Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 411 My Future Wife

Chapter 411 My Future Wife (2)
"Okay, stop talking." Feng Yilin thought, what's the point of talking about those things now, what should have happened and what shouldn't have happened has already happened, and he, who has always been proud, even said such things, What can she blame him for? She is a person who doesn't like to hold grudges, and living like that is too tiring.

"Eileen, do you still remember the time before, when we were in love, everyone thought that I would eat you up as a good girl, and always told you to be on guard against me, but in fact I never dared to touch you?" You, said that you are the precious thing I cherish, and I will have you after I get married, but you always seduce me, haha." At that time, Feng Yilin was very shy, but she was very active, "You said, Why did I meet other women later on, why didn't I control myself, why did I...cough cough cough..."

"Let's talk about these things later." Feng Yilin reached out to Ouyang Shiyin's back and groped gently.

He was shot twice... She pressed the two wounds with her palms to slow down the flow of blood.

"Even if I have a future, we won't have a future." Ouyang Shiyin said and smiled again, "When you first became pregnant with Yunyun, you couldn't sleep well at night, so you ran to the study by yourself Sleeping, saying that I don’t want to disturb me who is busy at work, I said other people’s wives have a bad temper when they are pregnant, why don’t you make any progress at all; you know that I am most afraid of static electricity in winter, and there is no one in my closet. A sweater, you put away all your own sweaters, you don’t want me to be electrocuted when I meet you; you know I’m a picky eater, and you even went to sign up for a cooking class, changing Cantonese cuisine, Hunan cuisine, French cuisine, and Korean cuisine every day Make it for me to eat, you...cough cough..."

Blood dripped from Ouyang Shiyin's mouth as he spoke.

"Stop talking." Feng Yilin didn't know how she was feeling at this moment, she just felt that God had made a big joke.

Finally, there were no more bullets coming, and Feng Yilin pressed Ouyang Shiyin on her body. She stood up with difficulty, trying not to hurt him, and then called Feng Qianyun immediately, asking her to come over immediately.

"You take a break first, I'll get the medicine box and I'll stop the bleeding before Yunyun comes." Feng Yilin followed Lu Dafeng in the pharmacy for a while, and she still knows how to deal with some simple situations.She couldn't take out the bullet for Ouyang Shiyin, so she could only control his bleeding as much as possible.

"Don't go." Ouyang Shiyin grabbed Feng Yilin's hand to prevent her from leaving, "Yilin, talk to me for a while."

"No matter what you want to say, save your own life first."

Feng Yilin forcibly broke free from Ouyang Shiyin's hand holding her, and went into the room to get the medicine box.

Regardless of whether Ouyang Shiyin is willing or not, Feng Yilin insists on stopping the bleeding of Ouyang Shiyin. She said that she has been with Mr. Lu for almost a year, and she should have some medical ethics if she didn't become a doctor. She didn't look at the injured. People die in front of themselves and do nothing.

Feng Qianyun rushed back after receiving a call from her mother. When she entered the room, besides Feng Yilin and Ouyang Shiyin, there were two men who followed Ouyang Shiyin secretly and were caught by them. The man who shot on the top floor of the opposite building, they just subdued the man and knocked him out, and then waited until Ouyang Shiyin was out of danger before dealing with it.

Feng Qianyun is also straightforward, after entering the door, save people without asking the reason, if these two shots were replaced by the usual Ouyang Shiyin, it is impossible to say that they would not hit at all, even if they hit, Ouyang Shiyin's body can still repair itself. Less.

But the current Ouyang Shiyin is impossible, his own illness is not serious, if there is no medicine given to him by Feng Qianyun before, he is still lying on the bed and can't move at all, he didn't even come here by himself He didn't even have the strength to do so, and it was indeed a pain to be hit by two bullets.

Feng Qianyun spent a lot of Tiangang vitality to get Ouyang Shiyin's injury. Fortunately, Ouyang Shiyin's own physique and Tiangang vitality fit well, and his ability to accept Tiangang vitality is much stronger than ordinary bodies. With such a large amount of Tiangang vitality poured into Qian Yun, he would have to run away like Yu Chixiu did that time.

Seeing that Ouyang Shiyin's complexion had recovered a lot, Feng Qianyun wiped off the sweat by herself, her complexion looked a little bad.This man was already ill, and it took too much of her vitality to heal him.

"Yunyun, are you okay?" Seeing that Feng Qianyun was a little dizzy, Feng Yilin hurriedly hugged her in her arms.

"It's okay, he's okay, tell me what happened." Feng Qianyun sat on the sofa next to her with Feng Yilin's support. The room was in a mess, and people were shot everywhere. The other party was clearly aiming at this place and shooting at it.

The living room of Han Mojue's house has a balcony on one side, and the large floor-to-ceiling windows are convenient for the opponent to shoot.

Feng Yilin frowned, and then told Feng Qianyun what happened just now. In fact, she didn't know much about what happened. When she realized it, she was already pressed down by Ouyang Shiyin to protect her.

"Sorry mom, I was negligent this time." When Feng Qianyun asked Feng Yilin to move here before, it was because of Ouyang Shiyin, who had always kept someone with Feng Yilin. After practicing martial arts, Feng Qianyun naturally relaxed.

Feng Qianyun looked at Ouyang Shiyin again, "For the sake of protecting my young, beautiful and gentle mother, let me admit that you are my father."

Look how generous our Qianyun is.

Ouyang Shiyin just smiled at Feng Qianyun and didn't say much.

"Mom, don't live here for the time being. If you have no objection, let's live in Lie Que's house." Lie Que mentioned moving to live with him once before, but his mother lives here very well. Also lazy to move.Now that the house is in chaos, there is no room for people to live in it for the time being, and the other party is not Ouyang Shiyin. Although Ouyang Shiyin can be violent, he is not as despicable as assassination, so it is better to be on guard. Lie Que is relatively Said it would be safer.

"Lie Que?" Hearing the word Lie Que, Ouyang Shiyin's expression changed.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Ouyang Shiyin's appearance, it seems that there is something wrong with the name Lie Que.

"Yunyun, how did you know Lie Que?" Ouyang Shiyin frowned, it wasn't that he wanted to restrict his daughter's friendship, he also knew that he had lost this qualification now, it's just that Lie Que...

"I've known you since we were in M ​​City, and the person who gave me your inner strength is Lie Que."

"He is Lie Que?" Ouyang Shiyin was startled when he heard the words, and then he thought about something, no wonder he used the forbidden technique, no wonder he...

Judging by his attitude towards Yunyun, he seems to be quite good. He is willing to take risks for Yunyun. Using two taboo techniques at once is a very dangerous thing, but he used it.But knowing people, faces, and hearts, it's hard to guarantee what Lie Que's purpose is for Yun Yun, because that man is too dangerous...

"Yes." Feng Qianyun probably knows that Lie Que is not a positive person. At least so far, when people mention Lie Que, his expression is not very good. Lie Que himself said that he is a big villain, who kills, sets fire and commits adultery. The kind of big villain who is omnipotent in robbery, the latter item should be premeditated, and the target is still her.

Ouyang Shiyin was silent, and silently wrote down this matter in his heart. If possible, he would talk to Lie Que.

Feng Qianyun called Lie Que.

"Lie Xiaoque, do you still have enough beds in your house?" As soon as she came up, Feng Qianyun threw such a sentence at the other party.

"It depends on the situation. If you want to come over, there should be no other beds. You can only squeeze with me. If your mother is coming, it should be fine for her to sleep ten by herself. If it is Han Mojue, one There is no room for beds.”

Lie Que on the other end is more direct.

"Lie Xiaoque, can you be more tactful?" Isn't the meaning too obvious?
"I think I've been tactful enough."

"Been taught a lesson."

"Then you can tell me who is going to come and squeeze me now?"

"Someone shot and attacked my mother today. For the safety of my lovely, gentle, noble, elegant and beautiful mother, I have to go to your place for a while, is it convenient?"

"Yes." This is naturally possible. Comrade Lie Que originally wanted Feng Qianyun to move to live with him "with evil intentions". In the future, his wife will always live in another man's house, even if it is Lie Que who is infinitely charming. Lack of comrades is also worrying.

"Then we'll pack up and come over to you later."

"Well, I'll ask Ding Jie and Jia Bing to pick you up."

"Jia Bing is here too?"

"I called him over."

Lie Que's actions were very quick, basically he would take care of Feng Qianyun's phone call with him, and a car would come downstairs to pick them up in half an hour.

Ouyang Shiyin saw Lie Que again, although he still covered his face as tightly as when he met him at Ouyang's house, but after knowing that he was Lie Que, he had a different idea.

"I have something I want to talk to you alone, is that okay?" Ouyang Shi couldn't hold back.

Column shortcoming head, no objection.

The two stepped aside.

"Are you Lie Que?" Ouyang Shiyin cut to the point.


"You are to Yunyun..."

"My future daughter-in-law." Both of them were very straightforward, the questions Ouyang Shiyin asked Lie Que would answer him directly if he wanted to answer, and ignore those who didn't want to answer.

Lie Que's straightforward answer made Ouyang Shiyin think for a long time.

His lips moved, but he didn't say what he wanted to say, and asked him why he liked Yun Yun who was only 13 years old?Yun Yun is not an unattractive girl.Ask him if he is sincere?If he is sincere, he is sincere. If he is not sincere, he will not be able to find out if he asks. Let him treat Yunyun better?If he hurts Yunyun, there is no need for him to say such unnecessary words, if he doesn't hurt, he can't stop him even if he breaks his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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