Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 408 Ouyang Shiyin's Confession

Chapter 408 Ouyang Shiyin's Confession (1)
Han Zhengting smiled, but he rejected Du Qingyan's "reasonable" request without hesitation, "I'm sorry, I can't agree to Mrs. Ouyang's request."

Du Qingyan originally thought that this was a matter of no doubt, but who would have thought that Han Zhengting would reject her straight away!
"Principal Han, don't you even agree to such a small request?" Du Qingyan's face changed immediately, and there was an obvious sense of threat in her words.

"I'm sorry, if it's something within my ability, I will definitely agree to Mrs. Ouyang, but this matter violates the school's principles of handling matters, so I can't promise you." Han Zhengting clearly stated his position and attitude.

"Is it okay even if I withdraw the capital?" Du Qingyan's voice became a little colder in vain. She was afraid that Han Zhengting would not understand her meaning and the consequences of doing so, so she specifically threatened Han Zhengting again with the matter of funds.

"It doesn't matter." Han Zhengting replied very straightforwardly, without any hesitation.

"You!" Du Qingyan was furious, "Forget it, I won't talk to you. What about your secretary? I'll find your secretary."

Since the headmaster is uninterested, she won't talk to him, can't she ask the secretary of their school?
"Unfortunately, I don't think our secretary will be interested in discussing this topic with Mrs. Ouyang. If Mrs. Ouyang wants to withdraw the capital, please do so as soon as possible. You may not get your money back later. Of course, because this investment is for public welfare, our school will not be responsible for any harm caused to Mrs. Du by Madam Ouyang's withdrawal of the capital midway."

Du Qingyan's words not only failed to threaten Han Zhengting to make Han Zhengting compromise with her, but instead made Han Zhengting threaten her.

Du Qingyan looked at Han Zhengting who was sitting in front of her. This man always had a slight smile on his face when he was talking to her. At first she thought his smile was kind, but now it seems that he is a bit like a fox. cunning!

"Okay, okay! You're ruthless! But if you can't threaten me, I will definitely withdraw the funds. It depends on what you do when the time comes! Let the foundation of the science and technology museum be done, and just leave you alone." The principal's face is even worse!" Du Qingyan took her bag, angrily slammed the door and left the principal's office.

"Boom—" the door of the principal's office was slammed shut violently.

Unexpectedly, the noble Mrs. Ouyang behaved so violently. Those who didn't know thought she had met some shrew!

Han Zhengting looked at the door and shook his head with a smile, then picked up the phone on the desk, and dialed a number unhurriedly.

"My dear nephew, just because of you, I lost a large amount of funds. This fund was originally used to build the school's science and technology museum. Should you help fill this vacancy?" Han Zhengting smiled into the phone said the person over there.

"Hey, hello, what's your situation, don't blame me if you're okay? It's none of my business if you lose a sum of money? If you're okay, don't call and disturb me and my friends, okay?"

Han Mojue was at a loss, why did his second uncle come to collect debts from him without a trace?He didn't owe him anything, why did he lose a sum of money and come to him?

Hearing Han Mojue's rant, Han Zhengting was not in a hurry, he said slowly, "Just now a woman named Du Qingyan came to me and asked me to expel a student named Feng Qianyun, but I didn't agree, so she said she would withdraw the capital. , so I lost a sum of funds used to build the school's science and technology museum. Do you think it has something to do with you? If not, I will go back and tell that Du Qingyan not to withdraw the capital. Just get rid of Yun." Han Zhengting said with a smile, it seemed that Han Mojue was decided.

His nephew had been missing for so long, and when he saw him again, he even told him that he was going to be a school lecturer!But it surprised him a lot.

Driven by curiosity, Han Zhengting asked the reason. It turned out that it was because of a girl named Feng Qianyun that she took the qualification certificate test.So Han Zhengting knew that this girl named Feng Qianyun had a special meaning to Han Mojue.

Originally, he would not agree to Du Qingyan's unreasonable request to him, no matter whether the person she asked him to expel was Feng Qianyun or not, he would not joke about his student's future and fate for a few money.

But because the other party was Feng Qianyun, he just had a chance to blackmail his nephew Han Mojue.

After listening to Han Zhengting's words, Han Mojue immediately understood what was going on, "Hey, hey, don't mess around, I will make up for Du Xiaosan's withdrawal. If you dare to fire her, I will mess it up if you turn around." You have no peace!"

Damn Du Qingyan, actually found her daughter-in-law's school, and wanted the school to expel her?He's so fucking pissed off!
"Look at how nervous you are!" Han Zhengting couldn't help laughing at Han Mojue, "But... I have to make troubles this time and again, so it's not enough to just fill in the vacancy, so you have to give it to me anyway. I'll pay twice as compensation, don't you agree?" If there is an opportunity to blackmail Han Mojue, Han Zhengting thought to himself, what if he doesn't blackmail enough money?After passing this village, there is no such shop!
"Second Uncle, you took the money and used it to build the Science and Technology Museum, why are you so serious?"

"Why can't I be serious? I can use more money to buy better equipment for students and provide them with a better learning environment. Why can't I do such a good thing?"

"Okay, okay, you won, I promise you that's it."

"My dear nephew, don't be angry. My second uncle knows that you can make a lot of money. Don't have sex with your best friends a few times. If you work harder, the money will come back, right?" Han Zhengting couldn't help teasing his nephew. Son.

"It's cheap and good-looking, remember, don't tell Yunyun my relationship with you!" Han Mojue warned Han Zhengting.

"Why can't you say it? Don't you let her know that you have a lieutenant general's father, are you afraid that she will know that you have a second uncle who is the principal? Am I embarrassing you for your second uncle?" Han Zhengting was not happy Yes, as if he was so shameless.

"If I told you not to say it, then don't say it. As a principal, why would you talk to your students about it?" Han Mojue didn't want Feng Qianyun to think that he got into Z University by virtue of his connections. That would be shameful, he But it is definitely real material, QS guarantee! "Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I'll hang up first, my precious time is not used to quarrel with you, but to be intimate with my girlfriend, goodbye."

Ouyang Shiyin stood at the gate of the community, his feet seemed to be heavy with lead, because of Feng Qianyun's medicine, his health improved a lot, although it was just an appearance, but at least he could walk around.

He didn't know why he came here, he only knew that after he got out of bed, he had this thought in his mind, to see her, the woman who had been haunting his mind recently.

(End of this chapter)

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