Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 407 I've been thinking about it for a long time

Chapter 407 I've been thinking about it for a long time (2)
Feng Qianyun opened the door with the spare key that Han Mojue gave her. After entering the door, she saw her mother and Lu Guoxing sitting in the living room. Her mother was waiting for her, while Lu Guoxing was accompanying her mother. wait for her.

Seeing Feng Qianyun coming back, Feng Yilin hurried over. "are you hungry?"

"Well, I'm hungry." Feng Qianyun patted her belly, she was really hungry, and she ate a few pieces of pastries with seasonings all day long.

"Lie Que, you're here too, sit down, I'll cook you something to eat." Seeing that her daughter had returned safely, Feng Yilin finally felt relieved.

Feng Yilin went to the kitchen to make food, Lu Guoxing looked at Feng Qianyun, hesitant to speak, Feng Qianyun knew he had something to ask.

"Uncle Lu, if you want to ask anything, just ask." Feng Qianyun and Lie Que sat down on the sofa.

"How is he?" Lu Guoxing just said little and had a wicked face, but he was neither timid nor stuttering, he just got nervous when speaking in front of Feng Yilin, and without Feng Yilin, he had no problem speaking.

Feng Qianyun knew that the "he" Lu Guoxing asked was Ouyang Shiyin.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I still need some treatment later on. I'll do my best." Feng Qianyun won't talk too much, and she can't give a [-]% guarantee whether she can be cured. The relationship between her and Ouyang's family It's just a paper agreement. If it can't be cured, she will lose half of Ouyang's family property.

"Oh..." Lu Guoxing looked a little uneasy.

"Are you worried that your mother will rekindle their old relationship with him?" This is also normal. The ex-husband of the woman I like is sick, and some worries are inevitable.

"No, I know she's not that kind of woman." It's not the kind of woman who can waver, who won't be entangled with her ex-husband while agreeing to him, Lu Guoxing knows that Feng Yilin is a very clear emotionally A good woman, she either doesn't love, or if she wants to love, she will devote herself wholeheartedly, love desperately.

"I'm worried that Ouyang Shiyin is sick this time and if you go back to treat him, the Ouyang family will move you and her." This is what Lu Guoxing is most worried about. Their mother and daughter were driven away by the Ouyang family. Now that the Ouyang family knows Feng Qianyun's talent, they will want their mother and daughter back.

What Lu Guoxing was worried about has actually happened.

"Uncle Lu, don't worry, I will take care of these things. You just need to protect your mother well. If someone comes to rob you of your mother, remember not to let her be robbed. Sometimes a man must be strong and domineering." a little!"

Feng Qianyun was talking to Lu Guoxing, who would have thought that the man next to her would interrupt again: "Little girl, I am very strong and domineering."

Feng Qianyun turned her head and glared at Lie Que, "Man, are you feeling spring today?"

"I've wanted to have spring for a long time." Lie Que replied generously.


While talking, Feng Qianyun's cell phone rang.

"I guess a certain woman couldn't hold back." Before taking out her phone, Feng Qianyun guessed that it was probably Du Qingyan who called. She even directly invaded Ouyang's house, not only with Ouyang's house Taking half of the family property and changing the old lady's attitude towards her 360 degrees, can Du Qingyan not be in a hurry?

Sure enough, when Feng Qianyun took out her phone, she saw on the phone screen that Du Qingyan was calling.

"Hello..." As soon as Feng Qianyun answered the phone, she heard waves of abuse from the other end of the phone.

"Feng Qianyun, you little bitch, do you think you can go back to Ouyang's house by doing this? I'll tell you to daydream!"

"Little bitch, your mother's city is deep enough, do you want to come back to Ouyang's house? You don't even look in the mirror, just like her resentful woman, you still want to capture Shi Yin's heart again? Go ahead and dream! "

"Bitch, where did you get my brother? Your mother's prostitution money allows you to go to school, so you do this kind of sneaky business for me?"


Du Qingyan yelled at Feng Qianyun and Feng Yilin like a cannonball. She scolded Feng Qianyun and Feng Yilin happily. Feng Qianyun took the phone away from her ear early in the morning. After waiting for a long time, she felt that Du Qingyan should have scolded enough. Put the phone back to your ear.

"Mrs. Ouyang, you have good oral skills. I thought you were only good at bedtime skills. I didn't expect you to be as good at verbal skills. You have a flexible tongue. You can speak so many things in one breath. Take a breather, there are benefits to doing a good oral job. It’s really taught. By the way, I don’t like to hear other people swearing, especially when I’m calling my name. , so if you say another swear word, I will cut off a part of someone's body until it can't be cut, or until it dies, and you can figure it out."

Du Qingyan scolded a bunch of baskets cracklingly, only getting a cold ridicule from Feng Qianyun and a veiled threat.

"You..." Du Qingyan was still angry, and still had more than a dozen baskets of swear words for her mother, but because of Feng Qianyun's last sentence, she swallowed all the swear words back.

"Feng Qianyun, don't be arrogant, I will let you know the consequences of offending me now, and I will make you unable to gain a foothold in the provincial capital! Just wait!" Du Qingyan hung up the phone, then glanced at Z in front of her. At the gate of the big school, that little bitch, if you don't give her a little bit of a hard time, you still don't know who she is, Du Qingyan!
First of all, she made her unable to read!

Du Qingyan sneered, then stepped on her nine-centimeter high heels and walked towards the principal's office of Z University with noble and elegant steps.

Before Du Qingyan came to Z University, she had already made an appointment with the principal of Z University, so she went directly into the principal's office.

"Hello, Mrs. Ouyang." The principal of University Z is a middle-aged man in his 40s, with a bookish air and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, making him seem quite kind.

"Hello, Principal Han." Du Qingyan sat down at the principal's desk, and stopped being courteous to the principal. As soon as she came up, she went straight to the topic of her visit to the principal today, "Principal Han, I would like to ask you about funding the construction of the school's science and technology museum." I have no objection, you can just give the budget plan to my assistant when the time comes, I came to Principal Han today because you have one thing to ask you."

"Oh? I wonder if there is anything that can help Mrs. Ouyang?"

"I hope Principal Han can expel a student from your school."

"Oh? I don't know which student it is?"

"Her name is Feng Qianyun, and she is from the Department of Medicine. I believe that Principal Han will not refuse such a small request, right?" Du Qingyan is very sure about this matter. She believes that the construction of the school's science and technology museum is the biggest As a sponsor, the school will not refuse her such a small request.

(End of this chapter)

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