Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 389 Dad is sick, Yun diagnosis

Chapter 389 Dad is sick, Qian Yun diagnoses

Mrs. Ouyang is so noble and superior, as if no one else can compete with her. Of course, this is just what she thinks.

Seeing Lie Que who came in with Feng Qianyun, the old lady frowned slightly, "How could such a dubious person be brought into Ouyang's house casually? What are the guards doing?"

"He is my fiancé. If you want me to come, you must accept my fiancé." Feng Qianyun said sarcastically. Talking to the old lady felt exhausted for no reason.

Hearing that the old lady looked at Lie Que a few more times, to be honest, the old lady really couldn't see what Lie Que looked like, but she had a pretty good figure, she looked like the kind who would fascinate girls kind of.

"Why is the face covered, isn't it shameful?" The old lady really couldn't utter a good word from her mouth.

"I'm sorry, I don't care if he sees someone or not. I'll be fine if I see him. Your old man asked me to come to see if my fiancé is what you want. I don't think the old lady is free enough to care about it. What kind of husband did someone else's child choose?"

It wasn't that Feng Qianyun spoke stingingly on purpose, she thought she was still very civilized, but she had no choice but to be less straightforward with the old lady, she was afraid that the old lady would not understand, and would mistakenly think that she cared about her opinion.

"Huh... But after leaving Ouyang's family for a year, I really don't have any education at all. Sure enough, the society outside is too chaotic. Or is it that your mother is busy looking for other men all day long, and she doesn't discipline you at all?" The old lady gave Feng Qianyun a blank look, and said with disgust.

Whether Feng Qianyun's mother disciplines Feng Qianyun well is none of your business?Don't you care too much about it?

Forget it, Feng Qianyun is not in the mood to argue with Mrs. Ouyang on this issue.

"Tell me, what is the reason why your old man called me here today, and what is your son's situation now, let me tell you, don't blame my mother for everything, if you want to go to court, you have to go to court It's up to you."

If she wanted to play these tricks, although Feng Qianyun didn't like it, she would definitely not back down.

"I heard that you have inherited the blood of our Ouyang family?" The old lady had already heard about this from her son Ouyang Shiyin.

"What's none of your business?" Feng Qianyun didn't give Mrs. Ouyang any face at all. She had no intention of being a junior who didn't respect the elders, but if the elders didn't know how to respect their juniors, why should she respect them?There is nothing wrong with respecting the old and loving the young, but the premise is that the other party is a person worthy of respect, otherwise, even if it is an old man, Feng Qianyun will not give a little face.

"You..." Mrs. Ouyang was hurt by Feng Qianyun again and again today, forget it, because she is still young, don't bother with her, otherwise her identity will be insulted, "If If you inherit, I agree with you to come back to Ouyang's house and regain your position as Miss Ouyang, but your mother can't."

Madam Ouyang consciously made a big concession. It is not easy to make Madam Ouyang change her mind!

If she is sensible, she should obediently nod and agree. Their Ouyang family is not a casual family, but an ancient Wu family with history and prestige. The noble status of the eldest lady of the Ouyang family is a great temptation. Represents noble status and great wealth.

"Thank you for your charity, old man, but I don't care about it."

It's really funny, Feng Qianyun didn't beg them to let her come back, why did they all assume that Feng Qianyun and her mother would be eager to go back to Ouyang's house in the attitude of giving alms?
"If you called me here today just for this matter, then I'm leaving, sorry I don't have the time to chat with you."

Feng Qianyun pretended to leave.

"Wait..." Madam Ouyang stopped Feng Qianyun, "Since you have inherited the blood of the Ouyang family, I will allow you to treat your father."

Dare this be her purpose?
Because Ouyang Shiyin fell ill due to some unknown reason, the doctor at home couldn't find out Ouyang Shiyin's illness, also, if it was an ordinary illness, with Ouyang Shiyin's special constitution, he could fix it himself.

In the current Ouyang family, Ouyang Shiyin is the only one who has inherited the blood of the family. When he himself fell ill, no one else with this ability came to treat him.

So old lady Ouyang thought of Feng Qianyun, the granddaughter who was driven away, because Ouyang Shiyin told her that Feng Qianyun might have integrated the blood of the family, so old lady Ouyang wanted Feng Qianyun to come to Ouyang Shi Hidden diagnosis and treatment.

But she should lower her face and beg Feng Qianyun to come back?impossible!

It is absolutely impossible for Mrs. Ouyang, who has always been proud of herself, to do such a thing!So when she knew that the matter had nothing to do with Feng Yilin and Feng Qianyun, she still called to question Feng Qianyun, trying to force her to come to Ouyang's house, and then give Feng Qianyun a great "grace" and "agree" to her Diagnose and treat Ouyang Shiyin.

This old lady is really not an ordinary person!
Feng Qianyun glanced at Lie Que who was beside her, and nodded when she saw Lie Que.

"Take me up there to have a look." Of course Feng Qianyun is not because of the old lady's "grace", but because of Lie Que, Lie Que said that this will not be a loss-making business, then it will not be A bad deal.

"Well...that's about the same." The old lady nodded with satisfaction, it's about the same, at least not too ignorant.

So the old lady condescended to personally lead Feng Qianyun and Lie Que upstairs.

Upstairs in Ouyang Shiyin's room, there were quite a few people standing, all of whom were collateral descendants of Ouyang's family. Of course, Du Qingyan was indispensable here, and she was near the bedside to Ouyang Shiyin.Although Ouyang Shiyin's illness came suddenly, the Ouyang family was unusual. Whenever there was a problem here, other people rushed to greet the head of the family.

"Shi Yin, what's the matter with you? You're still uncomfortable, tell me..." Du Qingyan had tears in her eyes, making others think she loves Ouyang Shiyin so much!
After Feng Qianyun approached, she threw Du Qingyan away, "Get out of the way, cry, cry, cry, cry your sister, you are not dead yet, who are you crying for? Is crying useful? Do you think your tears are Is it a life-saving elixir? Why do you shed so much?"

"You—" Seeing Feng Qianyun appearing, Du Qingyan was startled at first, and then stimulated by Feng Qianyun's defiant attitude. She wanted to get mad, but because all the important people of Ouyang's family were present at this moment.

"Mom, why did you call her back?" Du Qingyan was actually very dissatisfied, but she couldn't show it, so she could only pretend to be a virtuous daughter-in-law, and obediently asked Mrs. Ouyang.

Mrs. Ouyang was completely dissatisfied with Du Qingyan after what happened last time, "She is my granddaughter. Is it wrong for me to ask her to come back when Shi Yin has something to do? Do I still need to ask you for instructions?"

There was an obvious provocation in the old lady's words.

"No, no..." Du Qingyan hurriedly denied, but she was scolding in her heart, this dead old woman is really getting worse the more she looks at it, if something really happens to Ouyang Shiyin this time, she will be the first to send her to death The old woman is going to the west!
After seeing Feng Qianyun appearing, everyone grabbed Ouyang Shiyin's hand, as if they were treating him.

"What are you doing?" Seeing this, Du Qingyan quickly stretched out her hand to pull Feng Qianyun.

"Why? Of course he was diagnosed and treated, why don't you come?" Feng Qianyun turned her head and smiled, if she could be cured, she would definitely not rob her.

"Who do you think you are? Now that your father is in crisis, don't come out and mess around!" Du Qingyan angrily reprimanded Feng Qianyun, but she was guilty, right?Did Feng Qianyun really inherit the supernatural blood of the Ouyang family?
"Are you messing around? Then I'm leaving." Feng Qianyun immediately let go of Ouyang Shiyin, and prepared to leave very cooperatively. She knew that since Mrs. Ouyang had invited her here, she would not be so casual let her go.

Sure enough, as soon as Feng Qianyun said that she was going to leave, she heard Mrs. Ouyang scolding Du Qingyan, "I'm still here, when is it your turn to speak?"

The old lady's eyes were piercing, "I invited Yunyun, and I asked her to treat Shi Yin. Do you also want to say that I am messing around?"

Feng Qianyun was invited by the old lady, and to say that Feng Qianyun was messing around was to say that the old lady was messing around.

"Daughter-in-law doesn't mean that." Du Qingyan was furious. What did this old woman mean? When she kicked Feng Qianyun out of the house, she didn't show affection at all. She just cared about teasing her son. Now knowing that Feng Qianyun has inherited a supernatural power and needs her, her attitude changed 360 degrees?Damn old woman!
"Hmph! It's best if you don't have that meaning!" The old lady snorted coldly, and then she stopped looking at Du Qingyan, her eyes fell on Feng Qianyun and Ouyang Shiyin, and she focused on Feng Qianyun's diagnosis and treatment of Ouyang Shiyin.

What the old lady hopes most now is that Feng Qianyun can really inherit the Ouyang family's abilities, and then heal her son Ouyang Shiyin.

Feng Qianyun probed Ouyang Shiyin for a while, but the result surprised her a bit, because Ouyang Shi hidden danger was a fatal disease, and basically no one had this disease now.With the development of human society and biological evolution, some new diseases will continue to be derived. Of course, some diseases will disappear. Generally speaking, this process is irreversible. Once it disappears, it will not reappear. , This is the same as the extinction of species. Once a species disappears, it will no longer exist. The probability of biological evolution to evolve a species that is exactly the same as a species that has disappeared is almost zero.

But now, Ouyang Shiyin is suffering from a fatal disease that has disappeared for hundreds of years.

(End of this chapter)

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