Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 409 Ouyang Shiyin's Confession

Chapter 409 Ouyang Shiyin's Confession (2)
He didn't know that he saw her, what would he say, apologize?He has already said it, and he is very clear about how weak that sentence is, it will only make him more confused and hesitant, compensation?She doesn't seem to need it either, he has become a past in her life, an eternal past.

He doesn't know if he can escape the catastrophe this time, he doesn't know if he can survive, he just doesn't want to stay in Ouyang's house, the greetings from relatives and friends make him breathless, he just wants to come out for a walk , a person, although he knows that his mother will definitely let people follow him, as long as he doesn't appear in front of him.

Unexpectedly, Ouyang Shiyin would have such a day, even when he went out, he would have to be protected by others. It was so useless, should he laugh at himself?

He drove by himself and drove aimlessly all day, admiring the scenery along the way, but his and her memories flashed through his mind.

It turned out that they also had a very good past, so many, so many that it took him a few days and nights to recall, but why did he just forget it?
He suddenly felt that he was so cheap, extremely cheap, and he would not know what he wanted most until he got it. Unfortunately, it was too late. If he had this illness earlier, would he have understood sooner? One point, then he will break up with Du Qingyan completely, then he will not let Du Qingyan have a child, and then he can continue to love her and their daughter.

But, after all, he raised a mistress outside for two years, and then his son was born, and then Yilin and Yunyun were also driven away by him, and he cut off the relationship between husband and wife with his own hands.

Maybe because he was too absorbed in thinking, Ouyang Shiyin actually stood at the gate of the community for more than two hours, and the community administrators had to consider whether to call the police, because Ouyang Shiyin's sad expression made people wonder if he was a mental patient .

"Why did you come out? Aren't you still sick?" Feng Yilin went downstairs to throw out the trash, saw Ouyang Shiyin at the gate of the community from a distance, and walked over.

Ouyang Shiyin was so immersed in his own thoughts that he didn't even notice that Feng Yilin was approaching.

"Yilin, you..." He didn't expect that Feng Yilin would take the initiative to talk to him, which made him inexplicably excited.

Feng Yilin shook her head helplessly, "Would you like to come up and sit down?" Feng Yilin's tone was polite and alienated.

"You..." Ouyang Shiyin never thought that Feng Yilin would invite him upstairs for a sit down, obviously he was so unwelcome by her.

"As long as you don't mess around, you can come here at any time. You are Yunyun's father. I can't erase this fact. If you can't be a husband and wife, there is no need to be enemies." Feng Yilin said calmly with a calm expression.

As long as Ouyang Shiyin doesn't do anything excessive, he can visit his daughter anytime he wants. As for her daughter, she will try to persuade her. She doesn't want her daughter to hate her father at a young age. They are fathers after all. Girls, you shouldn't hate each other like enemies.

Feng Yilin's calm hurt Ouyang Shiyin's eyes, but he still nodded, "Okay."

If he can't make it through this calamity, then this time may be his last chance to have a good talk with Yilin.

Follow Feng Yilin upstairs, there is only Feng Yilin in the family, everyone else has their own things to do, and it is impossible for Lu Guoxing to have nothing to do all the time, just like Lu Dafeng said, he used to be in his pharmacy Helping with chores is no longer possible now, a man must look like a man.

"Sit down, I'll make tea for you, or barley tea?" Feng Yilin greeted Ouyang Shiyin as if she were entertaining ordinary guests.

Ouyang Shiyin laughed at himself in his heart, at least she still remembers her preferences, doesn't she?

"Well, thank you." Ouyang Shiyin didn't stalk Feng Yilin this time, and his attitude towards Feng Yilin became much more polite. It wasn't that he didn't want to, it was that he couldn't. To make her angry?And even if he wanted to use force on her, it would be impossible with his current body.

Feng Yilin didn't say anything, went to make barley tea for Ouyang Shiyin, and handed it to him.

For a while, the two were silent.

"Yunyun, this very precocious." Ouyang Shiyin picked up a topic, the matter between him and her can no longer be discussed, and any further talk will only be full of scars, Ouyang Shiyin knows that he is now to Feng Yilin It's just the child's father, that's all, so the only topic they can talk about is Yunyun.

"In this year, she has changed a lot." It's not only Yunyun who has changed, but also her, isn't she? The environment can make people change. There is no way for people to make the environment adapt to themselves. , Only let yourself adapt to the environment, this is the unchanging law of nature.

"I remember that in the past, she was always very quiet, and she liked to nest in my study room for a whole day." Ouyang Shiyin knew that he didn't care enough about Yunyun before, because of some external factors, he There is always some reluctance to see her, because seeing her will remind him of a problem that has caused him a lot of headaches-the problem of family inheritance, but who would have thought that that problem never existed before. "I still remember that she is very close to that child of the Xia family, and my mother also mentioned my marriage contract with the Xia family before."

"If possible, you can cancel the marriage of the Xia family. Now that Yunyun has left the cage, let her leave completely. Don't let those things haunt her anymore. She is 13 years old. Not too big, not too small, she has the right to choose who she likes."

Ouyang Shiyin originally wanted to talk about Yunyun to ease the embarrassment between him and Feng Yilin, who would have thought that without a few words, there would be a deadlock.

"Yilin, I want to give you some things." Ouyang Shiyin thought for a while, and still planned to hand over some things to Feng Yilin himself. People's minds, these things probably won't reach Feng Yilin's hands.

When I saw Ouyang Shiyin just now, Feng Yilin saw that he seemed to be hiding something in his suit. He has always been the most decent, hiding the documents in his suit, which seems a little funny. It was too much like something he would do. Does being sick make people change?
Feng Yilin read the document once, and frowned.

"These things belong to you, I just kept them for you for so many years."

"Didn't they already belong to Ouyang Group?"

"It's been included in the Ouyang Group, but the company is still under your name. I'll just look after it for you. On the day I let you go, I told myself that I can't be soft-hearted. You, Yunyun, Qingyan, and son, both I can only choose one. I chose the latter and made a promise. I know that I can no longer have any ambiguities with you. I also promised her that I can't divide the property to you. I know there is another Mrs. Ouyang before her."

He chose to preserve Du Qingyan's reputation and the legitimacy of his infant child, and he chose to erase Feng Yilin and Ouyang if they had never appeared...but in fact, they really were... really existed.

At that time, he was very hasty when he made the choice, and he didn't give himself time to hesitate and think too much. Except for promises to Du Qingyan, except for promises to his mother, he really didn't take into account other things. There are also some companies under Feng Yilin's name, but they don't know how to tell Feng Yilin about it.

He is a proud person, let him take the initiative to find his abandoned ex-wife?It seemed impossible, and at that time, he hadn't realized that that woman, the woman who had been around him, no longer belonged to him.

At that time, to Ouyang Shiyin, Feng Yilin was like a lost toy, he knew that the toy was lost somewhere in the room, if he wanted to find it, he would definitely find it, So he will not be in a hurry and will not feel lost.

Looking at the document in front of her, Feng Yilin suddenly felt a little funny. What's the point of him taking out this document now?

"When I said I would hand it over to you, I had already handed it over to you completely. I never thought about getting it back." Feng Yilin didn't go to get the document on the table, saying that the document was actually an inheritance, She gave Ouyang Shiyin the inheritance left to her by her deceased parents, and now Ouyang Shiyin brought it in front of her again.

"Because at that time, you thought you would stay with me for the rest of your life, didn't you?" Ouyang Shiyin's heart was torn and hurt, and he stabbed him again and again.The woman in front of her used to love herself so much, trust herself, and give herself to him wholeheartedly.

Feng Yilin did not deny that she did use all her strength to love the man in front of her. They met in college, and she chased after him. At that time, her good sisters said that she had fallen in love with a kind of There is no antidote to the poison of "Ouyang Shiyin", and there is no cure.

Who says there is no cure?Isn't the poison gone now?After being poisoned for more than ten years, it took her less than a year. At the price of countless tears, his unfeelingness as medicine, countless sleepless nights as soup, and her daughter's strength as supplementary material, she Healed himself.

It turned out that she was not terminally ill.It turns out that love has a shelf life.

(End of this chapter)

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