Don't forget that you are now The blood of Ouyang's family is still flowing, hurry up and tell me clearly, you'd better pray that your father is okay, otherwise you two will never have a good life!..."

Feng Qianyun hurriedly put the phone away, then rubbed her pitiful ears that had been brutally ravaged, my God, she couldn't bear to be so shocked when she came up.

After waiting for a while, Feng Qianyun put the phone to her ear again.

The lines in it have been replaced by a single "Did you hear that? How did your mother teach you!"

"Let me say, dear Mrs. Ouyang, what kind of shit luck have I had, that you still have time to call me in your busy schedule?"

"It's just been outside for a year, and all the rules are gone?" Mrs. Ouyang showed obvious dissatisfaction with Feng Qianyun's attitude, "Forget it, I don't have time to talk to you about this right now , Say, what did you and your mother do to Shi Yin? Why did he have symptoms of poisoning? Did you and your mother poison him?"

"I said, is your old man's imagination too rich? What's wrong with him, what do you ask me for? Isn't your family a family of medicine for generations? Hurry up and find someone to show him. As for poisoning him, no I'm sorry, I don't have this kind of leisure." After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she hung up the phone, although the other party was her grandma, it seemed impolite to just hang up her phone, but the topic the other party asked was windy. Qian Yun really didn't want to go any further.

Feng Qianyun would like to ask, what is going on in the recent Ouyang family, they run to her every day, as if she owes them something, if they really do the math, it seems that they owe it Her and her mother's, right?

Just as the phone hung up, it rang again, and it was still Mrs. Ouyang.

"It's becoming more and more impolite. Grandma dared to hang up the phone..." The old lady's tone was obviously bad, "Anyway, you and your mother come to Ouyang's house, or don't blame me for calling the police and saying Your mother poisoned her ex-husband, and Shi Yin's accident happened when she came back after going to your house, I have every reason to believe that it has something to do with your mother."

Feng Qianyun was about to say something when Lie Que took the phone.

"She'll go, she'll be there in three hours, don't call again." Lie Que hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Instead of Feng Qianyun, he agreed to go to Ouyang's house.

Feng Qianyun didn't understand why Lie Que would do such a thing suddenly.

Lie Que smiled, "Don't worry little girl, I won't let you do anything that loses money."

Lie Que said in a slightly mysterious manner, it sounded like there was something to take advantage of.

"Well, it seems unreasonable not to do something that can be taken advantage of in front of you!" Feng Qianyun smiled, but she was a little interested in what Li Gap said.

"Let's go, I'll go there with you, but I need to 'dress up' a little bit." He still couldn't walk in the sun in a fair manner. It would be no problem for him to go to her school, but if he went to Ouyang's house, it would be difficult to guarantee will not be recognized.

"You really can't see the light!" Feng Qianyun laughed and teased Lie Que.

"Hmm... because there are too many rapes and robberies!" Lie Que nodded in agreement.

Heh... this man...

As Lie Que himself said, three hours later the two arrived at the mansion of the Ouyang family. The Ouyang family is indeed a family with a long history. The building is majestic. Standing outside the gate, you can't even see the end, just like a palace.

The Ouyang family's mansion is not located in the villa area. There is only Ouyang's family nearby, and the rest is a quiet forest. This mansion in the deep forest was built by the ancestors of the Ouyang family. There is only one road, which is well built, but only the vehicles of the Ouyang family and people related to the Ouyang family are allowed to pass.

Feng Qianyun has not returned to this place for a long time.It is still as grand and majestic as I remember.

Feng Qianyun's arrival today was approved by Mrs. Ouyang, so the journey was smooth.

When it was time to enter the door, the guard at the door stopped Lie Que. At this time, Lie Que was wearing a black mask, black peaked cap, and sunglasses, so he could hardly see his face.

"Sorry, the old lady did not agree to let the idlers enter."

This is not a place that just anyone can enter.

"If it's her fiancé, is he still a casual person?" Lie Que said unhurriedly.

The guard hesitated for a moment, it didn't seem to count, but Missy's fiancé?
"This..." The guard hesitated for a while, thinking that the old lady's important matter should not be delayed, and that special circumstances should be dealt with specially, "Okay, you can go in too."

Ouyang's house is very big, and the two of them walked through the green lawn to the main house of Ouyang's house.The old lady was already waiting for the two of them.

"Sit down when you come, you are not unfamiliar with this place." The old lady is still noble and elegant. In Feng Qianyun's words, she is the empress dowager in disguise.

(End of this chapter)

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