Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 410 My Future Wife

Chapter 410 My Future Wife (1)
Feng Yilin's silence made Ouyang Shi laugh, it was a self-deprecating smile, everything was done by himself, who can be blamed?
"Yilin, please accept the things. I don't ask you to forgive me." Ouyang Shiyin suddenly felt relieved, he was already such a person, what else could he force a woman who had been hurt deeply by him?

He is her ex-husband, and that’s just what she once was, and she is the woman he fell in love with. He forgot about it, but now he has picked it up, but he can only keep it in his heart, because his ex-wife will be her in the future. Other people's wives will not be his.

"Take it, I'm living a good life now, and I'm not short of money." Feng Yilin doesn't have high requirements for life, and being able to live like this is already very good for her, and she's really not very good at being a Ouyang Shiyin is a person with great business talents. As an ancient family, the Ouyang family originally did not participate in modern business activities, but due to economic pressure, Ouyang Shiyin started from his parents It is not difficult for those who just started to engage in modern business activities, because of the cost, to start a family together, but it is Ouyang Shiyin's credit that Ouyang Group will have today. Those enterprises left to her by her parents are managed by Ouyang Shiyin I also made a lot of money, and the scale has expanded a lot compared to the initial period.

"It's not a question of whether you need money or not. You also said that you want to break up with me, so you should be subordinates to these things, right? Take it!" Ouyang Shi smiled faintly, with a smile on his face. There was a warmth that hadn't been seen for a long time.

Feng Yilin was stunned for a moment, she seemed to see the Ouyang Shiyin from more than ten years ago, a high-spirited but also a sunny senior... She fell into it at that time, and after getting married, his smile became more and more The less, until these few years, he almost never laughed like this again, instead he spent more time being angry.

"Then take back some of it. There is your painstaking effort in it, which is more than what my parents left for me." Feng Yilin said.

"That part, let's take it as what I left for Yunyun. Yunyun is only 13 years old, and she will need the money." Ouyang Shiyin insisted that what he can do is very limited, and he can compensate as much as he can. .

"You..." Feng Yilin shook her head, and she could only give Ouyang Shi a faint smile. It's not that Feng Yilin never thought about this man's turning back. Really, when she first left Ouyang's house, she couldn't sleep every night , Eyes open and close eyes are full of this man's figure.How many times I wished that it was just a dream, nothing happened after waking up from the dream, and he was still her husband after waking up from the dream.Thousands of times, I have fantasized that he will come back to pick her up, tell her that he is wrong, and he wants her and Yunyun to go home.

As a result, the dream at that time became a reality, but it was a bit late, when she had no way to love him anymore, and when she chose to give her love to another man.

Feng Yilin reached out to the table, intending to put away the things that Ouyang Shiyin gave her, and when Yunyun came back, she would ask Yunyun for her opinion. This is not only her own business, but also Yunyun's business .

Feng Yilin was about to reach out her hand.

A bullet came in through the window, directly through the files and desk she was about to touch.

"Be careful!" Realizing that someone was shooting from the top of the opposite building, Ouyang Shiyin instinctively pushed Feng Yilin to the ground.

The target on the opposite side was Feng Yilin. After the first shot, she fired several shots in a row. They used a rifle with a silencer. Except for the loud sound of the first shot bullet breaking the glass, the next few shots had no sound. There is not much movement.

"Don't get up." Ouyang Shiyin pressed Feng Yilin, telling her to hide behind the sofa and not move around.

Feng Yilin was a little puzzled, she looked at Ouyang Shiyin and felt something was wrong.

That's right, how could Ouyang Shiyin's skill...

Feng Yilin remembered that when she first fell in love with Ouyang Shiyin, she thought he was just an ordinary student with a good family background and a good study, but one time, when they went to the top of the mountain to look at the stars in the middle of the night, they encountered a killer. It was the first time she experienced such a scene.

But Ouyang Shiyin was not, he seemed to be very used to encountering that kind of situation, what surprised her even more was Ouyang Shiyin's skill, it was the first time she had seen a duel of masters.

The other party showed a gun and threatened them, telling them to shoot if they dared to move.

She was very scared and didn't dare to move anymore, but Ouyang Shiyin smiled, a little arrogantly.

Then she saw another side of Ouyang Shiyin, a side so strong that it made people speechless, the other side fired, and he caught the bullet precisely, and crushed the bullet into powder with his bare hands, scaring the other side into thinking that he had seen a ghost , and then he crushed the gun to pieces.

She remembered that time a long time later and kept saying that he was the first real-life Superman she had ever seen.

But now... Ouyang Shiyin was nervous, the hand he held her trembled a little, he didn't directly stand up to fight those people, she remembered that with Ouyang Shiyin behind him, the opponent's rifle couldn't hurt him Yes, she also knew that with Ouyang Shiyin's words, he could jump directly from the balcony here to the opposite side, and catch the guy who shot at the opposite side.

But he didn't, neither.Even if she was sick, it wouldn't...become like this.

"What's wrong with you?" Feng Yilin sensed that something was wrong with Ouyang Shiyin.

"It's nothing, because of illness, my health has deteriorated, and I can't use force with others." Ouyang Shiyin lied, and didn't say that he had given Feng Qianyun all his cultivation. "Don't worry, someone came with me, they should do something now."

Ouyang Shiyin comforted Feng Yilin and said that he knew that someone was secretly protecting him, and he should be able to catch the shooter in a while.

"Hmm..." Feng Yilin knew it, and just as she was thinking, she felt warm liquid flowing on her chest.

Feng Yilin reached out and touched the liquid dripping on her chest, it was red...


She herself was not injured, she knew very well, then the blood was...

Feng Yilin looked up and saw Ouyang Shiyin whose face had turned pale, "Have you got it?"

Ouyang Shiyin smiled, "Shh, now we're playing the game of wooden figures, whoever moves first will lose."

The bullets were still flying, hitting the sofa, the coffee table, and the vases in the room, one after another...

Feng Yilin looked at the man who protected her under her body, "Why did you do this? If you feel that you owe me, you have already made up for it."

"Hehe, I don't know, the body moved by itself, and my brain didn't even have time to keep up. I remember that Yunyun scolded me before, but now I think she scolded me very well."

(End of this chapter)

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