Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 402 The wife from now on

Chapter 402 The wife from now on (1)
Feng Qianyun walked to Ouyang Shiyin's side, stretched out her hand to hold his wrist, and checked his condition again.

Feng Qianyun was taken aback by the results of her examination!
how come?Feng Qianyun tried to find out again and again in disbelief, but... the result was still the same as her first time.

What surprised her was not Ouyang Shiyin's condition but...she found that Ouyang Shiyin's dantian didn't have any internal force...

Why is this happening?

Both Lie Que and Ouyang Shiyin knew what Feng Qianyun had discovered, but the others did not.

Seeing Feng Qianyun's face changed, the old lady became nervous, "What's wrong? What happened? Did something happen to Shi Yin?"

The old lady hurriedly rushed to Feng Qianyun, her gaze was firmly fixed on Feng Qianyun, and she held Feng Qianyun's hand nervously.

Feng Qianyun glanced at the old lady, and then looked down at Ouyang Shiyin on the bed. Sickness is sickness, and internal energy is gone. These are two different things. The loss of Ouyang Shiyin's internal energy should be related to his current illness It has nothing to do with it.

However, Feng Qianyun didn't know what caused Ouyang Shiyin to lose all his internal strength.

"Mom, you go out with the others first. Yunyun and her friends and I have something to talk about." Ouyang Shiyin's reaction was very quiet. He asked the others to leave the room first. Some things are inconvenient for others to listen to arrive.

"What happened? Is there anything I can't know?" The old lady was afraid that Ouyang Shiyin might have something wrong, so she didn't want to leave.

"Mom, I'm fine, don't worry, you go out with other people first, and I'll ask you to come in later." Ouyang Shiyin said to his mother very calmly.

"But..." The old lady was still worried.

"Mom..." Ouyang Shiyin insisted.

Seeing that Ouyang Shiyin was so persistent, the old lady couldn't say anything, so she reluctantly left Ouyang Shiyin's room. As for Ouyang Youde, Ouyang Zhongshu and others also retreated outside the room, leaving the huge room to Ouyang Shi Yin, Feng Qianyun, and Lie Que are three people.

When there was no one else in the room, Ouyang Shiyin looked at Lie Que for a long time, as if he was sizing up Lie Que.

Although he still couldn't see Lie Que's face, Ouyang Shiyin could deeply feel Lie Que's courage. He believed that this man would definitely not be an ordinary person.

"Is this your real body?"

Lie Que nodded slightly.

"You gave Yunyun?" Ouyang Shi was referring to his inner strength that was taken away by Lie Que.

Column is missing by default.

Ouyang Shiyin let out a long breath, "Forget it, that's fine, at least I can comfort her in my heart." This is what he owes to their mother and daughter. A little compensation for her. "I don't ask who you are, but can you answer me, will you hurt her?"

Ouyang Shiyin knew that he was not qualified to ask Lie Que anything, he didn't even know about the daughter standing in front of him, so what right did he have to ask other questions?
Lie Que glanced at Ouyang Shiyin, his cherry-colored lips slightly parted, and slowly uttered a word: "No."

Lie Que answered Ouyang Shiyin's question.

If Ouyang Shiyin asked Lie Que other questions, Lie Que might not answer it in a very embarrassing manner, but Lie Que would answer this question.

"Well...that's good." Ouyang Shiyin never thought that such a day would happen to himself, but when this time came, many things became clearer.

He was once obsessed with the hot feeling that Du Qingyan brought him. It was the stimulation and love-like feeling that Feng Yilin could not bring him, which made him mistakenly think that his emotions had changed... changed……

After meeting Feng Yilin again, he went crazy several times, irritable because of her change of heart, saddened by her determination, and could not sleep at night.

At this moment, when death was so close to him, he suddenly realized that his heart had never changed, the person he loved was still Feng Yilin, but... I don't know when, I have gotten used to her tenderness , got used to her caring, instinctively thought that she was his appendage, so he didn't care...

People are often like this, the more precious something is, the easier it is to be forgotten.

He raised a mistress outside and found the physical pleasure he had never experienced in Feng Yilin for a long time. He betrayed her, betrayed the relationship between them, and even in order to welcome a new relationship and a new life, He ruthlessly drove her away, and in order to please Xinhuan, he was cruel enough not to give her a single cent of assistance...Let her wander outside alone with her child...

For the past two days, he was lying on the bed, thinking about how sad Feng Yilin would be when she knew that he had betrayed her and faced his unfeeling?

Heh, when he found out that she had a new love, his heart hurt so much... She loved and believed in herself so much at that time, she must be very sad, right?

Lost is lost... No matter how much he regrets now, he can't redeem anything.He hurt her, he regretted it, he wanted to make it up, but he had no chance to make it up...

The dialogue between Ouyang Shiyin and Lie Que made Feng Qianyun a little puzzled. Why did Lie Que and her father seem to have met before?What happened to the conversation between the two?

Most importantly, why did all of Ouyang Shiyin's internal energy disappear?
Receiving Feng Qianyun's probing gaze, Lie Que explained: "The internal force in the Tian Yuan I gave you was taken away from him."

Lie Que didn't intend to hide this matter from Feng Qianyun, the reason why he didn't tell Feng Qianyun when he gave Tianyuan to Feng Qianyun was because he didn't want Feng Qianyun to feel burdened when absorbing Ouyang Shiyin's internal force.

Hearing such an answer, it would be a lie if she said she wasn't shocked at all. Feng Qianyun knew that the internal force in Tian Yuan was a bit strange, but she never thought that it would be Ouyang Shiyin's internal force.

No wonder... Such a powerful internal force, even stronger than what she originally possessed...

"Why did you do this?" Feng Qianyun asked Lie Que, why did he do such a thing?

"He owes you this." Lie Que answered this question when he took away Ouyang Shiyin's inner strength.

"Did you decide to do this from the beginning?" That's why he asked her to agree to come to Ouyang's house that day, because he had planned to take away Ouyang Shiyin's inner strength from the very beginning.

Lie Que didn't deny it, so he acquiesced to Feng Qianyun's guess.

"But, you didn't know how seriously ill he was before you came here." Feng Qianyun said.

Lie Que replied unhurriedly: "Then grab it."

(End of this chapter)

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