Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 403 The wife from now on

Chapter 403 The wife from now on (2)
Lie Que gave Feng Qianyun a simple and direct method.


It turns out that he didn't intend to do things in a civilized way from the very beginning...

Feng Qianyun looked at Ouyang Shiyin again, "Aren't you angry?"

In contrast, Ouyang Shiyin's reaction was even more suspicious. He was such an arrogant person. His life in the first half of his life was very flat. He got what he wanted, and in terms of appearance, even the current him is enough to make women lost for him Mind, crazy about him, let alone him when he was young?In terms of wealth, he is the president of the Ouyang Group. In terms of strength, medical skills, and having inherited the blood of the family, he is simply God's favorite.

Losing the internal strength of this body, how could such an arrogant man be so calm?

"He's right, I owe you this." Ouyang Shiyin stared at Feng Qianyun, with the kindness of a father on his face. "Don't be nervous, I didn't intend to use this internal strength to ask you anything."

Feng Qianyun looked at Ouyang Shiyin like this, and couldn't say anything about him.

To be honest, Feng Qianyun thinks Ouyang Shiyin is cheap.Although this man is her father, she still can't help but say that he doesn't know how to cherish it when she has it, and she must wait until things get to this point before she knows how to make up for it.

Compensation, compensation, Feng Qianyun is very disgusted by the word compensation, why not cherish it before the mistake is made, and do something to save it when you regret it?

If she hadn't been reborn and the gears of fate hadn't been reversed, then Ouyang Shiyin would have suffered from the same disease, and Ouyang Shiyin would probably have died less than a year after she and her mother left Ouyang's house.Probably can't wait to regret it...

"Why bring up the past, you have your life to live, and my mother and I also have our own life to live. After you recover from your illness, you will continue to live." Feng Qianyun said She took out a few pills that she had just refined from her body, and handed them to Ouyang Shiyin, "Take it, although these pills can't cure your illness, they can suppress your illness and make you feel better." There is no need to be so painful during these days."

Ouyang Shiyin's eyes staring at Feng Qianyun are a little moist. His and Feng Yilin's child is already so old that he can already make elixirs by himself... He still remembers how small and delicate she was when she was just born , her little hands are only a little bit in his palm, and now she can use those hands to refine medicine for him to cure diseases.

He remembered that he loved her very much at the beginning, she was his and Yilin's first child, even though it was a girl.

But later, Yilin was unable to conceive another child, and the mother and other elders in the family were very dissatisfied with this matter. I don't know when, he became less intimate with this child, as if seeing her He will feel dizzy.

In fact, what is wrong with the child?
Later, his feelings for Yilin also faded, and he became even more alienated from Yunyun.

Speaking of which, he missed a lot of things.

"Yunyun, now you can answer Dad, have you really inherited the blood of the Ouyang family?" Ouyang Shiyin did not go to receive the elixir Feng Qianyun handed him, but asked Feng Qianyun about it. He asked a lot. Feng Qianyun answered the question over and over again.

Asking this question at this time, Ouyang Shiyin already had a plan in his heart. He had lost all his internal energy and was exhausted. Even if he survived this time by chance, he didn't have the mood to stay in the position of Patriarch and Ouyang Group. The position of the president is up.

At this time, Feng Qianyun has nothing to hide.

Feng Qianyun nodded, "Inherited, both detection and healing abilities have been inherited."

"What?" Ouyang Shiyin looked at Feng Qianyun in shock. When he asked this question, he was more than [-]% sure that Feng Qianyun had inherited the family's supernatural ability, but when Feng Qianyun said that he had inherited When he saw the two abilities, he couldn't help being shocked.

"It's impossible, it's impossible..." Ouyang Shi murmured, saying it was impossible.

"What's impossible? Doesn't Tiangang Yuanqi have the two abilities of detection and healing? Although the detection ability has not appeared for a long time, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist anymore." Feng Qianyun didn't think it was a shock.

"No, that's not the case! It's true that Tiangang Yuanqi has the two abilities of detection and healing, but a bloodline inheritor of the Ouyang family can only inherit one of these abilities. The reason is that the detection ability is a metallic ability, and the healing ability Ability is of the wood attribute, the same person's body has only one attribute, it is impossible to have two attributes at the same time, the five elements are mutually generated and restrained, and metal restrains wood, if there is metal in the body, the existence of the wood attribute cannot be tolerated." Ouyang Shiyin The voice trembled a little.

Regarding the attributes of the body, Feng Qianyun once heard a monk say that it is abnormal for her body to have two different attributes at the same time.

"But the Tiangang vitality in my body does have the ability to detect and heal at the same time." Feng Qianyun doesn't know why this is the case.

"How... how..." Ouyang Shiyin couldn't understand this question, logically speaking, such a situation would never happen, why did such a thing happen to his daughter?
"There are always exceptions to everything." Lie Que said, with no expression on his face, he didn't seem to care much about this matter.

"Forget it, why bother, you take the medicine first." Feng Qianyun held the medicine in her small hand and handed it to Ouyang Shiyin, beckoning him to take it quickly.

Seeing the elixir handed over by his daughter, Ouyang Shiyin felt a burst of grief in his heart.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly to take the pills from Feng Qianyun's hand, and swallowed them one by one. To him, these pills were of great significance.

After swallowing all the pills, Ouyang Shiyin asked Feng Qianyun: "Yunyun, can you forgive Dad?" His eyes contained anticipation and tension.

"I have nothing to forgive you or not to forgive. The person you are sorry for is not me. My mother said that your affairs are your affairs and cannot change the blood relationship between me and you. Although I have no feelings for you, but It's not enough to hate you, at most I hate you, so you don't need to say such things to me."

To be honest, it is not easy for such a proud man to say such things, Feng Qianyun can feel Ouyang Shiyin's regret.Maybe he really wanted to save something, but now that my mother has Uncle Lu, she knows that although her mother looks weak on the outside, she is a very decisive person. be changed casually.

Feng Qianyun's words made Ouyang Shiyin's gaze serious...

(End of this chapter)

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