Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 401 The Ouyang Family’s Jackals, Tigers and Leopards

Chapter 401 The Ouyang Family’s Jackals, Tigers and Leopards (3)
Feng Qianyun's words made everyone's eyes focus on Ouyang Muyi, everyone is not a fool, how could they not hear the implication in Feng Qianyun's words?

"Mu Yi, answer Yun Yun's question." The old lady looked at Ouyang Muyi in a cold voice, her eyes were sharp. The old lady has been in Ouyang's house for so many years, and her courage is naturally not something that ordinary old women can mention first.

"I..." Ouyang Muyi's heart broke, and he admitted what he did. Originally, he put medicine in Feng Qianyun's food, and if Feng Qianyun died, he would be exposed, "I put poison in this .”

"Why did you do this?" Seeing that Ouyang Muyi admitted it, the old lady asked sadly. This is her son. Although he is the youngest son, he is not as fond of Ouyang Shiyin, but after all, it is the flesh that fell from her body. .

"I'm sorry, I don't want her to come back to Ouyang's house. I can't accept that a girl inherits the family blood that neither of us inherited, and I don't even want her to cure my elder brother." Ouyang Muyi replied, "I have always been jealous before." Big brother, I'm madly jealous of him, I don't understand why everyone is a child of Ouyang's family, he is born noble, but we are born shorter than him, he learns everything fast, he is so good in everything, now he is sick, I want him dead."

"Mu Yi, you..." The old lady looked at Ouyang Mu Yi with heartache.

"I'm sorry, Mom." Ouyang Muyi turned his face away and stopped visiting the old lady.

The old woman took a deep breath and tried her best to calm down her current mood. When she heard her youngest son say that she was going to kill her eldest son, she was much more excited than knowing that someone had poisoned Feng Qianyun. up.

Even after decades of trials and hardships, it is difficult for the old lady to calm down when faced with such a scene.

"Zhongshu, lock him in the room, and don't let him come out without my permission. I'll talk about it after I've dealt with the matter here." The old lady told Ouyang Zhongshu after a long while of calm.

"Yes, Auntie." Ouyang Zhongshu came up and took Ouyang Muyi down who had done something wrong.

"Yunyun, your father's affairs can't be delayed any longer. You can make a list of what medicinal materials you need and how much you need. With the manpower and material resources of our Ouyang family, it must be much faster than you alone. "The old lady said to Feng Qianyun again, it's not too late, it's better to cure Shi Yin's illness as soon as possible, everything can be made after his illness recovers.

"Yes, that's right." Ouyang Youde hurriedly responded, so that he could use the list Feng Qianyun made to infer the formula of the elixir refined by Feng Qianyun.

"Well, let's go upstairs to see him," Feng Qianyun said in no rush to make an order.

Just at this moment, a maid ran over in a hurry.

"Old madam, there is a call from the eldest lady." The maid ran to Feng Qianyun and the old lady with the phone in her hand. The young maid knew how to act according to her face. Seeing that the old lady loved the eldest lady who had just returned, they Naturally, he didn't dare to neglect any more.

"Who is calling?" Knowing the phone number of Ouyang's house, and knowing that Feng Qianyun is at Ouyang's house at this time, it seems that only that woman is there.

"It's... the ex-wife." The maid replied.

Sure enough, it was Feng Yilin who called.

When Feng Qianyun was in the back, the mobile phone could not receive a signal. The mountains behind were rich in magnets, which affected the magnetic field, so that the mobile phone basically couldn't get through in the back.

Before the old lady could say whether she could answer or not, Feng Qianyun had already taken the phone from the maid first.


"Yunyun, are you okay over there?" Feng Yilin was worried for a whole day because she couldn't make a call with Qianyun.

"I'm fine, mom, don't worry, I'm just here to see a doctor for that man."

"Yunyun, do your best to cure him. The matter between me and him is the matter of our previous generation. I have no relationship with him but it can't change the fact that you are his daughter. Although he is not a qualified Father, after all, I have an unbroken blood relationship with you. I don't want you to hate someone because of me, and that person is your father." Feng Yilin didn't want her daughter to learn to hate at a young age. As a mother's idea, no matter what Ouyang Shiyin thinks of her, she has no right to let her daughter hate her father.

"Mom, don't worry, I know how to handle this matter." Feng Qianyun has a ruler in her heart, and knows how to control the degree. As for hatred, it's not too much. She doesn't know how to hate people. Extinguish it, so why keep it for yourself?
"Well, then mom can rest assured, and your Ping An mother can rest assured. Are you going home today?"

"I'll take care of it as soon as possible, and I'll be back tonight."

"Well, then you are busy first. Mom has hung up the phone."

"Well, bye, Mom."

Feng Qianyun hung up the phone while she was talking, and when she hung up the phone, she saw that the old lady seemed hesitant to speak, as if she wanted to say something to her mother, but the phone had already been disconnected, she wanted to If you want to say it, you can only turn around and call it yourself.

"Well, Yunyun, when will you move back with your mother." The old lady expressed her thoughts.

"Do you think such a broken place is suitable for me to live in?" Feng Qianyun pointed to the magnificent Western-style building of Ouyang's house. If this place was still broken, all the houses in the world could be called thatched cottages.

What does this girl mean?Has she forgotten who she is?

"Hmph, I really think of myself as a character!" Du Qingyan snorted coldly in her heart, she didn't dare to speak out because of the old lady's gag order, she only dared to curse in her heart.

The others also acted based on the old lady's face. The old lady hadn't expressed her opinion yet, so it was hard for them to say anything about Feng Qianyun. Look at Du Qingyan as a typical counterexample.

When we came to Ouyang Shiyin's room, there were three floors of masters around the door. They were all protecting Ouyang Shiyin, including some elders of Ouyang's family. This battle was quite scary.

Feng Qianyun passed through these people and entered the room.

The father and daughter met again, but it was relatively silent.Feng Qianyun glanced at Ouyang Shiyin, who was described as more haggard, and didn't say much, but Ouyang Shiyin seemed to have a lot to say to Feng Qianyun.

(End of this chapter)

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